85 research outputs found
Singlet fermion Dark Matter within Left-Right Model
We discuss singlet fermion dark matter within a left-right symmetric model
promoting baryon and lepton numbers as separate gauge symmetries. We add a
simple Dirac fermionic dark matter singlet under with nonzero and
equal baryon and lepton number which ensures electric charge neutrality. Such a
dark matter candidate interacts with SM particles through the extra
gauge bosons. This can give rise to a dark matter particle of a
few hundred GeV that couples to TeV scale gauge bosons to give the
correct relic density. This model thus accommodates TeV scale
gauge bosons and other low scale BSM particles, which can be easily probed at
LHC.Comment: Discussions added for dark matter direct and indirect detection
constraints. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.
Type III Seesaw and Dark Matter in a Supersymmetric Left-Right Model
We propose a new supersymmetric left right model with Higgs doublets carrying
odd B-L charge, higgs bidoublet and heavy Higgs triplets with zero B-L charge
and a set of sterile neutrinos which are singlet under the gauge group. We show
that spontaneous parity violation can be achieved naturally in this model and
the neutrino masses arise from the so called type III seesaw mechanism. We also
discuss the possible phenomenology in the context of neutrino masses and dark
Post-Sphaleron baryogenesis and oscillation in non-SUSY SO(10) GUT with gauge coupling unification and proton decay
Post-sphaleron baryogenesis, a fresh and profound mechanism of baryogenesis
accounts for the matter-antimatter asymmetry of our present universe in a
framework of Pati-Salam symmetry. We attempt here to embed this mechanism in a
non-SUSY SO(10) grand unified theory by reviving a novel symmetry breaking
chain with Pati-Salam symmetry as an intermediate symmetry breaking step and as
well to address post-sphaleron baryogenesis and neutron-antineutron oscillation
in a rational manner. The Pati-Salam symmetry based on the gauge group is realized in our model at
GeV and the mixing time for the neutron-antineutron oscillation process having
is found to be \tau_{n-\bar{n}} \simeq
10^{8}-10^{10}\,\mbox{secs} with the model parameters which is within the
reach of forthcoming experiments. Other novel features of the model includes
low scale right-handed , gauge bosons, explanation for
neutrino oscillation data via gauged inverse (or extended) seesaw mechanism and
most importantly TeV scale color sextet scalar particles responsible for
observable oscillation which can be accessible to LHC. We also look
after gauge coupling unification and estimation of proton life-time with and
without the addition of color sextet scalars.Comment: v2: 28 pages, matches the version to be published in European
Physical Journal
Spontaneous Left-Right Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Models with only Higgs Doublets
We studied the question of parity breaking in a supersymmetric left-right
model, in which the left-right symmetry is broken with Higgs doublets (carrying
). Unlike the left-right symmetric models with triplet Higgs scalars
(carrying ), in this model it is possible to break parity
spontaneously by adding a parity odd singlet. We then discussed how neutrino
mass of type III seesaw can be invoked in this model by adding extra fermion
singlets. We considered simple forms of the mass matrices that are consistent
with the unification scheme and demonstrate how they can reproduce the required
neutrino mixing matrix. In this model, the baryon asymmetry of the universe is
generated via leptogenesis. The required mass scales in the model is then found
to be consistent with the gauge coupling unification.Comment: 19 pages, 1 eps figur
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