598 research outputs found
Crack propagation in honeycomb cellular materials: a computational approach
Computational models based on the finite element method and linear or nonlinear fracture mechanics are herein proposed to study the mechanical response of functionally designed cellular components. It is demonstrated that, via a suitable tailoring of the properties of interfaces present in the meso- and micro-structures, the tensile strength can be substantially increased as compared to that of a standard polycrystalline material. Moreover, numerical examples regarding the structural response of these components when subjected to loading conditions typical of cutting operations are provided. As a general trend, the occurrence of tortuous crack paths is highly favorable: stable crack propagation can be achieved in case of critical crack growth, whereas an increased fatigue life can be obtained for a sub-critical crack propagation
Structural integrity of hierarchical composites
Interface mechanical problems are of paramount importance in engineering and materials science.
Traditionally, due to the complexity of modelling their mechanical behaviour, interfaces are often treated as
defects and their features are not explored. In this study, a different approach is illustrated, where the interfaces
play an active role in the design of innovative hierarchical composites and are fundamental for their structural
integrity. Numerical examples regarding cutting tools made of hierarchical cellular polycrystalline materials are
proposed, showing that tailoring of interface properties at the different scales is the way to achieve superior
mechanical responses that cannot be obtained using standard material
Influence of the intermediate material on the singular stress field in tri-material junctions
According to the mathematical formalism of the eigenfunction expansion method, the problem of stress-singularities arising from multi-material junctions is addressed. The wedges are composed of isotropic homogeneous materials and are in a condition of plane stress or strain. The order of the stress-singularity is provided for tri-material junctions, paying special attention to the role played by Mode-I and Mode-II deformation. The effect of cracks inside either the softer or the stiffer material is also investigated. Numerical results can be profitably used for establishing optimum material configurations
Topological characterization of antireflective and hydrophobic rough surfaces: are random process theory and fractal modeling applicable?
The random process theory (RPT) has been widely applied to predict the joint
probability distribution functions (PDFs) of asperity heights and curvatures of
rough surfaces. A check of the predictions of RPT against the actual statistics
of numerically generated random fractal surfaces and of real rough surfaces has
been only partially undertaken. The present experimental and numerical study
provides a deep critical comparison on this matter, providing some insight into
the capabilities and limitations in applying RPT and fractal modeling to
antireflective and hydrophobic rough surfaces, two important types of textured
surfaces. A multi-resolution experimental campaign by using a confocal
profilometer with different lenses is carried out and a comprehensive software
for the statistical description of rough surfaces is developed. It is found
that the topology of the analyzed textured surfaces cannot be fully described
according to RPT and fractal modeling. The following complexities emerge: (i)
the presence of cut-offs or bi-fractality in the power-law power-spectral
density (PSD) functions; (ii) a more pronounced shift of the PSD by changing
resolution as compared to what expected from fractal modeling; (iii) inaccuracy
of the RPT in describing the joint PDFs of asperity heights and curvatures of
textured surfaces; (iv) lack of resolution-invariance of joint PDFs of textured
surfaces in case of special surface treatments, not accounted by fractal
modeling.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure
Theoretical and numerical investigation on internal instability phenomena in composite materials
Instability phenomena occurring in the microstructure of composite materials are investigated. To this aim, a
complete description of the mechanical behavior of bi-material interfaces in composite materials requires the
definition of both a cohesive law involving damage for the debonding stage, and a contact model during the
closure of the interface. Both formulations are herein presented and implemented in the FE code FEAP.
Numerical examples showing the transition from a snap-back instability to a stable mechanical response are
A modeling framework for contact, adhesion and mechano-transduction between excitable deformable cells
Cardiac myocytes are the fundamental cells composing the heart muscle. The
propagation of electric signals and chemical quantities through them is
responsible for their nonlinear contraction and dilatation. In this study, a
theoretical model and a finite element formulation are proposed for the
simulation of adhesive contact interactions between myocytes across the
so-called gap junctions. A multi-field interface constitutive law is proposed
for their description, integrating the adhesive and contact mechanical response
with their electrophysiological behavior. From the computational point of view,
the initial and boundary value problem is formulated as a structure-structure
interaction problem, which leads to a straightforward implementation amenable
for parallel computations. Numerical tests are conducted on different couples
of myocytes, characterized by different shapes related to their stages of
growth, capturing the experimental response. The proposed framework is expected
to have impact on the understanding how imperfect mechano-transduction could
lead to emergent pathological responses.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure
Revisiting the problem of a crack impinging on an interface: A modeling framework for the interaction between the phase field approach for brittle fracture and the interface cohesive zone model
ArtĂculo Open Access en el sitio web del editor. Pago por publicar en abierto.The problem of a crack impinging on an interface has been thoroughly investigated in the last three decades due to its important role in the mechanics and physics of solids. In the current investigation, this problem is revisited in view of the recent progresses on the phase field approach of brittle fracture. In this concern, a novel formulation combining the phase field approach for modeling brittle fracture in the bulk and a cohesive zone model for pre-existing adhesive interfaces is herein proposed to investigate the competition between crack penetration and deflection at an interface. The model, implemented within the finite element method framework using a monolithic fully implicit solution strategy, is applied to provide a further insight into the understanding of the role of model parameters on the above competition. In particular, in this study, the role of the fracture toughness ratio between the interface and the adjoining bulks and of the characteristic fracture-length scales of the dissipative models is analyzed. In the case of a brittle interface, the asymptotic predictions based on linear elastic fracture mechanics criteria for crack penetration, single deflection or double deflection are fully captured by the present method. Moreover, by increasing the size of the process zone along the interface, or by varying the internal length scale of the phase field model, new complex phenomena are emerging, such as simultaneous crack penetration and deflection and the transition from single crack penetration to deflection and penetration with subsequent branching into the bulk. The obtained computational trends are in very good agreement with previous experimental observations and the theoretical considerations on the competition and interplay between both fracture mechanics models open new research perspectives for the simulation and understanding of complex fracture patterns.UniĂłn Europea FP/2007-2013/ERC 306622Ministerio de EconomĂa y Competitividad DPI2012-37187, MAT2015-71036-P y MAT2015-71309-PJunta de AndalucĂa P11-TEP-7093 y P12-TEP- 105
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