872 research outputs found
Hydrodynamical chemistry simulations of the SZ effect and the impacts from primordial non-Gaussianities
The impacts of Compton scattering of hot cosmic gas with the cosmic microwave
background radiation (Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, SZ) are consistently
quantified in Gaussian and non-Gaussian scenarios, by means of 3D numerical,
N-body, hydrodynamic simulations, including cooling, star formation, stellar
evolution and metal pollution (He, C, O, Si, Fe, S, Mg, etc.) from different
stellar phases, according to proper yields for individual metal species and
mass-dependent stellar lifetimes. Light cones are built through the simulation
outputs and samples of one hundred maps for the resulting temperature
fluctuations are derived for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian primordial
perturbations. From them, we estimate the possible changes due to early
non-Gaussianities on: SZ maps, probability distribution functions, angular
power spectra and corresponding bispectra. We find that the different growth of
structures in the different cases induces significant spectral distortions only
in models with large non-Gaussian parameters, . In general, the
overall trends are covered by the non-linear, baryonic evolution, whose
feedback mechanisms tend to randomize the gas behaviour and homogenize its
statistical features, quite independently from the background matter
distribution. Deviations due to non-Gaussianity are almost undistinguishable
for , remaining always at few-per-cent level, within
the error bars of the Gaussian scenario. Rather extreme models with present more substantial deviations from the Gaussian case,
overcoming baryon contaminations and showing discrepancies up to a factor of a
few in the spectral properties.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA
Approximation of the potential in scalar field dark energy models
We study the nature of potentials in scalar field based models for dark
energy - with both canonical and noncanonical kinetic terms. We calculate
numerically, and using an analytic approximation around ,
potentials for models with constant equation-of-state parameter, . We
find that for a wide range of models with canonical and noncanonical kinetic
terms there is a simple approximation for the potential that holds when the
scale factor is in the range . We discuss how this
form of the potential can also be used to represent models with non-constant
and, hence, how it could be used in reconstruction from cosmological
data.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev.
Cosmological perturbation theory in Generalized Einstein-Aether models
We investigate the evolution of cosmological perturbations in models of dark
energy described by a time-like unit normalized vector field specified by a
general function , so-called Generalized
Einstein-Aether models. First we study the background dynamics of such models
via a designer approach in an attempt to model this theory as dark energy. We
find that only one specific form of this designer approach matches CDM
at background order and we also obtain a differential equation which
must satisfy for general CDM cosmologies. We also
present the equations of state for perturbations in Generalized Einstein-Aether
models, which completely parametrize these models at the level of linear
perturbations. A generic feature of modified gravity models is that they
introduce new degrees of freedom. By fully eliminating these we are able to
express the gauge invariant entropy perturbation and the scalar, vector, and
tensor anisotropic stresses in terms of the perturbed fluid variables and
metric perturbations only. These can then be used to study the evolution of
perturbations in the scalar, vector, and tensor sectors and we use these to
evolve the Newtonian gravitational potentials.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR
Gravitational wave constraints on dark sector models
We explore the constraints on dark sector models imposed by the recent
observation of coincident gravitational waves and gamma rays from a binary
neutron star merger, GW170817. Rather than focusing on specific models as has
been considered by other authors, we explore this in the context of the
equation of state approach of which the specific models are special cases.
After confirming the strong constraints found by others for Horndeski,
Einstein-Aether and massive gravity models, we discuss how it is possible to
construct models which might evade the constraints from GW170817 but still
leading to cosmologically interesting modifications to gravity. Possible
examples are ``miracle cancellations" such as in models, nonlocal models
and higher-order derivatives. The latter two rely on the dimensionless ratio of
the wave number of the observed gravitational waves to the Hubble expansion
rate being very large () which is used to suppress modifications
to the speed of gravitational waves.Comment: 10 page
Linear and nonlinear clusterings of Horndeski-inspired dark energy models with fast transition
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