32,272 research outputs found

    Generation of higher order nonclassical states via interaction of intense electromagnetic field with third order nonlinear medium

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    Interaction of intense laser beam with an inversion symmetric third order nonlinear medium is modeled as a quartic anharmonic oscillator. A first order operator solution of the model Hamiltonian is used to study the possibilities of generation of higher order nonclassical states. It is found that the higher order squeezed and higher order antibunched states can be produced by this interaction. It is also shown that the higher order nonclassical states may appear separately, i.e. a higher order antibunched state is not essentially higher order squeezed state and vice versa.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Simulation tools for silicon photonics arrayed waveguide gratings

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    Continuous wavelet transform on local fields

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    The main objective of this paper is to define the mother wavelet on local fields and study the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and some of their basic properties. its inversion formula, the Parseval relation and associated convolution are also studied

    A Marstrand type slicing theorem for subsets of Z2⊂R2\mathbb{Z}^2 \subset \mathbb{R}^2 with the mass dimension

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    We prove a Marstrand type slicing theorem for the subsets of the integer square lattice. This problem is the dual of the corresponding projection theorem, which was considered by Glasscock, and Lima and Moreira, with the mass and counting dimensions applied to subsets of Zd\mathbb{Z}^{d}. In this paper, more generally we deal with a subset of the plane that is 11 separated, and the result for subsets of the integer lattice follow as a special case. We show that the natural slicing question in this setting is true with the mass dimension.Comment: 18 pages; Clarified definitions in Section 2 which were not there in the earlier versio
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