416 research outputs found

    On Gauge Invariant Cosmological Perturbations in UV-modified Horava Gravity: A Brief Introduction

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    We revisit gauge invariant cosmological perturbations in UV-modified, z = 3 Horava gravity with one scalar matter field, which has been proposed as a renormalizable gravity theory without the ghost problem in four dimensions. We confirm that there is no extra graviton modes and general relativity is recovered in IR, which achieves the consistency of the model. From the UV-modification terms which break the detailed balance condition in UV, we obtain scale-invariant power spectrums for non-inflationary backgrounds, like the power-law expansions, without knowing the details of early expansion history of Universe. This could provide a new framework for the Big Bang cosmology.Comment: 5 pages, Prepared for Proceeding of International Joint Conference of ICGAC-XIII and IK15 (July 3-7, 2017, Seoul, Republic of Korea

    Black Hole as a Wormhole Factory

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    On general grounds, one may argue that a black hole stops radiation at the Planck mass, where the radiated energy is comparable to the black hole's mass. And also, it has been argued that there would be a "wormhole-like" structure, known as "space-time foam", due to large fluctuations below the Planck length. In this paper, as an explicit example, we consider an exact classical solution which represents nicely those two properties in a recently proposed quantum gravity model based on different scaling dimensions between space and time coordinates. The solution, called "Black Wormhole", consists of two different states, depending on its mass M and an IR parameter omega: For the black hole state, a non-traversable wormhole occupies the interior region of the black hole around the singularity at the origin, whereas for the wormhole state, the interior wormhole is exposed to an outside observer as the black hole horizon is disappeared from evaporation. The black hole state becomes thermodynamically stable as it approaches to the merge point where the interior wormhole throat and the black hole horizon merges, and the Hawking temperature vanishes at the exact merge point. This solution suggests the "Generalized Cosmic Censorship" by the existence of a wormhole-like structure which protects the naked singularity even after the black hole evaporation. One could understand the would-be wormholes inside the black hole horizon as the results of microscopic wormholes created by "negative" energy quanta which have entered the black hole horizon in Hawking radiation processes: The quantum black hole could be a wormhole factory. It is found that this speculative picture may be consistent with the recent "ER=EPR" proposal for resolving the recent black hole entanglement debates.Comment: Added some more words on (1) the transition between the black hole phase and wormhole phase and (2) the notion of a wormhole "factory" in Fig. 5. Updated references, Accepted in PL

    Investigation on the Tachyonic Neutrino

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    According to the experimental data, it is still controversial whether the neutrinos, especially the electron-neutrino and muon-neutrino, can be considered as the fermionic spinorial tachyons, and there is still no reliable report on the existence of the right-handed neutrinos. In this letter, we show that the neutrinos with the single handedness can not be the tachyons, but only those of the both handedness can be. Several implications of this result are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    On a New Approach for Constructing Wormholes in Einstein-Born-Infeld Gravity

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    We study a new approach for the wormhole construction in Einstein-Born-Infeld gravity, which does not require exotic matters in the Einstein equation. The Born-Infeld field equation is not modified from "coordinate independent" conditions of continuous metric tensor and its derivatives, even though the Born-Infeld fields have discontinuities in their derivatives at the throat in general. We study the relation of the newly introduced conditions with the usual continuity equation for the energy-momentum tensor and the gravitational Bianchi identity. We find that there is no violation of energy conditions for the Born-Infeld fields contrary to the usual approaches. The exoticity of energy-momentum tensor is not essential for sustaining wormholes. Some open problems are discussed.Comment: Minor revision to improve the clarity, Corrected typos, Added reference and footnot
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