2,402 research outputs found
Existence of solitary waves in dipolar quantum gases
We study a nonlinear Schroedinger equation arising in the mean-field
description of dipolar quantum gases. Under the assumption of sufficiently
strong dipolar interactions, the existence of standing waves, and hence
solitons, is proved together with some of their properties. This gives a
rigorous argument for the possible existence of solitary waves in Bose-Einstein
condensates, which originate solely due to the dipolar interaction between the
particles.Comment: Minor modifications; more explanations added. To appear in Physica
Handling robot constraints within a Set-Based Multi-Task Priority Inverse Kinematics Framework
Set-Based Multi-Task Priority is a recent framework to handle inverse
kinematics for redundant structures. Both equality tasks, i.e., control
objectives to be driven to a desired value, and set-bases tasks, i.e., control
objectives to be satisfied with a set/range of values can be addressed in a
rigorous manner within a priority framework. In addition, optimization tasks,
driven by the gradient of a proper function, may be considered as well, usually
as lower priority tasks. In this paper the proper design of the tasks, their
priority and the use of a Set-Based Multi-Task Priority framework is proposed
in order to handle several constraints simultaneously in real-time. It is shown
that safety related tasks such as, e.g., joint limits or kinematic singularity,
may be properly handled by consider them both at an higher priority as
set-based task and at a lower within a proper optimization functional.
Experimental results on a 7DOF Jaco$^2
Scattering for nonlinear Schrodinger equation under partial harmonic confinement
We consider the nonlinear Schrodinger equation under a partial quadratic
confinement. We show that the global dispersion corresponding to the
direction(s) with no potential is enough to prove global in time Strichartz
estimates, from which we infer the existence of wave operators thanks to
suitable vector-fields. Conversely, given an initial Cauchy datum, the solution
is global in time and asymptotically free, provided that confinement affects
one spatial direction only. This stems from anisotropic Morawetz estimates,
involving a marginal of the position density.Comment: 26 pages. Some typos fixed, especially in Section
On the XFEL Schroedinger Equation: Highly Oscillatory Magnetic Potentials and Time Averaging
We analyse a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation for the time-evolution of the wave function of an electron beam, interacting selfconsistently through a Hartree-Fock nonlinearity and through the repulsive Coulomb interaction of an atomic nucleus. The electrons are supposed to move under the action of a time dependent, rapidly periodically oscillating electromagnetic potential. This can be considered a simplified effective single particle model for an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). We prove the existence and uniqueness for the Cauchy problem and the convergence of wave-functions to corresponding solutions of a Schr\"odinger equation with a time-averaged Coulomb potential in the high frequency limit for the oscillations of the electromagnetic potential
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