72 research outputs found

    The Campaign of Papua Peace Network for Papua Peace Land

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    This article aims to narrate a series of peaceful campaigns conducted by Papua Peace Network (PPN) for Papua Peace Land. This informal network consists of several groups of civil societies, such as religious organizations, ethnic groups, NGOs, and academicians. The PPN has some objectives that are to connect conflicted groups in Papua land, and to help both Papuan people and Indonesian government preparing an inclusive dialogue. This article results from research between 2013 and 2017. The data collection used observation of peaceful campaign of PPN, interviews, and archival research. This research shows that although a series of peaceful campaigns have been conducted by PPN both at the national and local levels between 2013 and 2016, but political violence still increases in Papua land. On another side, the national government only focuses on social and economic development issues, in particular, infrastructure projects, instead of political issues. Government officials involved in peaceful campaigns conducted by PPN had no power enough to implement some peace recommendations due to the national government has no a roadmap to resolve the conflict between Jakarta and Papua peacefully. The article argues that a continuously informal communication between conflicted parties is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition to create a positive peace. Therefore, the National Government is strongly suggested to implement an inclusive national dialogue with Papuan people

    The Campaign of Papua Peace Network for Papua Peace Land

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    This article aims to narrate a series of peaceful campaigns conducted by Papua Peace Network (PPN) for Papua Peace Land. This informal network consists of several groups of civil societies, such as religious organizations, ethnic groups, NGOs, and academicians. The PPN has some objectives that are to connect conflicted groups in Papua land, and to help both Papuan people and Indonesian government preparing an inclusive dialogue. This article results from research between 2013 and 2017. The data collection used observation of peaceful campaign of PPN, interviews, and archival research. This research shows that although a series of peaceful campaigns have been conducted by PPN both at the national and local levels between 2013 and 2016, but political violence still increases in Papua land. On another side, the national government only focuses on social and economic development issues, in particular, infrastructure projects, instead of political issues. Government officials involved in peaceful campaigns conducted by PPN had no power enough to implement some peace recommendations due to the national government has no a roadmap to resolve the conflict between Jakarta and Papua peacefully. The article argues that a continuously informal communication between conflicted parties is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition to create a positive peace. Therefore, the National Government is strongly suggested to implement an inclusive national dialogue with Papuan people

    Nasionalisme Masyarakat Di Perbatasan Laut: Studi Kasus Masyarakat Melayu-karimun

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    Tulisan ini mempunyai tujuan sebagai berikut. Pertama, mendeskripsikan upaya pemeliharaan rasa kebangsaan yang telah dilakukan negara terhadap masyarakat perbatasan. Kedua, mengkaji sejauh mana masyarakat perbatasan mempunyai pengetahuan tentang negara dan perbatasan. Ketiga, melihat sejauh mana masyarakat perbatasan memiliki kebanggaan nasional dan memaknai nasionalisme. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam artikel ini terdiri dari wawancara, diskusi kelompok terbatas, pengamatan terlibat, dan studi literatur yang dilakukan di Tanjung Balai Karimun dan Tanjung Batu (Kabupaten Karimun). Temuan dalam studi ini sebagai berikut. Pertama, penguasaan pengetahuan terhadap NKRI sebagai konsepsi politik serta kebanggaan nasional masyarakat perbatasan pada masa kini semakin meningkat karena perkembangan teknologi informasi dan upaya pemeliharaan wawasan kebangsaan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah. Kedua, nasionalisme yang didefinisikan oleh negara, yang diukur dengan pemahaman terhadap wawasan kebangsaan, kurang relevan dengan konteks sosial ekonomi masyarakat perbatasan yang masih hidup dalam keterbatasan. Ketiga, upaya pemeliharaan rasa kebangsaan dapat dilakukan dengan mengakomodasi dan memberikan ruang bagi perkembangan identitas dan kebudayaan masyarakat perbatasan dalam bingkai rumah Indonesia

    Kontestasi Antar Orang Asli Papua Terhadap Hak Pertuanan Di Kaimana

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    This article is addressed to describe the social relations within the Papuan ethnic groups and between Papua native and migrants concerning some customary rights in Kaimana district. This research describes the struggle of inland and beach tribes in fighting for customary rights of land in Kaimana. Moreover, it captures the respond of migrants in dealing with the customary right. This study shows the recognition of the the eldest ethnic in Kaimana is a strategy and discourse constructed by Papua ethnic groups that have felt marginalized while migrants have taken their resources. This right could be understood as the need for recognition of Papua ethnic groups. The most important issue is not who the native of Kaimana is, but what the proper ways to give recognition to Papua ethnic groups which had been left behind in development are. The relation between the Papua natives and migrants in Kaimana is not complicated as the migrants have no privileges in the political contestation. However, these relationship are affected by the differences in religious affiliations. The Muslim Papua ethnic groups generally have a closer relationship with the Muslim migrants. The analytical framework of this study using the theoretical framework of identity and ethnicity to look at the issue. Does the definition of identity and ethnicity according to sociological theories are still relevant to understanding the issue of claims of ethnic identity in the city of Kaimana

