23 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of <i>M</i>. <i>tuberculosis cyp125</i>Δ strain to azole inhibition of growth.

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    <p>Strains were inoculated into liquid medium containing clotrimazole at 1 and 10 μg/ml and growth compared to untreated (no clotrimazole = 0). A—wild-type strain; B–<i>cyp125</i> deletion strains; C—complemented strain, Data are the mean and standard deviation of three independent cultures.</p

    Growth of <i>M</i>. <i>tuberculosis</i> in the presence of nitric oxide or hydrogen peroxide.

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    <p>Strains were inoculated into liquid medium containing DETA-NO to generate NO (A and B), or hydrogen peroxide (C and D). A and C—wild type; B and D–<i>cyp125Δ</i> strain. DETA-NO concentrations were: diamond– 0; square 50 μM; triangle 100 μM; cross 200 μM. Hydrogen peroxide concentrations were: diamond– 0; square 10 μM; triangle– 20 μM. Data are the mean and standard deviation of three independent cultures.</p

    Growth of the <i>M</i>. <i>tuberculosis cyp125</i>Δ strain in liquid medium with carbon as the glucose source.

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    <p>Strains were inoculated into liquid medium containing glucose as the sole carbon source. Square—wild-type; circle–<i>cyp125</i>Δ strain; triangle—complemented strains. Data are the mean and standard deviation of three independent cultures.</p

    Hazard ratios and confidence intervals for the risk of overall and different types of cancer for standardized log overall mean glucose and fructosamine.

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    *<p>Interaction between glucose and fructosamine in relation to cancer risk.</p>1<p>Standardized log glucose and fructosamine were each analyzed in separated models; adjusted for age.</p>2<p>Adjusted for age, sex, SES, fasting status, history of diabetes, lung and cardiovascular disease, serum albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides.</p>3<p>Subcohort of those with BMI values (N = 2,828).</p>4<p>Subcohort of nondiabetic persons, defined as those with serum glucose level <7.0 mmol/L at all measurements and without registered hospital discharge diagnosis of diabetes mellitus prior to the date of last measurement (N = 10,743); not adjusted for history of diabetes.</p>5<p>Subcohort of fasting persons; not adjusted for fasting status (N = 5,026);</p>6<p>Stratified analysis by glucose tertiles to evaluate the interaction between glucose and fructosamine; standardized log glucose was not included in the model.</p>7<p>Sex-stratified analysis in men; not adjusted for sex.</p>8<p>Sex-stratified analysis in women; not adjusted for sex; adjusted for parity and age at first childbirth.</p

    Hazard ratios for the risk of different types of cancer for groups of population based on tertiles of overall mean glucose and fructosamine.

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    <p>All models were adjusted for age, SES, fasting status, history of diabetes, lung and cardiovascular disease, serum albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides. Additional adjustment for sex was performed for colorectal and lung cancer, as well as for parity and age at first childbirth for breast cancer. P-values for interaction were 0.29, 0.93, 0.01, and 0.08 for prostate, breast, colorectal and lung cancer, respectively.</p

    Comparison between population with repeated measurements and single measurement of glucose and fructosamine in the AMORIS Study.

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    *<p>Standardized log glucose and fructosamine were each analyzed in the same models; adjusted for age, sex, SES, fasting status, history of diabetes, lung and cardiovascular disease, serum albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides.</p

    Detection of fluorescent reporters in <i>E. coli</i> DH5α.

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    <p><i>E. coli</i> transformants were cultured and diluted (from left to right) to an OD<sub>580</sub> of 0.25, 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01, representing cell densities of 5.5×10<sup>6</sup>, 1.5×10<sup>6</sup>, 7.7×10<sup>5</sup> and 1.1.×10<sup>5</sup> per mL respectively. Fluorescence was quantified at the following wavelengths: mCherry 587/610 nm, mKat 588/635 nm, mPlum 590/649 nm, tdTomato 554/581 nm, Turbo-635 588/635 nm. Data are the averages and standard deviations from three independent transformants. A value of 1015 corresponds to saturation of the machine. The reporter, promoter and vector backbone are indicated. WT = wild-type oriM; ΔHC – high copy number derivative oriM.</p