23 research outputs found
The Situational Leadership Behavior, Organizational Culture and Human Resources Management Strategy in Increasing Productivity of Private Training Institutions
This study aims to analyze the relationship of situational leadership behavior with the organizational culture; the influence of situational leadership behavior and organizational culture on implementation of human resource management strategies; the effect of the implementation of the strategy of human resource management on productivity; the influence of situational leadership behavior, organizational culture and the implementation of human resource management strategies on the productivity of private vocational training institutes. While the type of research are descriptive and verificative using explanatory survey. The data collection is done using questionnaires, documentation and interviews, while the sampling technique used a Likert Summated Rating. The unit of analysis is the field of operation and delivery of training services and fields of administration. Data analysis is using path analysis. The results showed that the situational leadership behaviors significantly correlated with the organizational culture; the situational leadership behavior and organizational culture have a significant effect simultaneously and partially on the implementation of human resource management strategies in private vocational training institutions; the implementation of human resource management strategies have a significant effect on productivity improvement of private vocational training institutions; the situational leadership behavior, organizational culture and the implementation of human resource management strategy that have a significant effect simultaneously and partially to the increased productivity of private vocational training institutions in North Sumatera province
Perilaku Kepemimpinan Situasional,Budaya Organisasi dan Pelaksanaan Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja
Perilaku kepemimpinan situasional merupakan tindakan kemampuan seseorang untuk mempengaruhi sumber daya manusia ke arah tercapainya tujuan organisasi dengan kombinasi perilaku tugas, perilaku hubungan dan tingkat kedewasaan bawahan. Sedangkan budaya organisasi merupakan persepsi bersama yang dianut oleh sumber daya manusia sebagai anggota organisasi lembaga yang merupakan suatu sistem makna bersama untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kepuasan kerja. Selanjutnya pelaksanaan strategi manajemen sumber daya manusia merupakan pelaksanaan dari rencana yang menyeluruh dan terpadu yang mengkaitkan fungsi operasional manajemen sumber daya manusia yang terdiri atas: perekrutan, seleksi, pelatihan, penilaian kinerja, kompensasi dan hubungan ketenagakerjaan untuk memastikan tujuan utama perusahaan tercapai melalui pelaksanakan yang efektif. Produktivitas merupakan ukuran kualitas dan kuantitas pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan biaya sumber daya yang digunakan untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Patronage BuyingMotives yang terdiri atas lokasi, suasana, fasilitas, harga, dan kualitas pelayanan karyawan/personel terhadap proses keputusan wisatawan berkunjung ke Agrowisata dan Wanawisata di Sumatera Utara. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui pula skala prioritas pengelolaan terhadap Patronage Buying Motives. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode explanatory survey. Populasi penelitian adalah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Agrowisata dan Wanawisata di Sumatera Utara. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah judgment sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode multiple regression analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa patronage buying motives berpengaruh terhadap proses keputusan wisatawan untuk mengunjungi Agrowisata dan Wanawisata di Sumatera Utara. Sedangkan urutan pengaruh unsur-unsur Patronage Buying Motives terhadap proses keputusan wisatawan berkunjung adalah lokasi, suasana, kualitas pelayanan karyawan/personel, harga, dan fasilitas. Urutan ini menunjukkan pula skala prioritas pengelolaan terhadap unsur-unsur patronagebuying motives
The Effect Of Supervision And Compensation On Mediated Work Achievement By Employee Discipline At Hall Great Development Guarantee Quality Of Vocational Education Field Building And Electricity
This type of research is quantitative associative.The sample used in this study was a saturated sample, meaning that the entire population of 35 people was used as a sample. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation, questionnaires, and interviews. This study uses partial regression analysis (Partial Least Square/PLS) to test the seven hypotheses proposed in this study. Each hypothesis will be analyzed using Smart PLS 2.0 software to test the relationship between variables. The results of testing the first hypothesis show that the supervision variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of testing the second hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of testing the third hypothesis show that the supervision variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of testing the fourth hypothesis show that the compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on work discipline. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on work performance. The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect The results of the sixth test show that employee work discipline mediates supervision of work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect. The results of the seventh test show that work discipline mediates compensation on work performance by showing a positive but not significant effect
