243 research outputs found

    Matrimonio “homosexual” y ciudadanía: la hipótesis de la resignificación

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    This article investigates the relationship between same-sex marriage and access to citizenship. If we agree that homosexuals have been a historically minorized social group, the demand for same-sex marriage reveals a paradox that must be questioned: the institution which was considered as one of the cornerstones of oppression has become worth struggling for. It is also regarded as a potential way to citizenship. This piece of writing attempts to further define the inclusion model which could underpin this claim. Given the limits of existing analytical models, it suggests a new one, which is called inclusion through resignification, and is inspired by the work of Judith Butler. Through its confrontation to other examples, this model appears as intrinsically fragile, a characteristic linked to its perpetual openness.En este artículo, se trata de las relaciones entre “matrimonio gay” y acceso a la ciudadanía. Si admitimos que los/as homosexuales han constituido históricamente un grupo minorizado, la demanda de apertura del matrimonio desvela una paradoja que debe ser cuestionada: la institución que era considerada como uno de los pilares de la opresión se convierte en objetivo de lucha y, sobre todo, un medio potencial de acceso a la ciudadanía. Se intenta aquí profundizar en la naturaleza del modelo de inclusión que podría fundar esta demanda. Frente a los límites de las parrillas analíticas existentes, se presenta la hipótesis de un nuevo modelo de inclusión, que se podría, a partir de Judith Butler, calificar de inclusión a través de la resignificación. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de ejemplos extraídos del estudio de otros grupos sociales, se concluye destacando su fragilidad, que está ligada a su carácter perpetuamente abierto

    Pursuing Marriage Equality in Four Democracies: Canada, the United States, Belgium, and Spain

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    Viewing litigation as an effective weapon in minority group politics gay and lesbian rights activists in Canada and the United States turned to the judicial arena seeking the courts affirmation of their fundamental right to marry In contrast Belgian and Spanish activists refrained from constitutional litigation choosing instead to pursue marriage equality by appealing to national legislative and executive institutions and developing insider strategies within the political parties This paper explores the asymmetry between the four countries it highlights the key differences and similarities among them and offers preliminary explanations for the disparities in strategies for marriage equality It concludes that the strategies developed by same-sex marriage advocates in these four cases reflected their countries legal and political environment as well as their historical approach to social refor

    Revendiquer le "mariage gay" 

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    A new step in the process of legal recognition of same-sex unions, "gay marriage" is now being debated in many countries. This pioneering book examines the emergence of this demand in Belgium, Spain and France, three states where gay and lesbian activists demanded the right to marry early on.Nouvelle étape dans le processus de reconnaissance légale des unions de même sexe, le « mariage gay » est aujourd’hui débattu dans de nombreux pays. Ce livre pionnier se penche sur l’émergence de cette revendication en Belgique, en Espagne et en France, trois États où les militants gays et lesbiens exigèrent très tôt le droit de se marier

    Revendiquer le "mariage gay" 

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    A new step in the process of legal recognition of same-sex unions, "gay marriage" is now being debated in many countries. This pioneering book examines the emergence of this demand in Belgium, Spain and France, three states where gay and lesbian activists demanded the right to marry early on

    Exploring TERFnesses

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    Editorial for the 10(2) Special Issue of DiGeSt: Journal of Diversity and Gender Studie

    El género como rescurso político: El uso estratégico del género por Michelle Bachelet (Chile) y Laurette Onkelinx (Bélgica)

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    Este artículo se enfoca en la utilización estratégica del género que desarrollan dos prominentes mujeres políticas: Michelle Bachelet en Chile y Laurette Onkelinx en Bélgica. A diferencia de la mayoría de los estudios del área de mujeres y política, el artículo destaca que el género no debe ser entendido solo como una barrera para su inclusión sino que debe ser visto como un recurso político en la medida en que las mujeres en política lo utilizan para perfilar de manera significativa su imagen pública. Bachelet y Onkelinx han intentado dotar de nuevos significados a la maternidad al proponer nuevas combinaciones de sus identidades como mujeres, esposas y madres, definiendo esos procesos en particular en función de los contextos socio-políticos: Bachelet necesitaba probar que ella podía ser una mujer en política sin dañar a la política, re significando la femineidad como un aporte para ella, mientras que Onkelinx quería demostrar que ella podía ser una mujer en política sin dañar a la familia. Palabras claves: género, recurso político, maternidad, Bachelet, Onkelin

    La “ideología de género” frente a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El escenario español

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    Se analiza el caso español como laboratorio europeo en el que se han ensayado las estrategias de movilización basadas en el discurso de la “ideología de género” contra los derechos sexuales y de las mujeres por parte de actores ultraconservadores, con especial atención a los actores católicos. Se presentan cuatro momentos: el discurso de la Iglesia Católica, como fuente originaria del lenguaje de este nuevo pánico moral; las reformas legales progresistas que detonan el ciclo de protesta; la contestación social de los grupos conservadores y la posterior reacción conservadora moderada desde la acción de gobierno

    The litmus test of pride: analysing the emergence of the Belgrade “Ghost” pride in the context of EU accession

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    The transformation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights into a “standard for civilisation” has not been without consequences. With LGBT Pride parades becoming a symbol for Europeanness in the European Union (EU) accession process, this article asks how the litmus test character of Belgrade Pride has transformed LGBT politics in Serbia. Empirically, the analysis provides an in-depth analysis of how Serbia’s EU accession process has shaped the politics of Belgrade Pride between 2001 and 2015 and vice versa. It is argued that the international symbolic usage of Pride is no innocent practice as it has foreclosed its local politicality. Indeed, whilst Belgrade Pride became politicised as a litmus test in the EU accession process, domestically it developed into an apolitical ritualised event devoid of LGBT politics

    FRAX (R): Prediction of Major Osteoporotic Fractures in Women from the General Population: The OPUS Study

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    Purposes: The aim of this study was to analyse how well FRAXH predicts the risk of major osteoporotic and vertebral fractures over 6 years in postmenopausal women from general population. Patients and methods: The OPUS study was conducted in European women aged above 55 years, recruited in 5 centers from random population samples and followed over 6 years. The population for this study consisted of 1748 women (mean age 74.2 years) with information on incident fractures. 742 (43.1%) had a prevalent fracture; 769 (44%) and 155 (8.9%) of them received an antiosteoporotic treatment before and during the study respectively. We compared FRAXH performance with and without bone mineral density (BMD) using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) c-statistical analysis with ORs and areas under receiver operating characteristics curves (AUCs) and net reclassification improvement (NRI). Results: 85 (4.9%) patients had incident major fractures over 6 years. FRAXH with and without BMD predicted these fractures with an AUC of 0.66 and 0.62 respectively. The AUC were 0.60, 0.66, 0.69 for history of low trauma fracture alone, age and femoral neck (FN) BMD and combination of the 3 clinical risk factors, respectively. FRAXH with and without BMD predicted incident radiographic vertebral fracture (n = 65) with an AUC of 0.67 and 0.65 respectively. NRI analysis showed a significant improvement in risk assignment when BMD is added to FRAXH. Conclusions: This study shows that FRAXH with BMD and to a lesser extent also without FN BMD predict major osteoporotic and vertebral fractures in the general population