387 research outputs found

    The Colombian Truth Commission’s work on reproductive violence:Gendered victimhood and reproductive autonomy

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    While conflict-related sexual violence has gained attention on international transitional justice agendas, conflict-related reproductive violence continues to be overlooked. The Colombian Truth Commission was the first truth-seeking transitional justice body worldwide to directly investigate these forms of conflict-related violence. Based on an ethnographic analysis of the Commission’s work on reproductive violence, in this article I engage with the reproductive justice framework to argue that the Commission’s work broadened understandings of both gendered victimhood and reproductive autonomy. Regarding gendered victimhood, I show that the Commission’s work focused on gaining recognition for conflict-related reproductive violence as distinct from conflict-related sexual violence, identifying conflict-related practices of reproductive violence and offering recommendations for addressing such practices. Secondly, I show that not only was the Commission the first truth-seeking body to directly investigate reproductive violence, but it did so through an understanding of reproductive violence that does not revolve around the notion of autonomy as individual choice. I argue that by doing this, the Commission compelled us to comprehensively consider war as part of the conditions under which reproductive autonomy may be exercised. Following this line, the latter part of the article focuses on the Colombian government’s use of glyphosate as a form of conflict-related reproductive violence that claimed ownership over the reproductive futures of entire communities by creating environmental devastation

    What’s killing them:Violence beyond COVID-19 in Colombia

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    Impact of Free Trade Agreements on the Colombian Beef Sector

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    Colombia negotiated bilateral Trade Agreements (TAs) with the United States and with the MERCOSUR region (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay). Colombian cattle and beef interest groups argue that TAs hurt the local beef supply chain. We employ a partial equilibrium framework to assess the impact of these TAs on the welfare of cattle producers, beef marketers and meat consumers in Colombia. Our results suggest that with free imports of chicken parts from the U.S, beef consumption and retail prices of beef both decrease and the derived demand and prices of fed cattle decrease. With beef imports from the MERCOSUR region, domestic beef prices and beef production fall, but total beef consumption increases. Overall, consumers are better off and there are net gains to society with free trade agreements. These net gains tend to increase over time, as Colombia gradually decreases the tariff for imported beef. We identify the reduction in marginal costs required to compete with imported beef, primarily from MERCOSUR. We argue that this is possible because the elimination of trade barriers is gradual and the Colombian beef supply chain can compete with imported meats with an annual reduction of marginal costs between 2 and 4%.Beef, Colombia, partial equilibrium, trade liberalization, International Relations/Trade, F14, D60, Q17,

    El pensamiento social en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del voto popular como mecanismo de participación ciudadana apoyado por medios audiovisuales, en niños y niñas de cuarto grado de la institución educativa Jaime Salazar Robledo de la ciudad de Pereira

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    El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en las y los estudiantes es una de las metas que presentan los estándares básicos en ciencias sociales; hacia la búsqueda de una formación de ciudadanos capaces de comprender su realidad y transformarla, construyendo así las bases de su Pensamiento Social. En esta búsqueda se plantea la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son las habilidades del pensamiento social que se desarrollan en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de una Unidad Didáctica del voto popular como mecanismo de participación ciudadana apoyado por medios audiovisuales, en niños y niñas de grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa Jaime Salazar Robledo de la ciudad de Pereira? Este proceso se sustenta en las prácticas educativas con la metodología Estudio de Caso la cual permite profundizar en un fenómeno social desde el contexto mismo donde sucede, de modo que permita analizar e interpretar la realidad en un ámbito cotidiano, de forma interpretativa. la investigación abordada desde la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales teniendo en cuenta tres momentos: la planeación, un desarrollo y una reflexión en donde el docente hace reflexiones críticas de la práctica educativas donde el estudiante desarrolla habilidades y competencias sociales, ciudadanas y democráticas, aprendiendo a vivir en un ambiente social, dentro y fuera de la Institución, permitiendo dar respuesta así a la investigación en la comunidad, identificando las Habilidades del Pensamiento Social en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, a partir de la unidad didáctica “El voto popular como mecanismo de participación ciudadana”.The development of critical thinking in students and is one of the goals that have basic standards in social sciences towards finding a formation of citizens able to understand their reality and transform , thus building the foundations of his Social Thought . In this search raises the following research question: ¿What are social thinking skills that are developed teaching and learning of a teaching unit of the popular vote as a mechanism for citizen participation after implementing media in children fourth grade of School Jaime Salazar Robledo of Pereira city,? This process is based on educational practices where the methodology is the case study which allows deepening social phenomenon from the very context where it happens, so that to analyze and interpret reality on a daily level interpretively usual through procedures such as collecting information which makes it possible to observe reality, analyzing, interpreting and reflecting on what experienced in the same, through the application and development of the teaching unit using ICT. The purpose of the research was approached from the teaching and learning of social science based on three stages: planning , development and reflection in which the teacher makes critical reflections educational practice in which the student develops skills and social skills , citizenship and democratic , learning to live in a social and family environment within and outside the institution , allowing responding well to research in the chosen community identifying social Thinking Skills in the process of teaching and learning that is develops from the learning unit " the popular vote as a mechanism for citizen participation.

