288 research outputs found

    Management Performance in Islamic Senior High School Education: An Empirical Study

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    Some researchers conclude that school headmasters play an important role on school effectiveness. As the "spearhead" management holder, schools’ headmasters must have a generic set of management skills such as planning, communicating, organizing and controlling. The complexity of the tasks and responsibilities of the headmasters in managing schools’ management that leads to become a headmaster. They must have adequate competence. Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and achievement motivation are part of the performance management where school headmasters must build in order to improve their performance. In this study, emotional intelligence contributes 0.65% to the performance of the school’s headmasters. Job satisfaction gives influence on 23.5%, motivation influence on the performance of the school headmasters is 20.7%, while the influence of the three variables together is 30.1%. Keywords: Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, achievement motivation and performance

    Manajemen kolaboratif guru bidang studi dan guru bimbingan konseling dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan siswa pada SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Kolaboratif atau kerjasama: (a) bagaimana peran, upaya, kendala yang dihadapi oleh kepala sekolah dalam pengelolaan kolaboratif (kerjasama) guru yang berjumlah 14 orang terbentuk dua kelompok yaitu Guru Bidang Studi dan Guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Siswa Pada SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan?, (b) upaya-upaya apa yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam melaksanakan Manajemen Kolaboratif?, dan (c) kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi kepala sekolah SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan dalam Manajemen Kolaboratif?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui berbagai teknik dalam pendekatan kualitatif diantaranya: wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi studi kepustakaan, dan analisis. Hasil penelitian: (1) kepala SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan telah melaksanakan peranannya sebagai kepala sekolah dalam Manajemen Kolaboratif diantaranya sebagai: pendidik (educator), manajer (manager), administrator, penyelia (supervisor), pemimpin (leader), inovator dan motivator. (2) upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan kepala sekolah SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan, diantaranya: meningkatan profesionalisme dan kompetensi guru; menyusun program sekolah yang akan dilaksanakan; memberdayaan sumber tenaga kependidikan secara optimal; menyediaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan; meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru; mengadakan program bimbingan dan pengayaan; dan menjalin kerjasama kemitraan dengan masyarakat. (3) kepala sekolah SMA Muhammadiyah Kasongan, telah melakukan analisis SWOT yakni analisis terhadap kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dihadapi sekolahnya

    Management performance in Islamic senior high school education : an empirical study

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    Some researchers conclude that school headmasters play an important role on school effectiveness. As the "spearhead" management holder, schools’ headmasters must have a generic set of management skills such as planning, communicating, organizing and controlling. The complexity of the tasks and responsibilities of the headmasters in managing schools’ management that leads to become a headmaster. They must have adequate competence. Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and achievement motivation are part of the performance management where school headmasters must build in order to improve their performance. In this study, emotional intelligence contributes 0.65% to the performance of the school’s headmasters. Job satisfaction gives influence on 23.5%, motivation influence on the performance of the school headmasters is 20.7%, while the influence of the three variables together is 30.1%.peer-reviewe

    Leadership Influence Toward Professionalism in Teaching and Learning Quality at IAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung

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    This research was conducted at IAIN Raden Intan Bandar Lampung which is aimed at revealing the influence of leadership on the lecturers’ professionalism and teaching-learning quality. The study uses a quantitative approach through descriptive correlation technique and regression by using parametric statistical analysis. The research findings show that the three hypothesis can be accepted as supported by empirical as following: 1) the influence of leadership upon lecturers’ professionalism is 12.5%, with the strength low correlation as (0.354); 2) the leadership influence toward the learning quality is 0.81% with a low correlation strength i.e. 0.285; and 3) the lecturers’ professionalism influence on learning quality is equal to 63.9%, with a strong correlation (0.799)

    Work Culture of an Islamic Junior

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    Islamic Junior High School also known as Moarasah Tsanawiyah was introduced to the Indonesian education to produce quality education. But in reality. the quality of education is still low. One of the reasons of this phcnorncnon is due to the performance of teachers which is below standard. One of the factors to elevate these standards is the ethics of work culture. Work culture is a set of behavioral patterns that arc inherent in almost every iudrvrdual in an organization. Building a culture also means improving maintaining positive sides. This study was conducted with Focus Group Discussion and interviews with teachers, leaders, school commitres, staff and students from three different madrasah to sec how the culture values such as integrity. professionalism. innovation. responsibility and exemplary was utilized in this study. Based on the results. it was observed that these yet the result arc far from satisfacuon. The reasons for this is due to the lack of communication, limited of human resources in the field of technology. and poor understanding of rules and applicable laws Therefore. ti is pertinent for the M1n1su1• of Religious Affairs and these Madrasah Tsanawtyah to work closely to ensure a good working environment is achieved. Keywords: Integrity, profcsionatism, innovation, responsibility, exemplar


