31 research outputs found

    Total developmental time of <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> immatures (from first instar to adulthood), weight of the fourth instar, survival time under starvation of third instars and 6h predation rate by third instars (% of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids killed) when offered various diets.

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    <p>Values in the same column followed by a different letter are significantly different. n: sample size.</p><p>Total developmental time of <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> immatures (from first instar to adulthood), weight of the fourth instar, survival time under starvation of third instars and 6h predation rate by third instars (% of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids killed) when offered various diets.</p

    Total developmental time of <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> immatures (from first instar to adulthood), weight of the third instar, survival time under starvation of third instars and 6h predation rate by third instars (% of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids killed) when offered various diets.

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    <p>Values in the same column followed by a different letter are significantly different. n: sample size.</p><p>Total developmental time of <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> immatures (from first instar to adulthood), weight of the third instar, survival time under starvation of third instars and 6h predation rate by third instars (% of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids killed) when offered various diets.</p

    IGP by <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> on <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> on potted pepper plants after 24h.

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    <p>Percentage of third instars of <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> reared on an <i>ad libitum</i> or limited supply of aphids that were killed through IGP on pepper plants after 24h by third instars of <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> reared on various diets. Aph ad lib: <i>ad libitum</i> supply of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids, Aph lim: limited supply of aphids, Pollen: moist honey bee pollen. No statistically significant effect of larval diet of <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i> was found (generalized linear model with Poisson error distribution and a log link function). Error bars represent SE-values.</p

    IGP by <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> on <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> in Petri dishes after 90 minutes.

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    <p>Percentage of third instars of <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> reared on an <i>ad libitum</i> or limited supply of aphids that were killed through IGP in Petri dishes after 90 minutes by third (A) and fourth (B) instars of <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> reared on various diets. Eph: <i>Ephestia kuehniella</i> eggs, Aph ad lib: <i>ad libitum</i> supply of <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i> aphids, Aph lim: limited supply of aphids, Pollen: moist honey bee pollen. The effect of larval diet of <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i> is indicated by lowercase letters (generalized linear model with Poisson error distribution and a log link function); within each panel, groups of bars followed by a different letter are significantly different. Error bars represent SE-values.</p

    Number of contacts (sum of the contacts that led to an attack and those without consequences) during the first 90 min of the Petri dish IGP experiments, number of contacts that resulted in an attack by <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> or <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> and total number of replicates in which the attack by <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i> was successful (n = 20) for each combination of larvae reared on the various diets (means ± SE). L3–L4: third and fourth instar of <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i>.

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    <p>Number of contacts (sum of the contacts that led to an attack and those without consequences) during the first 90 min of the Petri dish IGP experiments, number of contacts that resulted in an attack by <i>Harmonia axyridis</i> or <i>Episyrphus balteatus</i> and total number of replicates in which the attack by <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i> was successful (n = 20) for each combination of larvae reared on the various diets (means ± SE). L3–L4: third and fourth instar of <i>H</i>. <i>axyridis</i>.</p

    The background of the postwar renewal of Czechoslovak Social Democracy

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    Poltické strany představovaly a dodnes představují nedílnou součást českého, popř. československého politického systému. Nejinak tomu bylo i v období tzv. lidové demokracie v letech 1945-1948, kdy si politické strany tvořící součást Národní fronty udržely roli jednoho z hlavních tvůrců nového režimu. Vždyť moskevská jednání o první poválečné vládě a charakteru nového politického systému v Československu nebyly ničím jiným než rozhovory vedenými zástupci jednotlivých politických stran patřících do Národní fronty. Jednu z nich představovala též obnovená sociálně demokratická strana, vystupující nyní pod pozměněným názvem Československá sociální demokracie. Předpoklady její poválečné obnovy jsou hlavním tématem předložené práce. Bakalářskou práci jsem nazval Předpoklady poválečné obnovy sociálně demokratické strany. Mým cílem je předložit v této souvislosti všechny základní rysy, události či jevy spjaté s otázkou poválečné výstavby sociálně demokratické strany. Z názvu práce chci zdůraznit zvláště slovo "předpoklady", jež má jasně vyjádřit, že zde nebude věnována pozornost pouze problematice obnovy započaté až na osvobozeném území Československa, nýbrž též zdrojům čili předpokladům tohoto jistě pozoruhodného procesu. K pochopení vývoje sociální demokracie vletech 1945-1948 je totiž nutné sledovat též její..

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Variation in life history traits and transcriptome associated with adaptation to diet shifts in the ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri

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    Summary of the sequence reads obtained from eight transcriptome libraries of C. montrouzieri. Eight transcriptome libraries are from fourth instar larvae feeding on mealybugs (LM1 and LM2), fourth instar larvae feeding on aphids (LA1 and LA2), female adults feeding on mealybugs (AM1 and AM2) and female adults feeding on aphids (AA1 and AA2). Table S2. Summary of the assembled contigs, transcripts and unigenes obtained from the combined reads of eight transcriptome libraries of C. montrouzieri. Table S3. Summary of integrated annotations of unigenes and differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Table S4. Summary of the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Table S9. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) primers used in this study. (DOCX 20 kb