    Diseño de metodología LEAN CONSTRUCTION bajo lineamientos gerenciales para la optimización de recursos en la empresa ARDISEK

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl presente trabajo de investigación tiene como fin realizar la estructuración de un diseño gerencial que involucre la metodología LEAN CONSTRUCTION y la guía PMBOK 6 ED para la ejecución y desarrollo de proyectos en la empresa ARDISEK. Dicha estructuración busca mejorar y optimizar procesos al interior de ARDISEK mediante la implementación de planeación estratégica, manejo de habilidades y estrategia comercial.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. RESULTADOS 5. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 6. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    A performance como experiência artística : criação de uma linguagem visual própria como objeto de educação

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2020O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário. A Unidade Didática à qual diz respeito foi desenvolvida na Escola de Castro Marim, no Algarve, no ano letivo de 2019/2020, para a disciplina de Educação Visual numa turma do 9.ºano. A unidade de trabalho, pretendeu aliar os conteúdos programáticos da Arte Contemporânea e suas formas de Expressão, nomeadamente na temática do discurso, abordando as artes performativas. Numa perspetiva de estudar o seu desenvolvimento e as transformações ao longo do século XX, elaborámos uma planificação, mas que por motivos de Pandemia, causada pelo vírus Covid-19, sofreu algumas modificações. Desta forma, a Unidade Didática foi implementada em duas fases, sendo a primeira no ensino presencial e a segunda através do ensino à distância. Na primeira fase fez-se uma abordagem teórica à arte contemporânea, evidenciando a importância da Arte da Performance como meio de expressão. A essa proposta e numa tentativa de colmatar a lacuna cultural dos alunos, foi-lhes solicitado a concretização de uma performance em grupo, cuja temática foi a Tolerância. Realizou-se também um workshop, no qual os alunos aliaram alguns exercícios de expressão dramática e corporal, de forma a melhorar as relações estabelecidas entre pares e expressarem-se segundo os traços das artes performativas. Na segunda fase, procurámos dar continuidade a todo o trabalho anteriormente desenvolvido, mas atendendo às questões do confinamento, a performance passou a ser individual, levando os alunos a refletir sobre a temática em questão. Para finalizar este projeto, foi solicitado aos alunos que submetessem a sua Performance, através da plataforma de partilha Padlet, tendo o trabalho ficado disponível para toda a comunidade escolar.This research was carried out during the Master´s degree in Teaching of Visual Arts in the secondary and high school. It focus on a didactic intervention developed at Castro Marim School, in the Algarve, in the school year 2019/2020, for the subject of Visual Education and had the participation of 9th grade class. The work unit intended to combine the programmatic contents of Contemporary Art and its forms of Expression, particularly approaching a discourse theme, addressing the performing arts. In a perspective of studying its development and transformations throughout the 20th century, we elaborated a plan, but for reasons of the current pandemic, caused by the Covid-19 virus, it suffered some modifications. Thus, the work unit was implemented in two phases, the first being in face-to-face teaching and the second through distance teaching. In the first phase, the theoretical approach to contemporary art was focused, highlighting the importance of Performance as an artist to transmit experiences and knowledge. To this proposal and in an attempt to fill the cultural gap of these students, they were asked to perform in a group, whose theme was Tolerance. A workshop was also held, in which the students combined some exercises of dramatic and corporal expression, in order to improve the relationships established between peers and express themselves according to the traits of the performing arts. In the second phase, we tried to give continuity to all the work previously developed, but given the issues of confinement, the performance became individual, leading the students to reflect on the theme in question. To finish this project, the students were asked to submit their performance, in a digital Padlet, and the work became available to the entire school community