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh alat ukur pada konten sifat materi menggunakan konteks klasifikassi material yang mampu mengukur literasi sains siswa SMP. Proses konstruksi alat ukur disesuaikan dengan karakteristik soal-soal Program for International Student Assesment (PISA) serta kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar kurikulum 2013. Model penelitian yang digunakan merupakan model rekonstruksi pendidikan terbatas pada tahap pertama yaitu klarifikasi analisis wacana. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah mix method jenis sequential exploratory, yang dimulai dengan pengumpulan dan analisis data kualitatif dengan tujuan eksplorasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengumpulan dan analisis data kuantitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri atas lembar kesesuaian aspek konteks dan konten, alat ukur penilaian literasi sains, dan lembar validasi ahli. Data kualitatif yang diperoleh berupa karakteristik teks bacaan konten-konteks dari hasil analisis wacana dan alat ukur penilaian literasi sains. Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh adalah nilai CVR hasil validasi ahli, dan nilai hasil uji reliabilitas. Nilai CVR untuk kesesuaian indikator dengan kompetensi dasar adalah 1; kesesuaian indikator dengan kompetensi PISA 2012 adalah 0,977; dan untuk kesesuaian indikator dengan butir soal diperoleh nilai CVR sebesar 0,988, serta nilai kesesuaian butir soal dengan jawaban sebesar 1. Secara keseluruhan alat ukur yang dikonstruksi memiliki nilai CVI 0.988. Data kuantitatif lainnya berupa hasil uji reliabilitas sebesar 0,645 dengan tafsiran bahwa alat ukur penilaian yang dikembangkan memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi. Disimpulkan bahwa alat ukur yang dikonstruksi valid secara isi maupun konstruk, serta memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi. This study aimed to obtain a measurement instrument of scientific literacy junior high school students on the content of material properties using the context of the classification of material. The construction process of measurement instrument adapted to the characteristics of the questions Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the core competencies and competency base on curriculum 2013. The research model that used in this research is a model of educational reconstruction, but it’s only on the first stage of clarification discourse analysis. The research design is sequential exploratory mixed methods, which begins with the collection and analysis of qualitative data with the purpose of exploration, followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data. The instruments in this research consisted of sheets of context and content suitability aspects, and validation sheet. Qualitative data were obtained in the form of text characteristics of content-context reading of the results of the analysis of discourse, and than the result of quantitative data are CVR value of expert validation, and the value of reliability test results. CVR value for suitability indicators with basic competence is 1; suitability indicators with competence PISA 2012 is 0.977; and for suitability indicators with items obtained CVR value of 0.988, and than the value of suitability items with the answer is 1. Overall the value of CVI for this instrument is 0988. The other quantitative data in reliability test results is 0,645 with the interpretation that the measuring instrument developed assessment has high reliability. It was concluded that instrument of measurement constructed in content and construct is valid, and has high reliability

    Leadership styles, motivation achievers and quality in cultural teaching

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    This research was conducted in senior high schools in Gorontalo city. The approach used is quantitative research, with survey methodology. The population research consists of senior high school teachers from the city of Gorontalo. There are 375 people in the sample, coming from 4 public schools and 3 private senior high schools in Gorontalo. The analysis is based on 66 teachers obtained by a random way using Strata methodology. Other variables were collected using a questionnaire instrument while the empirical evidence used statistical regression with significant levels α = 0,05. The findings in this research are as follows: (1) There is a positive relationship between principal leadership style to teacher’s work discipline. It means that when the principal leadership style is good and right will improve the work discipline of the teacher. (2) There is a positive influence on the principal of leadership style to teacher’s motivation achievers. It means that the better the leadership style by the principal, the higher the achieving motivation by the teacher. (3) There is a positive influence on the principal of leadership style to quality culture teacher. It means that the better the leadership style by the principal, the more easily the implementation of quality culture by the teacher. (4) There is a positive influence on motivation achievers to teacher’s work discipline. It means that the higher achievement motivation that teachers have, the more easily the increase in teacher’s work discipline. (5) There is a positive influence on teachers’ work discipline with high quality culture teachers. It means that the better the teacher’s work discipline, the more easily the application of high quality culture to teacher. (6) There is a positive influence of teacher’s motivation achievers to quality culture teachers. It means that the higher motivation achievers teachers have the more easily is to apply high quality culture teachers.peer-reviewe

    pengaruh skala usaha, umur perusahaan dan pengetahuan akuntansi terhadap penggunaan sistem informasi akuntansi pada UMKM Industri Logam di Kabupaten Tegal

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of business scale, company age and accounting knowledge on the use of accounting information systems. The population used in this study were all Metal Industry UMKM entrepreneurs in Tegal Regency, totaling 124 UMKM. The sample in this study was 55 UMKM in Tegal Regency. Data collected in this study are primary data sources, namely by distributing questionnaires. Data collection tecniques using random sampling techniques. The analytical method used in this study uses the instrument validity test, instrument reliability test, descriptive statistical test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis test and coefficient of determination test. The results showed that the business scale and accounting knowledge variables did not have a positive effect on the use of accounting information systems, while the age of the company had a positive effect on the use of accounting information systems. Keywords: business scale, company age and accounting knowledge, use of accounting information system
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