162 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Leaflet Washout in Vein Valves

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    Faculty advisor: Robert TranquilloThis research was supported by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

    Fatigue Testing of Transcatheter Heart Valve Commissures

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    Faculty advisor: Bob TranquilloThis research was supported by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

    Patterns of injuries in homicidal cases

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    Death, an inevitable part of life, prompts an exploration into the manner and method by which it occurs. This study aims to analyze the patterns of injuries in homicidal cases brought for postmortem examination. In 2019, a total of 28,918 murder cases were registered in India, showing a slight decrease of 0.3% in comparison to 2018 (29,017 cases). The study aims to understand the different injury patterns in homicide. At the Department of Forensic Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, India, a total of 62 males and 12 females, along with one unknown gender person, where submitted to postmortem examination. The majority of cases belonged to urban, with leading causes of death being shock and hemorrhage followed by craniocerebral damage. This study concludes that sharp edges and deep cuts were the primary injury patterns in homicide cases. Morte, uma inevitável parte da vida, incita uma exploração a respeito da maneira e do método de sua ocorrência. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os padrões de lesões em casos de homicídios verificados em exames post-mortem. Em 2019, registrou-se um total de 28.918 casos de assassinato na India, mostrando um leve decréscimo de 0,3% em comparação com 2018 (29.017 casos). Este estudo objetiva entender os diferentes padrões de lesão em homicídios. No Departamento de Medicina Forense da Gandhi Medical College, em Bhopal, India, um total de 62 homens, 12 mulheres e uma pessoa de gênero não identificado, foram submetidas à análise post mortem. A maioria dos casos pertencia a áreas urbanas, com principal causa de morte sendo choque e hemorragia seguida de dano crânio cerebral. Este estudo conclui que arestas afiadas e cortes profundos foram os principais padrões de lesões em casos de homicídio. 

    A parasitic myoma: clinicopathological study of a rare case

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    Leiomyoma is a benign tumour composed of smooth muscle cells with fibrous stroma and it is the commonest tumour amongst the tumours of uterus. As per FIGO classification system parasitic leiomyoma has no myometrial involvement or uterine attachment. These myomas get detached from the uterus and receive the blood supply from another source. The etiology and pathologic basis of these parasitic fibroids is not yet clearly understood. We report a rare case of parasitic myoma in a 29 years old female patient presented with abdominal discomfort and difficulty in micturition. Clinical examination and subsequent imaging studies revealed a pelvic mass. Histopathological examination of which proved it to be a parasitic myoma. Parasitic myoma is a rare entity which may be iatrogenically created after surgery particularly with morcellation technique. With increasing rates of laparoscopic procedures, surgeons should be aware of the possibility of formation of parasitic myoma and should take intraoperative precautions to minimise its formation

    Cellular and Molecular Impact of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles

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    Toxicity and biocompatibility of silver nanoparticles are of a major concern due to their extensive production regardless of their application in current industries. Information about toxicology or biocompatibility is crucial regarding their proper utilization and application in clinical as well as environmental aspect. This chapter describes in detail about the different techniques and technology of synthesis of silver nanoparticles and explains their different physiochemical properties in context of the current research scenario. Further, it also explains the biocompatibility and toxicity of silver nanoparticles at cellular and molecular aspects. The mechanism of their toxicity has been described keeping in view of the recent research done. In brief, it reveals detail knowledge of the cellular and molecular impact of silver nanoparticles
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