3 research outputs found
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Dan Pupuk Kompos Kulit Buah Kakao Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Gueneensis Jacq.) Di Pembibitan Utama.
The purpose of this study was to determine the best dose interaction and liquid organic fertilizer and compost rind cocoa to the growth of oil palm seedlings in Main nursery. The research was conducted from September 2014 to January 2015. The research was conducted using a completely randomized design consisting of two factors and three replications. The first factor is the provision of liquid organic reeds fertilizer with 4 dose level consisting (0, 50, 75 and 100 ml / 1 liter of water. The second factor is the provision of compost rind cocoa with 4 dose level consisting (0, 50, 100 and 150 g / 8 kg soil (37.5 tons / ha). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by a further test DNMRT at 5% level. Parameters measured were high increment, in the number of leaves, tubers circumference, crown root ratio and seedling dry weight. The results showed that administration of a liquid organic fertilizer 50 ml / l and compost rind cocoa 150 g / polybag, showed increased growth of oil palm seedlings to the seedling height parameters, number of leaves, dry weight of seedlings and did not show an increase in the circumference hump and the ratio of the root crow
Structure–Activity Relationship of Cytotoxic Natural Products from Indonesian Marine Sponges
Indonesian marine natural products have been one of the most promising sources in the race to obtain potential drugs for
cancer treatment. One of the primary producers of cytotoxic compounds is sponges. However, there are still limited sources
of comprehensive reviews related to the relationship between the structure of isolated compounds and their cytotoxic activity.
This review remarks the attempt to provide a preliminary guidance from the perspective of structure–activity relationship
and its participation on marine natural products research. This guidance is segregated by the compound’s classes and their
cytotoxic targets to obtain and organized a reliable summary of inter-study of the isolated compounds and their cytotoxicity.
Structure–activity relationship is well-known for its ability to tune the bioactivity of a specific compound, especially on
synthetic organic chemistry and in silico study but rarely used on natural product chemistry. The present review is intended
to narrow down the endless possibilities of cytotoxicity by giving a predictable structure–activity relationship for active
compounds. In addition, bioactive framework leads were selected by uncovering a noticeable structure–activity relationship
with the intervention of cytotoxic agents from natural sources, especially Indonesian marine sponge