123 research outputs found
Parallel decomposition methods for linearly constrained problems subject to simple bound with application to the SVMs training
We consider the convex quadratic linearly constrained problem
with bounded variables and with huge and dense Hessian matrix that arises
in many applications such as the training problem of bias support vector machines.
We propose a decomposition algorithmic scheme suitable to parallel implementations
and we prove global convergence under suitable conditions. Focusing
on support vector machines training, we outline how these assumptions
can be satisfied in practice and we suggest various specific implementations.
Extensions of the theoretical results to general linearly constrained problem
are provided. We included numerical results on support vector machines with
the aim of showing the viability and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme
A fast branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex quadratic integer optimization subject to linear constraints using ellipsoidal relaxations
We propose two exact approaches for non-convex quadratic integer minimization subject to linear constraints where lower bounds are computed by considering ellipsoidal relaxations of the feasible set. In the first approach, we intersect the ellipsoids with the feasible linear subspace. In the second approach we penalize exactly the linear constraints. We investigate the connection between both approaches theoretically. Experimental results show that the penalty approach significantly outperforms CPLEX on problems with small or medium size variable domains. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Neural networks for small scale ORC optimization
This study concerns a thermodynamic and technical optimization of a small scale Organic Rankine Cycle system for waste heat
recovery applications. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been used to develop a thermodynamic model to be used for
the maximization of the production of power while keeping the size of the heat exchangers and hence the cost of the plant at its
minimum. R1234yf has been selected as the working fluid. The results show that the use of ANN is promising in solving complex
nonlinear optimization problems that arise in the field of thermodynamics
On the convergence of a Block-Coordinate Incremental Gradient method
In this paper, we study the convergence of a block-coordinate incremental gradient method. Under some specific assumptions on the objective function, we prove that the block-coordinate incremental gradient method can be seen as a gradient method with errors and convergence can be proved by showing the error at each iteration satisfies some standard conditions. Thus, we can prove convergence towards stationary points when the block incremental gradient method is coupled with a diminishing stepsize and towards an epsilon-approximate solution when a bounded away from zero stepsize is employed
Off-the-shelf solvers for mixed-integer conic programming: insights from a computational study on congested capacitated facility location instances
This paper analyzes the performance of five well-known off-the-shelf
optimization solvers on a set of mixed-integer conic programs proposed for the
congested capacitated facility location problem. We aim to compare the
computational efficiency of the solvers and examine the solution strategies
they adopt when solving instances with different sizes and complexity.
The solvers we compare are Gurobi, Cplex, Mosek, Xpress, and Scip. We run
extensive numerical tests on a testbed of 30 instances from the literature. Our
results show that Mosek and Gurobi are the most competitive solvers, as they
achieve better time and gap performance, solving most instances within the time
limit. Mosek outperforms Gurobi in large-size problems and provides more
accurate solutions in terms of feasibility. Xpress solves to optimality about
half of the instances tested within the time limit, and in this half, it
achieves performance similar to that of Gurobi and Mosek. Cplex and Scip emerge
as the least competitive solvers. The results provide guidelines on how each
solver behaves on this class of problems and highlight the importance of
choosing a solver suited to the problem type
Benders decomposition for congested partial set covering location with uncertain demand
In this paper, we introduce a mixed integer quadratic formulation for the
congested variant of the partial set covering location problem, which involves
determining a subset of facility locations to open and efficiently allocating
customers to these facilities to minimize the combined costs of facility
opening and congestion while ensuring target coverage. To enhance the
resilience of the solution against demand fluctuations, we address the case
under uncertain customer demand using -robustness. We formulate the
deterministic problem and its robust counterpart as mixed-integer quadratic
problems. We investigate the effect of the protection level in adapted
instances from the literature to provide critical insights into how sensitive
the planning is to the protection level. Moreover, since the size of the robust
counterpart grows with the number of customers, which could be significant in
real-world contexts, we propose the use of Benders decomposition to effectively
reduce the number of variables by projecting out of the master problem all the
variables dependent on the number of customers. We illustrate how to
incorporate our Benders approach within a mixed-integer second-order cone
programming (MISOCP) solver, addressing explicitly all the ingredients that are
instrumental for its success. We discuss single-tree and multi-tree approaches
and introduce a perturbation technique to deal with the degeneracy of the
Benders subproblem efficiently. Our tailored Benders approaches outperform the
perspective reformulation solved using the state-of-the-art MISOCP solver
Gurobi on adapted instances from the literature
The forgotten pillar of sustainability: development of the S-assessment tool to evaluate Organizational Social Sustainability
Pursuing sustainable development has become a global imperative, underscored
adopting of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG). At the heart of this agenda lies the recognition of
social sustainability as a pivotal component, emphasizing the need for
inclusive societies where every individual can thrive. Despite its
significance, social sustainability remains a "forgotten pillar," often
overshadowed by environmental concerns. In response, this paper presents the
development and validation of the S-Assessment Tool for Social Sustainability,
a comprehensive questionnaire designed to evaluate organizations' performance
across critical dimensions such as health and wellness, gender equality, decent
work, and economic growth, reducing inequalities, and responsible production
and consumption. The questionnaire was constructed on the critical dimensions
identified through a systematic and narrative hybrid approach to the analysis
of peer-reviewed literature. The framework has been structured around the
values of the SDGs. It aims to empower organizations to better understand and
address their social impact, fostering positive change and contributing to the
collective effort towards a more equitable and sustainable future. Through
collaborative partnerships and rigorous methodology, this research underscores
the importance of integrating social sustainability into organizational
practices and decision-making processes, ultimately advancing the broader
agenda of sustainable development
Modern optimization approaches to classification: special issue editorial
Margin Optimal Classification Trees
In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine
learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks
to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for
classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer
programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the
problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We
present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which
exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary
classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree
(MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested
in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we
analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection
constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been
tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature
space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach.
Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the
UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than
other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new
observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the
most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality
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