    Pengelolaan Perbatasan dan Hubungan Antaretnis di Bengkayang

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    This article aims to describe the cultural dimension in the management of territorial border between Indonesia and Malaysia in Bengkayang. To explain the cultural approach, this article shed a light on the history of the border between Indonesia and Malaysia, problems of socio-cultural appeared in the border, and border management approach accommodating to the interests of cultural communities. This article is resulted from a field research in Bengkayang, West Kalimantan in 2015. Findings of this study conclude that the political approach in viewing border issue is not in accordance with the dynamics of inter-ethnic relations. The cultural dimension is often forgotten in the political analysis of border management due to the state border, in the conventional approach, is seen as a political borderline.Tulisan ini merupakan suatu deskripsi mengenai dimensi sosial-kebudayaan dalam pengelolaan perbatasan darat RI-Malaysia di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab oleh kajian ini adalah (i) bagaimanakah sejarah pembentukan perbatasan di Kalimantan Barat? (ii) Bagaimanakah persoalan relasi antaretnik di daerah tersebut? Dan (iii) Bagaimana relasi antaretnik tersebut dipengaruhi oleh konflik pada masa lalu? Untuk menjelaskan pendekatan kebudayaan dalam melihat perbatasan, akan diuraikan Perubahan perspektif perbatasan, sejarah pembentukan perbatasan, persoalan-persoalan sosial-budaya yang muncul di kawasan perbatasan, dan pendekatan pengelolaan perbatasan yang akomodatif terhadap kepentingan masyarakat perbatasan. Persoalan utama dalam kajian perbatasan adalah masih kuatnya pendekatan keamanan negara dalam pengelolaan perbatasan dan masih diabaikannya realitas kehidupan masyarakat perbatasan yang bersifat kompleks dalam pengelolaan perbatasan. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan di Kabupaten Bengkayang Kalimantan Barat pada tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendekatan politik keamanan yang digunakan dalam melihat persoalan perbatasan kurang sesuai dengan dinamika hubungan antaretnis masyarakat perbatasan yang longgar. Dimensi kebudayaan seringkali dilupakan dalam analisis politik pengelolaan perbatasan karena perbatasan negara, dalam pendekatan konvensional, dipandang sebagai garis perbatasan politik

    Nationalism of Border Society: Case Study of Sangir People, Sangihe Regency

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    This study aims to describe how maintenance of nationalism has been conducted by the state toward border communities and how far citizens understand the concept of the Homeland and border, national pride, and apprehending the meaning of nationalism. The main source of data used in this study was the result of interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation, and literature studies conducted in Tahu, and Marore (Sangihe). The findings in this study are as follows. First, the acquisition of knowledge about the Homeland as a political concept, as well as national pride border communities today is increasing due to the development of information technology development and maintenance of nationalism efforts undertaken by the Government. Second, nationalism is defined by the state as measured by people's understanding toward the concept of nationalism which is less relevant to the socio-economic context of low income border communities. Third, the maintenance of nationalism efforts can be done to accommodate and provide space for cultural identity development of border communities in Indonesia

    TOLERANSI BERAGAMA DALAM PRAKTIK SOSIAL: Studi Kasus Hubungan Mayoritas dan Minoritas Agama di Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Selama ini Indonesia dilaporkan oleh pusat penelitian keagamaan maupun organisasi perlindungan hak asasi manusia sebagai negara yang masih belum menjamin perlindungan hak-hak asasi manusia terutama dalam kebebasan beragama. Fenomena yang sering disoroti adalah masalah penutupan gereja yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Muslim Sunni. Paper ini mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan Mayoritas Hindu dan komunitas agama minoritas di Kabupaten Buleleng terkait dengan pendirian tempat ibadah. Temuan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa dalam banyak kasus, kelompok minortas Islam dan Kristen mengalami kesulitan ketika ingin mendirikan tempat ibadah meskipun persyaratan administrasi telah dipenuhi. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena Pemerintah Daerah menetapkan sejumlah kebijakan untuk melindungi identitas dan tradisi Hindu yang merupakan identitas utama orang Bali. Indonesia is frequently reported research centers of religious and international human rights organizations as a country that less in the protection of human rights, especially religious freedom. The phenomenon that is often highlighted is church closings by Sunni Moslem community in several areas such as Bogor, Bekasi and Aceh. This paper is addressed to describe the relationship of Hindu majority and minority religious communities in Buleleng associated with the establishment of places of worship. Field findings indicate that Moslems and Christians in Buleleng find difficulties when they want to establish a place of worship although several administrative requirements have been fullfilled. This is due to local government set a number of policies to protect the identity and traditions of Hinduism which the primary identity of the Balinese.</p

