88 research outputs found
Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Mobile Learning Universitas Diponegoro Berbasis Android
Kebutuhan pengajar dan mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro akan kemudahan pertukaran informasi untuk menunjang kegiatan perkuliahan saat ini menjadi hal yang penting. Dengan adanya kemudahan bertukar informasi dalam proses perkuliahan maka juga akan meningkarkan mutu pendidikan pada sebuah Perguruan Tinggi. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan proses perkuliahan adalah dengan pemanfaatan aplikasi pada perangkat bergerak untuk menunjang kebutuhan pengajar dan mahasiswa. Aplikasi mobile learning merupakan aplikasi berbasis perangkat bergerak yang bertujuan untuk menunjang proses belajar mengajar. Dengan adanya mobile learning maka pengajar dan siswa dapat melakukan kegiatan belajar diamanapun dan kapanpun. Aplikasi Undip M-Learning merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang bersifat client-server yang berjalan pada perangkat bergerak yang menggunakan sistem operasi android. Pada sisi server aplikasi dikembangkan dengan platform java enterprise dan database MySQL. Pada sisi client aplikasi dikembangkan untuk platform android yang berkomunikasi dengan aplikasi server dengan menggunakan JSON untuk melakukan pertukaran data. Aplikasi mobile learning memiliki berbagai fungsi antara lain untuk mengelola materi kuliah, tugas, kuis, dan nilai yang dapat di akses baik oleh mahasiswa maupoun dosen. Aplikasi dapat berjalan pada platform android mulai dari versi 2.3 hingga 4.4
English is a language that is found in all fields of Education, which makes English as a language skill that must be mastered by students. There are four skills in learning English namely; reading, writing, speaking and listening. Reading comprehension is one of the skills which is important to develop by all learners because by reading people can improve their knowledge. The problems were the students had poor vocabulary. The researcher applies (CTL) Contextual Teaching Learning approach, to help students understand English-language reading. The objectives of this research entitled “the implementation of contextual teaching-learning approach in teaching reading comprehension to analytical exposition text†was to found out the implementation of the scenario and the students' responses in teaching-learning reading comprehension. This study used descriptive qualitative as a research design. The subject of this research was the grade XI of students’ senior high school in Cimahi consisted of 20 students. The results of this research showed CTL was successfully implemented based on scenarios prepared by the researchers. Using CTL was able to improve students' motivation in learning reading comprehension. It was expressed by students and teachers in the observation sheets and questionnaires.  Keywords: Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL), Reading comprehension, Analytical exposition. Â
Revealing Students’ Responses on the Use of Flipgrid in Speaking Class: Survey on ICT
Along with the development of the 4.0 era, the use of ICT media is not a new thing in the world of education. Many previous studies have integrated various technology-based media (ICT) with language learning including speaking lessons. One of the platforms that is currently being widely used is FLIPGRID. The main objective of this research is to reveal how students respond to the use of FLIPGRID as an ICT-based media that focuses on Speaking. The research method used is the qualitative method. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interviews. From the results of the study, it was found that there were 26 variants of positive responses from the accessibility, internet connectivity, psychological fulfillment, the interactive features, and 16 variants of negative responses of students to the use of the Flipgrid application ranging from competitiveness, equipment, and originality. The most positive responses that arise are that this application is easy to use, while the most negative responses that arise are difficulties or the upload process is quite long. It can be concluded that the FLIPGRID application has more positive responses than negative responses so that this application can be used by teachers and lecturers in the speaking class
This study was conducted on consumers drink fruit Marimas pollen in the city of Semarang. Top Brand Index shows that a decline in market share in the year 2012-2014. This study aims to provide empirical evidence whether Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality influence on Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity on the impact on consumers drink Marimas in Semarang.
Samples were Marimas beverage consumers in the city of Semarang, amounting to 100 people. Data analysis method used is quantitative analysis using multiple linear regression analysis.Quantitive methods include the validity and reliability, the classic assumption test, testing hypothesis through F test, t test and the coefficient of determination (R2). And in this study using Sobel test to detect Brand Loyalty as intervening variable.
