4,163 research outputs found
Beyond Hermeneutics? Some Remarks on the Meaning and Scope of Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics would seem to be enjoying an unprecedented vogue in America today. A colleague of mine opined somewhat cynically at the hermeneutics symposium earlier this year in Lawrence, Kansas, that hermeneutics owed this popularity in part to the fact that it was a term vague enough to serve as a rallying point in the common battle against scientific reductionism, literary formalism, and positivist modes in sociology — or whatever else one might be against. This was borne out by Richard de George\u27s remark introducing the final panel at the meeting, that hermeneutics seemed to be many things to many people — a theory, a philosophy, a view of reality, a methodology, an approach, a hope, a promise, an ideology … it\u27s probably all of those, and more depending on which speaker we turn to and how we interpret what they say. He might have added hermeneutics as a slogan, as battle cry. Then he goes on to ask, In which of its guises does it have a future? He might have asked: In which of its guises is it a thing of the past? Significantly, his enumeration omitted precisely the sense of hermeneutics I will be advocating in this paper: hermeneutics as a field of study, a discipline, as general theory of interpretation. But just this definitional vagueness also makes it difficult to know what is being asserted in the claim of those who in the face of our enthusiasm demand that we go beyond hermeneutics. In what sense is it really possible to go beyond hermeneutics at all
On the importance of being finished
The publication of an increasing number of draft genome sequences presents problems that will only be resolved by improved search tools and by complete finishing of the sequences - and their deposition in publicly accessible databases
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Improving nanopore read accuracy with the R2C2 method enables the sequencing of highly multiplexed full-length single-cell cDNA.
High-throughput short-read sequencing has revolutionized how transcriptomes are quantified and annotated. However, while Illumina short-read sequencers can be used to analyze entire transcriptomes down to the level of individual splicing events with great accuracy, they fall short of analyzing how these individual events are combined into complete RNA transcript isoforms. Because of this shortfall, long-distance information is required to complement short-read sequencing to analyze transcriptomes on the level of full-length RNA transcript isoforms. While long-read sequencing technology can provide this long-distance information, there are issues with both Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long-read sequencing technologies that prevent their widespread adoption. Briefly, PacBio sequencers produce low numbers of reads with high accuracy, while ONT sequencers produce higher numbers of reads with lower accuracy. Here, we introduce and validate a long-read ONT-based sequencing method. At the same cost, our Rolling Circle Amplification to Concatemeric Consensus (R2C2) method generates more accurate reads of full-length RNA transcript isoforms than any other available long-read sequencing method. These reads can then be used to generate isoform-level transcriptomes for both genome annotation and differential expression analysis in bulk or single-cell samples
Effects of biceps tension on the torn superior glenoid labrum
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of the tension on the long head of the biceps tendon in the propagation of SLAP tears by studying the mechanical behavior of the torn superior glenoid labrum. A previously validated finite element model was extended to include a glenoid labrum with type II SLAP tears of three different sizes. The strain distribution within the torn labral tissue with loading applied to the biceps tendon was investigated and compared to the inact and unloaded conditions. The anterior and posterior edges of each SLAP tear experienced the highest strain in the labrum. Labral strain increased with increasing biceps tension. This effect was stronger in the labrum when the size of the tear exceeded the width of the biceps anchor on the superior labrum. Thus, this study indicates that biceps tension influences the propagation of a SLAP tear more than it does the initiation of a tear. Additionally, it also suggests that the tear size greater than the biceps anchor site as a criterion in determining optimal treatment of a type II SLAP tear. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:1545–1551, 2015.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113101/1/jor22888.pd
Effects of biceps tension and superior humeral head translation on the glenoid labrum
We sought to understand the effects of superior humeral head translation and load of the long head of biceps on the pathomechanics of the superior glenoid labrum by predicting labral strain. Using micro‐CT cadaver images, a finite element model of the glenohumeral joint was generated, consisting of humerus, glenoid bone, cartilages, labrum, and biceps tendon. A glenohumeral compression of 50 N and biceps tensions of 0, 22, 55, and 88 N were applied. The humeral head was superiorly translated from 0 to 5 mm in 1‐mm increments. The highest labral strain occurred at the interface with the glenoid cartilage and bone beneath the origin of the biceps tendon. The maximum strain was lower than the reported failure strain. The humeral head motion had relatively greater effect than biceps tension on the increasing labral strain. This supports the mechanistic hypothesis that superior labral lesions result mainly from superior migration of the humeral head, but also from biceps tension. © 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 32:1424–1429, 2014.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108670/1/jor22688.pd
