26 research outputs found
Poverty in Indonesia experiences a declining trend, both in number and percentage, but Pa-pua Province is not the case. The number of poor people in Papua has increased and the position of poverty levels is higher than the national level. Heterogeneity of poverty occurs in the districts and cities of Papua. The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants of poverty in regencies and cities in Papua Province. Determinants of poverty include economic growth, human development, decentralization, and regional status. This research uses quantitative methodology with multiple linear regression analysis cross-section analysis tools. The findings of this study are an increase in economic performance which is proxied by economic growth that can reduce poverty levels in districts and cities in Papua Province. Other findings, show an increase in the quality of human resources as a form of human development in proxy with the human development index is also able to reduce poverty levels. The results of this study also show that regional status and fiscal decentralization have not been able to significantly influence poverty reduction. Government policies need to be for-med in forming partnerships with the public and the private sector in improving economic performance and human development in order to improve the welfare of the community. In addition, without ignoring the decentralization policy, the management of potential resources needs to be optimized to increase the ability and independence of the region in financing regional expenditure, particularly in poverty alleviation programs.Keywords: Poverty; Economic Growth; Human Development; Decentralization; Regional StatusJEL Classification:I32;015;040;R1
Pengaruh Aspek Moneter Dan Fiskal Terhadap Inflasi Indonesia
The economic stability of a country can be seen from the inflation rate. This study aimed to analyze the influence of monetary and fiscal aspects on inflation and the most effective policies for inflation problems in Indonesia, using time series data for 2010-2019 and the VECM model. The result showed that the money supply and tax revenue influence inflation and that there is a one-way causality relationship. The interest rate variable has not control inflation. The result of the causality test also shows that interest rate does not affect the money supply variabel, and tax revenue variables do not affect the money supply variable. The explanation of the estimation result of the VECM model generally shows that there is a long-term relationship and short-term relationship of each variable
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Peserta Bpjs Kesehatan Kc Magelang
Service delivery carried out by service personnel must refer to the main objective of service, namely customer satisfaction. This research analyzes the effect of service quality on the satisfaction of BPJS Kesehatan KC. Using quantitative research methods and primary data using sampling techniques using the Slovin formula using 100 respondents from a total of 1027437 BPJS Kesehatan participants. By using variables tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are used to measure the satisfaction of participant services. The results of this study R square (coefficient of determination) obtained R Square value of 0.788 (78.8%), which means 78.8% of service satisfaction variables are influenced by tangible variables, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance and the remaining other variables outside the research variables. There is a partially significant effect consisting of the variable reliability, empathy, and assurance that affect service satisfaction. While variables tangible and responsiveness do not affect customer satisfaction. BPJS Kesehatan KC Magelang must pay more attention and improve service quality factors, namely tangible and responsiveness so as to provide service satisfaction for participants
The reduction of human development gap in origin and new regency in Eastern Indonesia
Inequality still becomes popular issue in the establishment of developing countries. Aside from the income inequality, the human development inequality is considered as an interesting topic for further study, in terms of resuming the solution. The purpose of this study is considered as specific in identifying the human development gap between origin and new regencies in Eastern Indonesia as well as the determinant. This study uses a positivist perspective with a deductive approach. Secondary data with cross-section types used in this study covers regencies and cities in Eastern Indonesia. This study uses the econometrics methodology using regression analysis with a dummy variable. The results showed there were differences in human development index between origin and new regencies in Eastern Indonesia. The human development index in the new regency is lower than in the origin regency. The results support the Myrdalâs Theory, which explains the gap in human development disparities among regions due to the significant backwash effects. Fiscal decentralization has a role in reducing the gap in human development in origin and new regencies, yet insignificant for the economic growth. Poverty lowers the impact on increasing human development in the origin regencies but does not occur in the new regencies.JEL Classification  H30; I32; O1
Determinan Tingkat Pengangguran: Studi Kasus Wilayah Pengembangan Purwomanggung, Jawa Tengah
This research objective was to analyze the determinants of unemployment rate in PURWOMANGGUNG by using the data panel for Purworejo, Wonosobo, Magelang, Temanggung district, and Magelang city for 2012-2019. Data Resource from Statistics of Central Java province. Analyze method of this research used panel data regression with fixed effect (FE). The result of the study showed that inflation and minim wage have a significant positive impact on the unemployment rate. Others finding demonstrated that economic growth, human development, and minimum wage have no significant effect on the unemployment rate. The study expects that the relevant regional governments of the research hope to find a proper connection between the stability of the inflation value while seeing the magnitude of the effect of the minimum city/regency wages in Purwomanggung on the amount of unemployment. It is expected that the government pays more attention to the calculation of the minimum wage rate currently applied
Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions: Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) Hypothesis in Indonesia from 1990 to 2020
All countries in the world, both developed and developing countries, are facing pollution problems in order to be able to balance accelerating economic growth with environmental degradation problems due to their economic activities. The acceleration of economic development in Indonesia to achieve high industrial growth is directly proportional to the cause of the high increase in carbon dioxide emissions. The purpose of this study is to see the environmental impact of the regulations set, as well as to provide recommendations for the formulation of environmentally friendly economic development policies in the future. This study applies time series data regression with ECM as the method used. Indonesia was chosen as the object of the theory Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) from 1990 to 2020. The results of the study show that the squared industry variable in the short term is not significant, but in the long term, it is significant and has an effect of -0.0002, which means that the EKC hypothesis is not proven in the short and long-term, only a decrease in environmental degradation occurs. (CO2 emissions) because industry increases in the long term or industry has a significant negative effect on carbon dioxide emissions in the long term
This study aims to analyze the performance and financial capability of Magelang City in the period 2014 - 2018. This study uses a quantitative approach with secondary data. The analytical tool used to measure the financial performance of the City of Magelang is a ratio and to calculate the financial capacity of the region measured by the index Share, Growth, Elasticity. The results showed the city of Magelang entered the category of low. The level of regional financial dependency shows a very high level of dependency. The degree of fiscal decentralization is in the moderate category. The level of effectiveness of regional income is very effective. The results of the calculation of the regional financial performance index (IKK) show that financial capacity is relatively high. Other findings from the mapping of regional financial capacity based on the quadrant method, the position of the city of Magelang is in quadrant III. This condition is also not ideal. The big role of PAD in Total Spending has a small chance because the growth of PAD is small. The contribution of PAD to total expenditure is high, but the growth of PAD is low. Efforts to further increase PAD by optimizing resource management and expanding the potential of the economic sector
Pengaruh wisatawan internasional terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia
Tourism is a fairly important sector for indonesia, where with indonesia's large tourism potential it is a strong attraction for international tourists to visit indonesia. During the last decades, the relationship between international tourists and economic growth has been the focus of attention of various countries and researchers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of macroeconomic variables and international tourists on indonesia's economic growth. In this study, the ecm (error correction model) test method was used and the data used was time series data with a period of 25 years, namely the period 1991-2015. The results of the analysis show that the working workforce, the exchange rate, and the number of international tourist arrivals have an effect on indonesia's economic growth. As for foreign direct investment, the average spending and length of stay of international tourists have no effect on indonesia's economic growth
Analisis Determinan Tingkat Pengangguran Se Eks Karesidenan Surakarta Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 1999- 2013
This research aimed to analyze the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, the minimum of wage, population and unemployment rates throughout the year 1999-2013 in Surakarta Residency. The analysis technique used in this study is a panel data regression. It used to determine the factors that affect the level of unemployment in Surakarta Residency along 1999-2013. Data panel is a combination of cross section that includes seven in Surakarta and time series during 15 years from 1999-2013. The results showed that the Fixed Effects Model (FEM) is a panel data regression model is most appropriate. Based on simultaneous test, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, the minimum of wage, and the number of population simultaneously have an impact on the unemployment rate. Based on the effect validity test, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) significant negative effect on the unemployment rate, the minimum wage and population has a significant positive effect on the unemployment rate, while inflation does not have a significant effect on the unemployment rate in Surakarta Residency from 1999-2013
This study aims to examine the short-term and long-term effects of foreign direct investment, human development, economic growth, and electricity infrastructure on poverty alleviation efforts, which are proxied by the number of poor people below the national poverty line in Indonesia. The data used are time series data from 1996 to 2019, the methods used are Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) and Error Correction Model (ECM) or ARDL-ECM. The results of this study indicate that in the short term foreign direct investment and human development index variables have a significant negative effect on poverty. And in the long term, only the electricity infrastructure variable has a significant negative effect on poverty in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the economic growth variable does not have a significant effect, either in the short or long term, on poverty in Indonesia