The results showed that the Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality showed a positive influence on Brand Loyalty, Brand Loyalty subsequently accepted as an intervening variable in mediating the Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality to Brand Equity
Pengaruh Latihan Gerak Kaki (Stretching) terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Sendi Ekstremitas Bawah pada Lansia di Posyandu Lansia Sejahtera Gbi Setia Bakti Kediri
Backgorund : Aging is naturally experienced by human. The process includes some changes such as: biological, psychological, social, and spiritual state. Physiological alternation appears in musculoskeletal system which causes joint pain. Some treatments can be used to overcome it. One of them is stretching. Stretching increases the elasticity and strength of muscle and also reduces joint pain. The research aimed at studying the influence of stretching toward extremity of joints pain of the elderly on Posyandu Lansia Sejahtera Setia Bakti Baptist Church Kediri. Method : This research Pre Experimental Research, one group pre test – post test design. Sample was 35 respondents who met the inclusive criteria. It was taken using Purposive Sample. The variable was extremity of joints pain. The data were collected through observation and interview before and after the treatment given. Further, it was analyzed using Wilcoxon test with significant level
This studied aims to found outthe students’ response and difficulties in online learned descriptive text through WhatsApp. The subject of this researched was junior high school students who were in seventh grade. The data of this research were obtained by questionnaire and one open-ended question,questionnaire was distributed through Google Form. There were 19 students filled out the form. The results showed that students had positive response to the use of Whatsapp in online learning. However, they found several obstacles, about 47% said they had no difficulties, 31% said they had difficult personal conditions, and 21% of the 19 students said it was difficult to find a good connection. In the case they did not have quota and good signal. This impacted to their understanding of the material given. Besides, some of them had a problem in using WhatsApp, it was due to the smarthphone condition. This indicates that good access and has quota is one of important to conduct the online learning. The other supportive aspect is having good smartphone or tools
Pengaruh Komunikasi Pilkada 2017 terhadap penggunaan broadband menggunakan Anomali Graph pada pelanggan Telkomsel
Komunikasi politik dari para calon kontestan politik terhadap konstituennya di era mobile broadband ini, dirasa cukup efektif dengan memanfaatkan media sosial, bila didasarkan dari faktor kecepatan, efektivitas, efisiensi serta mengukur tanggapan konstituen terhadap transfer informasi seperti materi kampanye, program politik dan yang terutama adalah pencitraan para calon. Penggunaan teknologi broadband dimana PT.Telkomsel sebagai salah satu operator penyedia nya layanan tersebut, perlu juga untuk mempertimbangkan apa saja pengaruh pelaksanaan pesta politik di Indonesia ini terhadap consumer behavior penggunaan broadband konsumennya melalui big data, terutama selama pelaksanaan Pilkada 2017.
Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi terjadi nya penyimpangan jumlah trafik penggunaan broadband selama pelaksanaan pilkada 2017 dibandingkan dengan periode tidak ada pelaksanaan pilkada, serta menganalisis hubungan pelaksanaan pilkada tersebut dengan pola penggunaan broadband pada pengguna mobile internet.
Penulis mengolah data hasil aggregasi penggunaan broadband yang sudah dalam bentuk distribusi normal menjadi bentuk graph beserta hasil analisis anomali nya menggunakan metode anomaly graph. Dengan dataset yang terdiri dari beberapa variabel identitas seperti province, apps_name, total_hits dan payload_byte. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan algoritma Seasonal Hybrid ESD dengan melakukan tes statistic parametrik sehingga bisa disimpulkan pola data penggunaan broadband tersebut apakah terjadi penyimpangan / anomali atau tidak.
