23 research outputs found
Contrast between spin and valley degrees of freedom
We measure the renormalized effective mass (m*) of interacting
two-dimensional electrons confined to an AlAs quantum well while we control
their distribution between two spin and two valley subbands. We observe a
marked contrast between the spin and valley degrees of freedom: When electrons
occupy two spin subbands, m* strongly depends on the valley occupation, but not
vice versa. Combining our m* data with the measured spin and valley
susceptibilities, we find that the renormalized effective Lande g-factor
strongly depends on valley occupation, but the renormalized conduction-band
deformation potential is nearly independent of the spin occupation.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figure
Transference of Transport Anisotropy to Composite Fermions
When interacting two-dimensional electrons are placed in a large
perpendicular magnetic field, to minimize their energy, they capture an even
number of flux quanta and create new particles called composite fermions (CFs).
These complex electron-flux-bound states offer an elegant explanation for the
fractional quantum Hall effect. Furthermore, thanks to the flux attachment, the
effective field vanishes at a half-filled Landau level and CFs exhibit
Fermi-liquid-like properties, similar to their zero-field electron
counterparts. However, being solely influenced by interactions, CFs should
possess no memory whatever of the electron parameters. Here we address a
fundamental question: Does an anisotropy of the electron effective mass and
Fermi surface (FS) survive composite fermionization? We measure the resistance
of CFs in AlAs quantum wells where electrons occupy an elliptical FS with large
eccentricity and anisotropic effective mass. Similar to their electron
counterparts, CFs also exhibit anisotropic transport, suggesting an anisotropy
of CF effective mass and FS.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Density dependence of valley polarization energy for composite fermions
In two-dimensional electron systems confined to wide AlAs quantum wells,
composite fermions around the filling factor = 3/2 are fully spin
polarized but possess a valley degree of freedom. Here we measure the energy
needed to completely valley polarize these composite fermions as a function of
electron density. Comparing our results to the existing theory, we find overall
good quantitative agreement, but there is an unexpected trend: The measured
composite fermion valley polarization energy, normalized to the Coulomb energy,
decreases with decreasing density
Effective mass suppression upon complete spin-polarization in an isotropic two-dimensional electron system
We measure the effective mass (m*) of interacting two-dimensional electrons
confined to a 4.5 nm-wide AlAs quantum well. The electrons in this well occupy
a single out-of-plane conduction band valley with an isotropic in-plane Fermi
contour. When the electrons are partially spin polarized, m* is larger than its
band value and increases as the density is reduced. However, as the system is
driven to full spin-polarization via the application of a strong parallel
magnetic field, m* is suppressed down to values near or even below the band
mass. Our results are consistent with the previously reported measurements on
wide AlAs quantum wells where the electrons occupy an in-plane valley with an
anisotropic Fermi contour and effective mass, and suggest that the effective
mass suppression upon complete spin polarization is a genuine property of
interacting two-dimensional electrons.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Enhancement of valley susceptibility upon complete spin-polarization
Measurements on a two-dimensional electron system confined to an AlAs quantum
well reveal that for a given electron density the valley susceptibility,
defined as the change in valley population difference per unit strain, is
enhanced as the system makes a transition from partial to full spin
polarization. This observation is reminiscent of earlier studies in which the
spin susceptibility of AlAs electrons was observed to be higher in a
single-valley system than its two-valley counterpart
Effective mass suppression in dilute, spin-polarized two-dimensional electron systems
We report effective mass (m*) measurements, via analyzing the temperature
dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, for dilute, interacting,
two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) occupying a single conduction-band
valley in AlAs quantum wells. When the 2DES is partially spin-polarized, m* is
larger than its band value, consistent with previous results on various 2DESs.
However, as we fully spin polarize the 2DES by subjecting it to strong parallel
magnetic fields, m* is unexpectedly suppressed and falls even below the band
mass.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Spin Susceptibility of Interacting Two-dimensional Electrons with Anisotropic Effective Mass
We report measurements of the spin susceptibility in dilute (rs up to 10)
AlAs two-dimensional (2D) electrons occupying a single conduction-band valley
with an anisotropic in-plane Fermi contour, characterized by longitudinal and
transverse effective masses, ml and mt. As the density is decreased, the spin
susceptibility is significantly enhanced over its band value, reflecting the
role of interaction. Yet the enhancement is suppressed compared to the results
of quantum Monte Carlo based calculations that take the finite thickness of the
electron layer into account but assume an isotropic effective mass equal to
sqrt(ml.mt). Proper treatment of an interacting 2D system with an anisotropic
effective mass therefore remains a theoretical challenge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.