125 research outputs found
The Terms Ῥωμαῖος, Ἕλλην, Γραικὸς in the Byzantine Texts of the first Half of the 13th Century
The term collective identity denotes a theoreticalpattern of interpretation of social groups. More specifically, it denotes the awareness of the members of a group that they are linked together in a complex environment of common beliefs and values. During the Nicaean period, a distinct collective identity can be discerned, as it emerges from the scholarly literature. This identity is delineated by the namesRomaios, Hellene, and Graikos (names already attested in the previous periods), which bear specific values. The name Romaios signifies political values. The name Hellene refers to the Greek language, education, and culture, whereas the name Graikos denotes the Greek-speaking Christians. All three terms present semantic diversity depending on their context, particularly the term Hellene. Nevertheless, they compose a unified set withdistinctbutstrongcomponents, eachimplyinganddefiningoneanother, without, however, alteringtheirseparateconnotations. These aretheelementswhichconstitutethecollective identityofthe Nicaean scholar and nobleman.The term collective identity denotes a theoreticalpattern of interpretation of social groups. More specifically, it denotes the awareness of the members of a group that they are linked together in a complex environment of common beliefs and values. During the Nicaean period, a distinct collective identity can be discerned, as it emerges from the scholarly literature. This identity is delineated by the namesRomaios, Hellene, and Graikos (names already attested in the previous periods), which bear specific values. The name Romaios signifies political values. The name Hellene refers to the Greek language, education, and culture, whereas the name Graikos denotes the Greek-speaking Christians. All three terms present semantic diversity depending on their context, particularly the term Hellene. Nevertheless, they compose a unified set withdistinctbutstrongcomponents, eachimplyinganddefiningoneanother, without, however, alteringtheirseparateconnotations. These aretheelementswhichconstitutethecollective identityofthe Nicaean scholar and nobleman
The Terms Ῥωμαῖος, Ἕλλην, Γραικὸς in the Byzantine Texts of the first Half of the 13th Century
The term collective identity denotes a theoreticalpattern of interpretation of social groups. More specifically, it denotes the awareness of the members of a group that they are linked together in a complex environment of common beliefs and values. During the Nicaean period, a distinct collective identity can be discerned, as it emerges from the scholarly literature. This identity is delineated by the namesRomaios, Hellene, and Graikos (names already attested in the previous periods), which bear specific values. The name Romaios signifies political values. The name Hellene refers to the Greek language, education, and culture, whereas the name Graikos denotes the Greek-speaking Christians. All three terms present semantic diversity depending on their context, particularly the term Hellene. Nevertheless, they compose a unified set withdistinctbutstrongcomponents, eachimplyinganddefiningoneanother, without, however, alteringtheirseparateconnotations. These aretheelementswhichconstitutethecollective identityofthe Nicaean scholar and nobleman.The term collective identity denotes a theoreticalpattern of interpretation of social groups. More specifically, it denotes the awareness of the members of a group that they are linked together in a complex environment of common beliefs and values. During the Nicaean period, a distinct collective identity can be discerned, as it emerges from the scholarly literature. This identity is delineated by the namesRomaios, Hellene, and Graikos (names already attested in the previous periods), which bear specific values. The name Romaios signifies political values. The name Hellene refers to the Greek language, education, and culture, whereas the name Graikos denotes the Greek-speaking Christians. All three terms present semantic diversity depending on their context, particularly the term Hellene. Nevertheless, they compose a unified set withdistinctbutstrongcomponents, eachimplyinganddefiningoneanother, without, however, alteringtheirseparateconnotations. These aretheelementswhichconstitutethecollective identityofthe Nicaean scholar and nobleman
The concept of prototype and family resemblance in cognitive semantics (an experimental study): An extended abstract submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Psychology
Annotation: The purpose of my experiment is to investigate whether non-basic vocabulary items learnt subsequent to basic terms are retained or not. What is considered in the experimental study is whether subjects who are foreign language learners will provide similar prototypical effects over a number of categories as native speakers. My hypothesis is that a broader rage of category members will be produced by English learners. It is also expected that there will be cultural and geographical differences too. The subjects were divided into two groups of 36. The first group is English native speakers, residing in England and the second group is Greek students of English of Intermediate level, residing in Greece. Subjects were asked to state the first example that they thought of each category. The data was then arranged by category in the manner of Rosch. After the findings of the above experiment had been collected, a second, validation experiment was carried out. In many categories, the English Learner group responded with a wider variety of response than the native speakers. Geographical / cultural differences are apparent in these two categories where the prototype given is strongly linked to the geography and culture
Visual Infotainment in the political news: A cultural approach in the post-truth era
This article introduces the concept of visual infotainment, the aspects of infotainment found in visual artefacts employed in the news. Using a case study, we examine the photographs published in the digital media to report on the negotiations between the Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot communities, which took place in 2016 and 2017. A four-level visual framing analysis is used to identify a consistent set of frames. It aims to identify the political ideologies that appear to be behind the visual infotainment in these pictorial reports, and the specific ways in which hard news can be transformed into soft news. Our research confirms the presence of visual infotainment elements of personalisation, emotion, morbidity and sensationalism. Overall, the study shows that visual infotainment serves to establish visual frames produced by and for contradictory propagandas, one of which favours ethnic nationalism while the other promotes confl ict resolution
Zato što je političko znanje bitno: utjecaj deliberacije na mišljenje mladih građana
This paper addresses the importance of “knowledge” and “access to information” in the formation of young citizens’ opinion through deliberative procedures. The research presented in this paper is grounded in the theoretical framework of deliberative democracy as a democratic model and procedure that allows participants to be engaged in a rational and open dialogue before deciding on a particular issue. Our research draws empirically upon a deliberative event that took place in October 2014 at the Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences in Greece. The topic of deliberation was “Political Public Opinion Polls.” The results of this study are commensurate with the dominant thesis in the relevant literature, which underlines that the deliberative procedure enriches the knowledge of citizens and thus enables them to participate effectively in the decision making process.Ovaj rad bavi se važnošću „znanja“ i „pristupa informacijama“ u formiranju mišljenja mladih građana o pojedinim temama kroz deliberativne procedure. Deliberativna demokracija, kao demokratski model i demokratska procedura koja dopušta sudionicima uključivanje u racionalan i otvoren dijalog prije odlučivanja o određenoj temi, teorijski je okvir na kojem se temelji istraživanje predstavljeno u ovom radu. Empirijski dio našeg rada temelji se na deliberativnom događaju koji se odvio u listopadu 2014.
