80 research outputs found
A density matrix approach to the dynamical properties of a two-site Holstein model
The two-site Holstein model represents a first non-trivial paradigm for the
interaction between an itinerant charge with a quantum oscillator, a very
common topic in different ambits. Exact results can be achieved both
analytically and numerically, nevertheless it can be useful to compare them
with approximate, semi-classical techniques in order to highlight the role of
quantum effects. In this paper we consider the adiabatic limit in which the
oscillator is very much slow than the electron. A density matrix approach is
introduced for studying the charge dynamics and the exact results are compared
with two different approximations: a Born-Oppenheimer-based Static
Approximation for the oscillator (SA) and a Quantum-classical (QC) dynamics
Current transport properties and phase diagram of a Kitaev chain with long-range pairing
We describe a method to probe the quantum phase transition between the
short-range topological phase and the long-range topological phase in the
superconducting Kitaev chain with long-range pairing, both exhibiting subgap
modes localized at the edges. The method relies on the effects of the finite
mass of the subgap edge modes in the long-range regime (which survives in the
thermodynamic limit) on the single-particle scattering coefficients through the
chain connected to two normal leads. Specifically, we show that, when the leads
are biased at a voltage V with respect to the superconducting chain, the Fano
factor is either zero (in the short-range correlated phase) or 2e (in the
long-range correlated phase). As a result, we find that the Fano factor works
as a directly measurable quantity to probe the quantum phase transition between
the two phases. In addition, we note a remarkable "critical fractionalization
effect" in the Fano factor, which is exactly equal to e along the quantum
critical line. Finally, we note that a dual implementation of our proposed
device makes it suitable as a generator of large-distance entangled
two-particle states.Comment: 24 pages, 8 .eps figures Published versio
Conditional sign flip via teleportation
We present a model to realize a probabilistic conditional sign flip gate
using only linear optics. The gate operates in the space of number state qubits
and is obtained by a nonconventional use of the teleportation protocol. Both a
destructive and a nondestructive version of the gate are presented. In the
former case an Hadamard gate on the control qubit is combined with a projective
teleportation scheme mixing control and target. The success probability is 1/2.
In the latter case we need a quantum encoder realized via the interaction of
the control qubit with an ancillary state composed of two maximally entangled
photons. The success probability is 1/4
Bose-glass phases of ultracold atoms due to cavity backaction
We determine the quantum ground-state properties of ultracold bosonic atoms
interacting with the mode of a high-finesse resonator. The atoms are confined
by an external optical lattice, whose period is incommensurate with the cavity
mode wave length, and are driven by a transverse laser, which is resonant with
the cavity mode. While for pointlike atoms photon scattering into the cavity is
suppressed, for sufficiently strong lasers quantum fluctuations can support the
build-up of an intracavity field, which in turn amplifies quantum fluctuations.
The dynamics is described by a Bose-Hubbard model where the coefficients due to
the cavity field depend on the atomic density at all lattice sites. Quantum
Monte Carlo simulations and mean-field calculations show that for large
parameter regions cavity backaction forces the atoms into clusters with a
checkerboard density distribution. Here, the ground state lacks superfluidity
and possesses finite compressibility, typical of a Bose-glass. This system
constitutes a novel setting where quantum fluctuations give rise to effects
usually associated with disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, new numerical simulations are adde
Observation of the Quantum Zeno Effect on a NISQ Device
We study the Quantum Zeno Effect (QZE) on a single qubit on IBM Quantum
Experience devices under the effect of multiple measurements. We consider two
possible cases: the Rabi evolution and the free decay. In both cases we observe
the occurrence of the QZE as an increasing of the survival probability with the
number of measurements
Routing quantum information in spin chains
Two different models for performing efficiently routing of a quantum state
are presented. Both cases involve an XX spin chain working as data bus and
additional spins that play the role of sender and receivers, one of which is
selected to be the target of the quantum state transmission protocol via a
coherent quantum coupling mechanism making use of local/global magnetic fields.
Quantum routing is achieved, in the first of the models considered, by weakly
coupling the sender and the receiver to the data bus. In the second model,
strong magnetic fields acting on additional spins located between the
sender/receiver and the data bus allow us to perform high fidelity routing.Comment: added references in v
Investigation on the feasibility of integration of high temperature solar energy in a textile factory
Thermal energy production from fossil fuels is very common in many applications, especially in industrial processes. In a global context where great attention is being focused on reducing pollution and greenhouse gas production, the integration of renewable energy in industrial applications is very interesting. This is even more important considering that greenhouse gas emission for industrial processes is a great portion of their total emission. Considering the above, it appears that the integration of high temperature solar panels in industrial processes is quite an attractive prospect. The working temperatures of parabolic solar collectors are, for example, generally close to those of the thermal fluids used in many industrial processes, and parabolic solar collectors are a well known technology with several applications primarily used in electric production systems. Nonetheless, only a few examples of industrial integration have been studied or built. In this study, the integration of a concentrating solar thermal plant in a textile factory has been examined both from the thermodynamic and economic point of view. An existing textile factory was chosen as a case study and its annual consumption of thermal energy characterized. A model of the plant with solar energy integration was developed and simulated with TRNSYS over a one year time period. The plant was simulated considering the panel characteristics provided by the manufacturer and the local irradiation data. The influence of several plant parameters has been investigated in order to estimate their importance on performance and plant suitability
Mesoscopic continuous and discrete channels for quantum information transfer
We study the possibility of realizing perfect quantum state transfer in
mesoscopic devices. We discuss the case of the Fano-Anderson model extended to
two impurities. For a channel with an infinite number of degrees of freedom, we
obtain coherent behavior in the case of strong coupling or in weak coupling
off-resonance. For a finite number of degrees of freedom, coherent behavior is
associated to weak coupling and resonance conditions
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