Poverty alleviation planning should be started with data analysis in advance. One of the poverty data sources available in Indonesia is the Regency/City Poverty Data and Information Catalog, published by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). From the catalog published in the time series can be observed where the poverty rate decreases along with the increasing budget for poverty reduction. In 2005, there were 35.1 million people (15.97%) of the country living under the poverty line and in 2015 reduced to be 28.51 million people which equaled 11.13% of the total population of Indonesia. This research aims to analyze poverty factors in 175 regents and cities located on the islands of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara using data from BPS. The principal component analysis (PCA) is the main analytical instrument that was used in this research. The poverty data from BPS has 9 aspects/factors and PCA analysis results in the same number of main components/factors. The difference in the result of these two observations is seen in variable members in each component that could be occurred because BPS conducts grouping of variables before the population data collection gets started, while PCA classifies variables based on data that has been collected or after the population data collection is completed. PCA results can be utilized for further research purposes such as regional clustering, implementation of evaluation, and planning. Meanwhile, the BPS poverty aspect displayed in a more structured arrangement, makes it is easier to observe for publications and more practical to use when conducting population data collection
Optimalisasi Penggunaan Aplikasi Digital Dalam Teknik Penggambaran Struktur Bangunan
The development of science and technology today is growing so rapidly, this has had a huge impact on human life. One example of technology that is developing so rapidly is the use of digital applications as a technique for depicting building structures. For example, these digital applications include AutoCAD, Revit and SketchUp design software. This application is a phenomenon that shows technological developments and the current needs of the architecture and construction industry. Depicting building structures using digital applications is the process of creating a digital model of the building to be built. a process of creating building engineering drawings in 3D (three-dimensional) form using computer applications that meet design standards. Digital applications can simplify and speed up the process of designing, implementing and maintaining buildings. Digital applications can also help save costs, time and resources, as well as reduce errors, conflicts and waste.
Anak usia balita harus memiliki perhatian khusus terlebih pada 1000 HPK dikarenakan rentan terjadi pertumbuhan upnormal hal ini juga disebabkan oleh gizi yang dimiliki oleh ibu ketika hamil di bawah standar ataupun saat anak pada usia 1000 HPK hal tersebut sering dikenal sebagai stunting. Penyebab anak yang mengalami stunting yaitu akan adanya gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan baik segi fisik maupun kognitif yang optimal atau biasa disebut sebagai Intelligence Quotient (IQ) yang lebih rendah dibandingkan rata-rata anak normal. Dalam melakukan pencegahan stunting tersebut maka perlunya edukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai stunting oleh karena itu, pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metode Focus Group Disscusion (FGD) dengan 17 responden dengan tujuan agar meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai stunting hingga cara pencegahan stunting. Pengabdian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa pengetahuan responden meningkat hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari pemahaman responden mengenai konsep stunting
A Preliminary Study on Shifting from Virtual Machine to Docker Container for Insilico Drug Discovery in the Cloud
The rapid growth of information technology and internet access has moved many offline activities online. Cloud computing is an easy and inexpensive solution, as supported by virtualization servers that allow easier access to personal computing resources. Unfortunately, current virtualization technology has some major disadvantages that can lead to suboptimal server performance. As a result, some companies have begun to move from virtual machines to containers. While containers are not new technology, their use has increased recently due to the Docker container platform product. Docker’s features can provide easier solutions. In this work, insilico drug discovery applications from molecular modelling to virtual screening were tested to run in Docker. The results are very promising, as Docker beat the virtual machine in most tests and reduced the performance gap that exists when using a virtual machine (VirtualBox). The virtual machine placed third in test performance, after the host itself and Docker