    O corpo e a máquina, relação intrínseca na criação artística

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    Esta dissertação tem como objectivo estudar a importância do corpo e da máquina na Arte, fazendo referência à obra de alguns artistas, interligando-as com a obra por mim criada em paralelo. O primeiro capítulo faz uma contextualização do espaço onde foi desenvolvido o trabalho prático, o seu contributo como fábrica, mas também como um local de criação artística. O segundo capítulo, faz uma abordagem histórica e filosófica da representação do corpo na Arte. O terceiro examina as várias formas de representação e concepção do corpo na arte, feita pelos artistas, evidenciando a cultura do pós-humano. No quarto capítulo, é feita uma análise de obras que partem da referência do corpo, impulsionado pelo domínio da máquina e da tecnologia. No quinto e último capítulo enuncia-se a escolha das técnicas de impressão, como meio para a concepção do trabalho prático, onde as máquinas funcionam como sistema de repetição, criando múltiplos através de matrizes; ### Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to study the importance of body and machine within the context of art. It aims at referencing the work of artists by linking them with my own work. The first chapter contextualizes the space where the practical work was developed, its contribution as a production factory and as a place of artistic creation. The second chapter makes a historical and philosophical approach of the representation of the body in the Art. The third one examines the various forms of representation and conception of the body within Art, made by artists, emphasizing the post-human culture. In the fourth chapter, an analysis of the work of Art is made, based on the reference of body created by the machine and technological development. The fifth and last chapter is about the choice of printing techniques, as a means for the conception of the practical work. The machines operate as a system of repetition and reproduction by creating arrays

    Libre comercio y la cadena de carne de res : ¿una amenaza real?

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    Prevención y Control de la contaminación, propuesta de estrategias de optimización para el desempeño ambiental: estudio de caso Curtidora Colombo Italiana LTDA. Villapinzón (Cundinamarca).

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    El diseño de estrategias para la mejora del desempeño ambiental en curtiembres, ubicadas en el municipio de Villapinzón – Cundinamarca, Propone mostrar algunos comportamientos de estas industrias, a partir del caso de estudio en la Curtidora Colombo Italiana Ltda., en particular respecto al control y manejo de los residuos que surgen en el proceso de producción. Para ello se desarrollará un diagnóstico de la incidencia de la curtidora Colombo Italiana en la contaminación del entorno con el fin de diseñar estrategias de producción más limpia. En cuanto a los aspectos ambientales de las curtidoras en general, son identificadas como uno de los principales problemas de contaminación, por esta razón la importancia de verificar las buenas prácticas de manufactura, (BPM) entendidas estas como “un conjunto de medidas orientadas a la gestión y organización adecuadas para la empresa optimizando los recursos humanos y materiales”, con el fin de disminuir los residuos y emisiones en los procesos de producción. Así como evaluar la implementación de estrategias empresariales que proporcionen una estructura con criterios bien definidos para la evaluación y priorización de los problemas ambientales, que evidencien el análisis del riesgo, social y técnologico del impacto ambiental que genera la curtiembre (Van Hoof , Monroy, & Saer, 2008). En la presente investigación se propone evaluar, plantear y revisar las alternativas preventivas que sean convenientes desarrollar en la curtiembre Colombo Italiana Ltda, con el propósito de lograr una Producción Más Limpia.Universidad Libre - Facultad de Ingeniería - Departamento de Ingeniería Ambienta

    Mujeres rurales y reparación colectiva: análisis constitucional de las garantías para el acceso a la tierra en Colombia

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    El presente trabajo de grado, desarrolla una propuesta teórica y práctica para evidenciar la desprotección de la población rural en el país, en específico de las mujeres, quienes viven vulneraciones acentuadas, debido a su condición como mujeres, campesinas y víctimas de la violencia. Para ellas, el respeto y protección de su derecho a la tierra se encuentra obstaculizado por la ausencia del Estado como garante de los derechos de la población campesina para acceder material y formalmente a la tierra, y por las persistentes situaciones estructurales de marginación de las mujeres respecto a los hombres como consecuencia de las relaciones asimétricas de poder en el sector rural. Es así que la reparación colectiva, transformadora y diferencial puede constituir una oportunidad para la búsqueda de la protección del derecho a la tierra como fundamental para las mujeres rurales y en este sentido, la garantía de la justicia desde una perspectiva de género.Abstract. The following paper, develops a theoretical and practical proposal to evidence the unprotection of the rural community in Colombia, specifically the women population. Women have lived under constant vulnerable conditions for their characteristics of being a woman, farmers and victims of the violence. For them, the lack of respect and protection of their Right to Land is balk by the absence of the State as safeguard of the peasant´s community to access formally and materially to their land, and for the situations of structural marginalization that persist for women in relation to men, as a consequence of the asymmetrical relation of power in the countryside. This is how the collective, transforming and differential repair measures can contribute to an opportunity of change in the search of protection of the right to land, as a fundamental right for rural women. In these sense, the guarantee of justice with genre perspective.Maestrí