422 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) bagaimana bentuk perilaku keagamaan remaja di desa Barakkae. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan, 2) dampak penggunaan media sosial terhadap perilaku keagamaan remaja di Desa Barakkae. Dampak negatif dan positif yang muncul dari penggunaan media sosial tersebut kemudian akan dianalisa dengan akhlak keagamaan para remaja di desa Barakkae.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Bentuk perilaku keagaaman remaja di Desa Barakkae masih kurang baik, dimana Angka penggunaan media sosial remaja di Desa Barakkae adalah tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikan dari jumlah akun yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing remaja yang banyak dan juga intensitas penggunaan media sosial yang terlalu sering dalam sehari. 2) Dampak dari penggunaan media sosial yaitu munculnya beberapa sifat yang kurang baik dari remaja yang timbul akibat terlalu sering berinteraksi di media sosial seperti malas, boros, hilangnya rasa malu, dan tidak adanya batasan di dalam penggunaan media sosial menjadikan remaja lebih sering mengabaikan hal-hal yang positif, seperti sebagian remaja sibuk mengakses media sosialnya saat adzan berkumandang di masjid dan bahkan ada sebagian remaja yang menghiraukannya
Empowering the Students’ Vocabulary Skill by Using Flash card Method at First Semester English Education Study Program in Academic Year of 2016/2017
This study was about the implementation of Student Flash card in English classroom to improve students’ vocabulary skill. The study conducted at  Fisrt Semester English Education Study Program. The objective of the research  was the students of First Semester (I-A) in Academic Year of 2016-2017  . There was only one class consisting 30 students. The classroom action research was applied in this study. The result of study shows that the study ended in cycle two. As the result, some procedure of empowering to improve students’ vocabulary skill were found that the used of flash cardcould empower their vocabiulary skill. the resulting of the data in the fisrt cyles showed that the fisrt cycle was 40 %. It meant that the empowering of the students’s vocabulary skill was lower than in the second cycles showed that 86 %. It meant that the empowering of the students’s vocabulary skill by using the Flash cardmenthod could empower the vocabulary materials.   Key Word: Empowering, Vocabulary Skill, Flash card, Metho
Penemuan Mikrofilaria Brugia malayi di Wilayah yang Telah Lulus Transmission Assesment Survey (TAS-3) di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Abstract Kotawaringin Barat is a filariasis endemic area and has been undergoing mass drugs adminstration (MDA) for 5 years. The district passed third phase of Transmission Assesment Survey (TAS-3) in 2016. In the TAS-3, we found 4 children with filariasis antibodies. In this study, we performed microscopic examination of microfilaria to confirm the results of TAS-3, as well as the measurement of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards the treatment of filariasis. The study was conducted in Dawak Village and Sungai Bakau Village, with a total sample of 620 respondents. The results of microscopic examination are 5 respondents with Brugia malayi in their blood, consisting of 4 respondents in Dawak Village and 1 respondent in Sungai Bakau Village. The percentage of respondents who know the causes and symptoms of filariasis is very small. Although most respondents have a positive attitude towards treatment, the right treatment behavior is still very low. One respondent was found to be reinfected with B. malayi. In addition, it is suspected that there is transmission from animals to humans, but it still needs further investigation
Komunikasi Pariwisata dalam Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata di Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kabupaten Bengkayang
Pariwisata merupakan industri yang berkembang pesat secara global dan saat ini menjadi sumber pekerjaan dan mata pencaharian bagi banyak orang. Pembangunan pariwisata di daerah sebagai salah satu sektor pembangunan tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pembangunan masyarakat lokal dan pembangunan fasilitas pendukungnya. Salah satu faktor keberhasilan pengembangan sebuah destinasi wisata adalah komunikasi. Melalui komunikasi peluang keterkenalan suatu destinasi wisata akan terbuka semakin lebar dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan komunikasi pariwisata dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata dan menjelaskan partisipasi masyarakat dan memahami model perencanaan komunikasi pariwisata dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata di Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kabupaten Bengkayang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi pariwisata pemerintah Kabupaten Bengkayang dalam mengembangkan destinasi wisata adalah dengan membentuk beberapa desa wisata, membina kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis), dan mengembangkan partisipasi masyarakat pada daerah destinasi wisata yang melibatkan stakeholder pemerintah dan akademisi melalui pengabdian masyarakat. Simpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Komunikasi pariwisata dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata Pulau Lemukutan Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan di Kabupaten Bengkayang dilakukan dengan cara membina dan memberdayakan kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis), melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat sekitar destinasi wisata, dan kampanye wisata yang mengusung tema Wisata bahari. Adapun saran nya adalah sebaiknya perencanaan komunikasi pariwisata di kawasan destinasi wisata Pulau Lemukutan sebaiknya pemerintah mengembangkan komunikasi yang lebih kreatif, terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam melakukan pembinaan menyesuaikan pada aspirasi masyarakat setempat
Analisis Sentimen Masyarakat Berdasarkan Opini dari Sosial Media Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier (Study Kasus : Universitas Sjakhyakirti)