    MENCARI BENTUK REKONSILIASI INTRA-AGAMA: Analisis terhadap Pengungsi Syiah Sampang dan Ahmadiyah Mataram

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    This article aims to answer a three of questions as follows: first, whether reconciliation between the refugees of Islam minorities, Shia Sampang andAhmadiyah Lombok, and Sunni’s majority in their hometown still possible? Second, if it is still possible how to implement it and what constraints do arise? Third, theoretically, which model of reconciliation is in accordance with the context of the intra-religious conflict in Indonesia? This article is written based on the study of literature and field research, conducted by LIPI research team, which seeks to identify conditions or necessary conditions to achieve reconciliation between displaced Islamic minority and Islamic majority live in their places of origin. The issue of reconciliation is very important, considering both the refugee community is Indonesian citizens who have the right to be protected. However, in reality, they like to be in a quarantine so-called refugee camps. The proposition of this article is reconciliation among communities displaced by the public place of origin is possible with certain conditions such as the strong implementation of the fulfillment of human rights, cultural context and theological beliefs that support the peace process, and the role of active government in pushing the peace process.<br /

    Building Social Resilience on Asmat People: Social and Cultural Perspective

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    Berbagai kajian mengenai Asmat selama ini lebih banyak dari kajian seni ukir dan kekayaan budaya kayunya. Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) gizi buruk dan campak yang menyerang anak-anak Balita di daerah ini sejak Bulan September 2017 sampai pertengahan Bulan Januari 2018 telah membuka mata dunia internasional bahwa keberlanjutan Suku Asmat dipertanyakan. Berbagai analisis ilmiah menjelaskan bahwa peristiwa kematian masal Balita ini disebabkan oleh persoalan rendahnya budaya kesehatan, lingkungan yang kurang mendukung, dan sulitnya menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan pada daerah yang terisolir. Seolah-olah orang dan budaya suku Asmat dan situasi geografisnya menjadi penyebab dari penyakit ini. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menarasikan bagaimana melihat wabah penyakit tersebut dari perspektif sosial dan kultural, yaitu rendahnya ketahanan sosial suku Asmat. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka dan diskusi terfokus di Jayapura. Kerangka teori yang digunakan adalah pendekatan ekologis dan kebudayaan dalam melihat keberlanjutan suatu komunitas agar sanggup menghadapi perubahan lingkungan eksternalnya. Argumentasi yang dibangun dalam artikel ini adalah menyelamatkan suku Asmat dalam jangka panjang hanya dapat dilakukan dengan mengembalikan mereka ke habitatnya dan mengurangi ketergantungan pada konsumsi pangan yang disediakan oleh pasar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyebab mendasar KLB Asmat adalah ketercerabutan Orang Asmat dari habitat ekologinya sehingga mereka bergantung pada pangan yang disediakan oleh pasar. Various studies on Asmat ethnicities tend to focus on carving art and cultural richness of wood. Since the malnutrition and measles affecting children under five in this area from September 2017 to mid January 2018 has opened the eyes of international communities that the sustainability of Asmat tribe is questioned. Various scientific analyzes explain that the mass death of children resulted from low health culture, the less supportive environment, and the difficulty of providing health services to isolated areas. It implicitly says that the people, culture, and environment of Asmat tribes are the main causes of this disease. It is as if the Asmat people and culture and the geographical situation are the cause of this disease. Therefore, this article aims to describe the epidemic from a social and cultural perspective, namely the low social resilience of the Asmat. The research method is conducted by using literature studies and a focused discussion in Jayapura. The theoretical framework used is the ecological and cultural approach to viewing the sustainability of a community to be able to cope with environmental change. The argument of this study is to save Asmat tribes in the extended period only by restoring them to their habitat and reducing the dependence on the food consumption provided by the market. Results of this study indicate that the underlying cause of Asmat outbreaks is the gratuity of Asmat people from their ecological habitats so that they depend on the food provided by the market
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