Pendekatan teoritis pada penelitian ini adalah political marketing dengan teori pendukung nya adalah communication theory dan digital marketing. Dimana parameter indikator komunikasi yang digunakan adalah sender, message, receiver, media, effect sebagai identitas penggunaan broadband yang diukur dengan total_hits sebagai parameter penguji anomali nya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun model yang meliputi elemen komunikasi dan perilaku konsumen yang menunjukan adanya penyimpangan pola trafik penggunaan broadband selama periode pelaksanaan event besar national Pilkada 2017 di Indonesia menggunakan graph based anomaly detection. Sehingga bisa menjadi landasan untuk optimalisasi marketing layanan broadband.
Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan data transaksi layanan broadband Telkomsel beserta pre-defined variable yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan telco historical data kemudian diolah menggunakan algoritma anomaly detection untuk mengetahui karakteristik penggunaan broadband selama pilkada 2017 berlangsung
Pemanfaatan Jaringan Komputer Untuk Aplikasi IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) Studi Kasus Akatel Sandhy Putra Purwokerto
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) adalah suatu pengembangan baru dalam software komunikasi client-server yang mem-broadcast video yang berkualitas tinggi melalui jaringan internet protocol. IPTV melayani baik siaran langsung (live) maupun program atau video yang tersimpan di server. Streaming adalah sebuah teknologi untuk memainkan file video atau audio secara langsung ataupun dengan prerecorded dari sebuah mesin server. File video atau audio yang terletak pada server dapat secara langsung dijalankan pada komputer client sesaat setelah ada permintaan dari users sehingga proses download yang menghabiskan waktu cukup lama dapat dihindari. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) adalah salah satu sistem yang digunakan untuk mentransmisikan siaran TV / Video digital hingga sampai ke pengguna akhir (end-user). Proses Transmisi siaran TV umumnya masih menggunakan metode analog, maka dengan adanya streaming TV channel berbasis DVB merupakan suatu perkembangan distribusi siaran televisi yang tadinya secara analog menjadi digital. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai aplikasi IPTV yang berbasis DVB dengan metode streaming pada Ubuntu 9.04 yang merupakan distro Linux dengan media transmisi Wireless LAN Akatel Sandhy Putra Purwokerto. Metode streaming yang digunakan adalah broadcast yaitu pengiriman data, dimana data dikirimkan ke banyak titik sekaligus, tanpa melakukan pengecekan apakah titik tersebut siap atau tidak, atau tanpa memperhatikan apakah data itu sampai atau tidak. Contoh penggunaan sistem ini adalah siaran televisi dan radio
Implementasi Perda Nomor 6 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kota Semarang
Waste matter in the city of Semarang is an issue that never ends, where is the garbage there will always be for man is still alive. All the activity and human activity never detached and always produces waste. The waste problem in the city of Semarang will be more worried about handling if not be taken seriously. This on land because of carelessness final disposal place at Jatibarang\u27s landfills more narrow and already full. Even the volume of waste in the flue to this place from year to year experienced significant improvement that is to ride about 10 percent. Semarang City Government has made a policy to resolve the issue that is in the form of Regional Regulations No. 6/2012 about waste management in the city of Semarang.The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 6/2012 about waste management in the city of Semarang, and supporting factor or factor impediment to the implementation. The methods used in this study is a qualitative approach is descriptive-analytic. There are two indicators in the implementation of waste management, there are management of waste and waste utilization.The implementation of the waste management in Semarang city is still considered less properly, especially the management at Jatibarang\u27s landfill. Requires support from all parties within petrification deal with waste matter that2has no end. The support of government, privat, and society in encouraging wastemanagement activities are needed in implementing the mandate of regionalregulation No. 6/2012, As well as awareness of the self about the importance ofhealthy environment externalities on the self each.Supporting factors in implementation of waste management in the city ofsemarang are the presence of facilities and infrastructure every year, cooperationbetween state corporations, private and society. While factors impediment toimplementation are communication the lack of space at tpa jatibarang, weatherfactor, and infrastructure of unbalanced production with the rubbish every day
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