1,385 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based Transfer Learning Explanation

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    Machine learning explanation can significantly boost machine learning's application in decision making, but the usability of current methods is limited in human-centric explanation, especially for transfer learning, an important machine learning branch that aims at utilizing knowledge from one learning domain (i.e., a pair of dataset and prediction task) to enhance prediction model training in another learning domain. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based approach for human-centric explanation of transfer learning. Three kinds of knowledge-based explanatory evidence, with different granularities, including general factors, particular narrators and core contexts are first proposed and then inferred with both local ontologies and external knowledge bases. The evaluation with US flight data and DBpedia has presented their confidence and availability in explaining the transferability of feature representation in flight departure delay forecasting.Comment: Accepted by International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 201

    Modular Materialisation of Datalog Programs

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    The semina\"ive algorithm can materialise all consequences of arbitrary datalog rules, and it also forms the basis for incremental algorithms that update a materialisation as the input facts change. Certain (combinations of) rules, however, can be handled much more efficiently using custom algorithms. To integrate such algorithms into a general reasoning approach that can handle arbitrary rules, we propose a modular framework for materialisation computation and its maintenance. We split a datalog program into modules that can be handled using specialised algorithms, and handle the remaining rules using the semina\"ive algorithm. We also present two algorithms for computing the transitive and the symmetric-transitive closure of a relation that can be used within our framework. Finally, we show empirically that our framework can handle arbitrary datalog programs while outperforming existing approaches, often by orders of magnitude.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 201

    Enhancing datalog reasoning with hypertree decompositions

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    Datalog reasoning based on the seminaĂŻve evaluation strategy evaluates rules using traditional join plans, which often leads to redundancy and inefficiency in practice, especially when the rules are complex. Hypertree decompositions help identify efficient query plans and reduce similar redundancy in query answering. However, it is unclear how this can be applied to materialisation and incremental reasoning with recursive Datalog programs. Moreover, hypertree decompositions require additional data structures and thus introduce nonnegligible overhead in both runtime and memory consumption. In this paper, we provide algorithms that exploit hypertree decompositions for the materialisation and incremental evaluation of Datalog programs. Furthermore, we combine this approach with standard Datalog reasoning algorithms in a modular fashion so that the overhead caused by the decompositions is reduced. Our empirical evaluation shows that, when the program contains complex rules, the combined approach is usually significantly faster than the baseline approach, sometimes by orders of magnitude

    Optimised Storage for Datalog Reasoning

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    Materialisation facilitates Datalog reasoning by precomputing all consequences of the facts and the rules so that queries can be directly answered over the materialised facts. However, storing all materialised facts may be infeasible in practice, especially when the rules are complex and the given set of facts is large. We observe that for certain combinations of rules, there exist data structures that compactly represent the reasoning result and can be efficiently queried when necessary. In this paper, we present a general framework that allows for the integration of such optimised storage schemes with standard materialisation algorithms. Moreover, we devise optimised storage schemes targeting at transitive rules and union rules, two types of (combination of) rules that commonly occur in practice. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach significantly improves memory consumption, sometimes by orders of magnitude, while remaining competitive in terms of query answering time.Comment: 19 page

    Frustrated metastable-to-equilibrium grain boundary structural transition in NbMoTaW due to segregation and chemical complexity

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    Grain boundary structural transitions can lead to significant changes in the properties and performance of materials. In multi-principal element alloys, understanding these transitions becomes complex due to phenomena such as local chemical ordering and multi-component segregation. Using atomistic simulations, we explore a metastable-to-equilibrium grain boundary structural transition in NbMoTaW. The transition, characterized by structural disordering and reduced free volume, shows high sensitivity to its local chemical environment. Most notably, the transition temperature range of the alloy is more than twice that of a pure metal. Differences in composition between coexisting metastable and equilibrium structures highlight the change in local site availability due to structural relaxation. Further examination of grain boundaries with fixed chemical states at varying temperatures reveals that the amount of segregation significantly influences the onset temperature yet has minimal effect on the transition width. These insights underscore the profound effects of chemical complexity and ordering on grain boundary transitions in complex concentrated alloys, marking a meaningful advancement in our understanding of grain boundary behavior at the atomic level

    Integrability of an extended d+id-wave pairing Hamiltonian

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    We introduce an integrable Hamiltonian which is an extended d+id-wave pairing model. The integrability is deduced from a duality relation with the Richardson-Gaudin (s-wave) pairing model, and associated to this there exists an exact Bethe ansatz solution. We study this system using the continuum limit approach and solve the corresponding singular integral equation obtained from the Bethe ansatz solution. We also conduct a mean-field analysis and show that results from these two approaches coincide for the ground state in the continuum limit. We identify instances of the integrable system where the excitation spectrum is gapless, and discuss connections to non-integrable models with d+id-wave pairing interactions through the mean-field analysis.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
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