Formation and emission mechanisms of Ag nanoclusters in the Ar matrix assembly cluster source
In this paper, we study the mechanisms of growth of Ag nanoclusters in a solid Ar matrix and the emission of these nanoclusters from the matrix by a combination of experimental and theoretical methods. The molecular dynamics simulations show that the cluster growth mechanism can be described as "thermal spike-enhanced clustering" in multiple sequential ion impact events. We further show that experimentally observed large sputtered metal clusters cannot be formed by direct sputtering of Ag mixed in the Ar. Instead, we describe the mechanism of emission of the metal nanocluster that, at first, is formed in the cryogenic matrix due to multiple ion impacts, and then is emitted as a result of the simultaneous effects of interface boiling and spring force. We also develop an analytical model describing this size-dependent cluster emission. The model bridges the atomistic simulations and experimental time and length scales, and allows increasing the controllability of fast generation of nanoclusters in experiments with a high production rate.Peer reviewe
Towards production of novel catalyst powders from supported size-selected clusters by multilayer deposition and dicing
A multilayer deposition method has been developed with the potential to capture and process atomic clusters generated by a high flux cluster beam source. In this deposition mode a series of sandwich structures each consisting of three layers—a carbon support layer, cluster layer and polymer release layer—is sequentially deposited to form a stack of isolated cluster layers, as confirmed by through-focal aberration-corrected HAADF STEM analysis. The stack can then be diced into small pieces by a mechanical saw. The diced pieces are immersed in solvent to dissolve the polymer release layer and form small platelets of supported clusters
Foraging distance distributions reveal how honeybee waggle dance recruitment varies with landscape
Honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies use a unique collective foraging system, the waggle dance, to communicate and process the location of resources. Here, we present a means to quantify the effect of recruitment on colony forager allocation across the landscape by simply observing the waggle dance on the dancefloor. We show first, through a theoretical model, that recruitment leaves a characteristic imprint on the distance distribution of foraging sites that a colony visits, which varies according to the proportion of trips driven by individual search. When we fit this model to the real-world empirical distance distribution of forage sites visited by 20 honeybee colonies in urban and rural landscapes across South East England, obtained via dance decoding, we find considerable variation in the use of dancing in colony foraging, particularly in agri-rural landscapes. In our dataset, reliance on dancing increases as arable land gives way to built-up areas, suggesting that dancing may have the greatest impact on colony foraging in the complex and heterogeneous landscapes of forage-rich urban areas. Our model provides a tool to assess the relevance of this extraordinary behaviour across modern anthropogenic landscape type
Molecular dynamics simulation of nanofilament breakage in neuromorphic nanoparticle networks
Neuromorphic computing systems may be the future of computing and
cluster-based networks are a promising architecture for the realization of
these systems. The creation and dissolution of synapses between the clusters
are of great importance for their function. In this work, we model the thermal
breakage of a gold nanofilament located between two gold nanoparticles via
molecular dynamics simulations to study on the mechanisms of neuromorphic
nanoparticle-based devices. We employ simulations of Au nanowires of different
lengths ( nm), widths ( nm) and shapes connecting two Au
nanoparticles (NPs) and monitor the evolution of the system via a detailed
structural identification analysis. We found that atoms of the nanofilament
gradually aggregate towards the clusters, causing the middle of the wire to
gradually thin and then break. Most of the system remains crystalline during
this process but the center is molten. The terminal NPs increase the melting
point of the NWs by fixing the middle wire and act as recrystallization areas.
We report a strong dependence on the width of the NWs, but also their length
and structure. These results may serve as guidelines for the realization of
cluster-based neuromorphic computing systems
Neuromorphic nanocluster networks: Critical role of the substrate in nano-link formation
Atomic cluster-based networks represent a promising architecture for the
realization of neuromorphic computing systems, which may overcome some of the
limitations of the current computing paradigm. The formation and breakage of
synapses between the clusters are of utmost importance for the functioning of
these computing systems. This paper reports the results of molecular dynamics
simulations of synapse (bridge) formation at elevated temperatures and thermal
breaking processes between 2.8 nanometer-sized Au clusters deposited
on a carbon substrate, a model system. Crucially, we find that the bridge
formation process is driven by the diffusion of gold atoms along the substrate,
however small the gap between the clusters themselves. The complementary
simulations of the bridge-breaking process reveal the existence of a threshold
bias voltage to activate bridge rupture via Joule heating. These results
provide an atomistic-level understanding of the fundamental dynamical processes
occurring in neuromorphic cluster arrays
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