AbstractThe use of social media today is not only to communicate between friends, but also is needed to make facilities to convey the aspirations of certain people in Indonesia about legal issues relating to government and other issues. One of the aspirations conveyed through social media is a hash that is widely seen by one of the Sjakhyakirti University from the use of social media. Then there arises a lot of sentiment from every community, there are those that give positive sentiments and also negative sentiments that can have a good or bad impact on daily life. days in the community. Some reasons for positive and negative sentiments sourced from this social media, will use social media. From this debate the researchers found a solution where this hashtag can provide good results for the general public or vice versa. In analyzing this, the researcher uses the NaĂŻve Bayes Classifier method which is one of the machine learning methods that uses calculations, the classification of automated hashes can help minimize personal misclassification by obtaining positive or negative sentiment information by using data mining that is carried out by using tools that execute the tools that execute data mining operations that have been determined based on the analysis of models of hidden data on big data thus outlining the discovery of knowledge about Sjakhyakirti University.Keywords : Social Media, Sjakhyakirti, NaĂŻve Bayes ClassifieAbstrakPemanfaatan sosial media saat ini tidak hanya untuk berkomunikasi antara teman saja, akan tetapi sering juga dijadikan sebuah sarana untuk menyampaikan suatu aspirasi bagi masyarakat khususnya masyarakat indonesia mengenai masalah hukum ataupun masalah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan serta masalah lainnnya. Salah satu aspirasi yang disampaikan melalui sosial media ini adalah sebuah hastag yang banyak dilihat setiap harinya salah satunya mengenai Universitas Sjakhyakirti dari pemanfaaat sosial media ini maka munculah banyak sentimen dari setiap masyarakat, ada yang memberikan sentimen positif dan juga sentimen negatif mengenai tanggapan terhadap hastag tersebut yang dapat berdampak baik atau buruk bagi kehidupan sehari-hari dimasyarakat. Beberapa alasan sentimen positif dan negatif yang bersumber dari sosial media ini, akan memanfaatkan sosial media. Dari permasalahan ini peneliti menghasilkan sebuah solusi dimana hastag tersebut apakah dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi masyarakat umumumnya ataupun sebaliknya. Dalam menganalisa ini, peneliti menggunakan metode NaĂŻve Bayes Classifier yang merupakan salah satu metode machine learning yang menggunakan perhitungan probabilitas, pengklasifikasian hastag otomatis ini dapat disesuaikan sehingga meminimalisasi aksi salah pengklasifikasian secara personal dengan memproleh informasi sentimen positif atau negative dengan menggunakan data mining yang dilakukan dengan tool weka yang mengeksekusi operasi data mining yang telah didefinisikan berdasarkan model analisis dari data tersembunyi pada sejumlah data besar sehingga menguraikan penemuan pengetahuan mengenai Universitas Sjakhyakirti.Kata kunci : Sosial Media, Sjakhyakirti, NaĂŻve Bayes Classifi
Keragaman vektor Plasmodium knowlesi
Plasmodium knowlesi was the fifth Plasmodium which can infect malaria into human. Even though it has already been identified since 1931, the first case of natural human infection was known in 1965. Knowlesi malaria spread among South East Asia where population of monkeys Macaca fascicularis, M. nemestrina, or Presbytis melalophos existed along with malaria vector Anopheles from leucosphyrus group. This review aimed to describe the diversity of P. knowlesi vector. We have done profound literature review on 6 articles from 219 articles related to P. knowlesi published within 2008 to 2015. Our study found that P. knowlesi was recorded only in two countries; Malaysia and Vietnam. In Malaysia, Anopheles cracens, An. introlatus, An. latens, and An. balabacensis were found in Kuala Kapis Pahang, Hulu Selangor, Kapit Serawak, and Kudat Sabah, respectively. While in Vietnam, only a single species An. dirus found to be P. knowlesi vector. This review conclude that positive leucosphyrus mosquitoes most likely to be different among different region. The more abundance, the higher chance of mosquito species to become vector
In the development of law in Indonesia, especially concerning the development of the application of Islamic law, Islamic law experienced ups and downs following the political direction that existed at that time, especially in the context of the election of head of state in Indonesia. It is interesting to raise the theme of the election of the head of state, given the actual dualism of opinions relating to this matter. Is the election of head of state directly from the people or the election of head of state through people's representatives. What really is the desire and purpose of the holders of power in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. From this phenomenon, the author is very interested in researching further with the focus: "Election of State Heads in Indonesia" This research will answer the problem statement, namely; what is the system of electing heads of state in Indonesia; In an effort to answer the problem in this study, the authors used research with a historical documentary approach. Then analyzed using content analysis. The results of the study indicate that the mechanism for the selection or appointment of heads of state in Indonesia theoretically and empirically has occurred with two models. First, through the highest state institution, the People's Consultative Assembly. Second, through direct elections from people who already have the right to vote
Pengaruh Brand Image Produk Handphone Nokia Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Administrasi Niaga Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya)
Purpose of this final report is to determine the effect of brand image against the decisions of consumers in purchasing products nokia in commercial administration student at the polytechnic Sriwijaya Palembang. Author would like to know the extent of brand image the most dominant influence purchasing decisions and influence whether or not that level of purchase decision. Data used is the purchase decision, which is the dependent variable (Y) and perceptions of consumers based on six levels on the brand image which is the independent variable (X), which is an attribute (x1), benefits (x2), value (x3), personality (x4), culture (x5) and owner (x6).Analysis of data using questionnaire method. The result of demonstrating the value of R square influencing the purchase decision on nokia mobile products for 53.4%. For 53.4% of purchase decisions are influenced by the six levels of brand image and the remaining 46.6% influences include other factors beyond this study. Level of brand image the most dominant influence purchasing decisions is the level of the owner (x6). Based on the results of the study, the authors suggested that more attention to the sixth level of the company's brand image, especially at the level of brand image that does not affect the purchasing decision.Keywords: Brand Image, Purchasing Decisions
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