na instituciji za visoko obrazovanje Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences u Grčkoj. Tema deliberacije bila je „Anketna istraživanja javnog mnijenja o politici“. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju tezu iz relevantne literature koja naglašava kako deliberativne procedure obogaćuju znanje građana i tako im omogućavaju da učinkovito sudjeluju u procesu donošenja odluka
Investigating the entire course of telithromycin binding to Escherichia coli ribosomes
Applying kinetics and footprinting analysis, we show that telithromycin, a ketolide antibiotic, binds to Escherichia coli ribosomes in a two-step process. During the first, rapidly equilibrated step, telithromycin binds to a low-affinity site (KT = 500 nM), in which the lactone ring is positioned at the upper portion of the peptide exit tunnel, while the alkyl–aryl side chain of the drug inserts a groove formed by nucleotides A789 and U790 of 23S rRNA. During the second step, telithromycin shifts slowly to a high-affinity site (KT* = 8.33 nM), in which the lactone ring remains essentially at the same position, while the side chain interacts with the base pair U2609:A752 and the extended loop of protein L22. Consistently, mutations perturbing either the base pair U2609:A752 or the L22-loop hinder shifting of telithromycin to the final position, without affecting the initial step of binding. In contrast, mutation Lys63Glu in protein L4 placed on the opposite side of the tunnel, exerts only a minor effect on telithromycin binding. Polyamines disfavor both sequential steps of binding. Our data correlate well with recent crystallographic data and rationalize the changes in the accessibility of ribosomes to telithromycin in response to ribosomal mutations and ionic changes
The importance of markers HLA6 and CD68 in placenta tissues of recurrent pregnancy loss
Introduction: Recurrent pregnancy loss of unknown etiology is correlated with immunological factors during pregnancy. Changes in leukocyte subpopulations and HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) expression take place in pregnant uterus on both decidua basalis and decidua parietalis in order to carry the semiallogenic embryo. These changes affect the pregnancy course.Objective: Our research is focused to enlighten the immunological changes that take place in the uterus of women with recurrent abortions of unknown etiology during first trimester of pregnancy.Materials and methods: The miscarriage group was obtained from 25 women who miscarried between the ages of 35 to 42 years and controls consisted of 25 healthy women between the ages of 27 to 39 years, who had electively terminated their pregnancies during first trimester of pregnancy. The abortion was processed and specimens taken were studied, using immunohistochemical methods. Specimens were taken from decidua basalis and decidua parietalis. Monoclonal antibodies were used against HLAG (Human Leukocyte Antigen G) and CD68 (Cluster of Differentiation 68). The results were statistically analysed with Mann-Whitney test.Results: HLA-G expression in decidua basalis from miscarriage group was found decreased.CD68 + cell expression was found increased in both deciduas from the miscarriage group.Conclusion: The immunological profile of women with recurrent miscarriage is quite different comparing with controls. A possible role of CD68+cells in RPL was observed .Changes in HLA-G expression was observed
Insulin receptor (IR) expression in human trophoblasts of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
Purpose: Insulin and glucose pathways play a key role to fetal viability and growth. The focus of the study is to investigate the potential differences of immunohistochemical expression of IR in trophoblastic and decidual cells between women who had recurrent pregnancy loss and women that underwent an abortion. Materials and methods: Trophoblastic and decidual tissues from fifty (50) women with elective abortion used as control group and from fifty (50) women with recurrent miscarriages were collected during gestational weeks 6 to 12. IR antibodies were used as immunohistochemical staining markers. Nuclear and cytoplasmic expression was evaluated. Results: No IR immunohistochemical expression was detected in both trophoblastic cells of the implantation site and deciduas basalis of the two study groups. Conclusion: The effort made to enhance our knowledge on the physiology and histology of IR expression in connection with pregnancy was halted because the results were inconclusive. While studying, though, the correlation of recurrent miscarriage with IR expression, it became evident that a lot of hormones and pathways form the weave of gestational pathology and its delicate harmony. Every piece of knowledge may clarify this still obscure field
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