46 research outputs found

    Proportions of students who use various modes of transportation to and from school in a representative population-based sample of children and adolescents, 1999

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    Objective. The purposes of this study were to describe the prevalence of modes of transportation to school and to identify socioeconomic correlates. Methods. Proportions of students using different modes of transportation were estimated among a population-based sample of 3613 youth aged 9, 13, and 16 years who participated in the 1999 Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey. Results. Weighted analyses showed significant differences in the use of different modes of transportation to and from school across socioeconomic groups. For example, 40.3%, 15.2%, and 13.0% of 9, 13, and 16 year olds walked to school. In addition, 1.2%, 11.3%, and 13.8% of 9, 13, and 16 year olds used public transportation whereas 33.1%, 51.2%, and 55.6% of 9, 13, and 16 year olds took the school bus to school; 14.3%, 7.3%, and 5.0% of 9, 13, and 16 year olds were transported by car; finally, 10.7%, 14.1%, and 11.7% of 9, 13, and 16 year olds indicated they used multiple modes of transportation. Girls, higher income of children, children of immigrants, and rural-dwelling children were less likely to walk to school. Conclusion. Findings indicate that there are differing modes of transportation to and from school across socioeconomic groups

    Using the General Social Survey - National Death Index cohort to study the relationship between neighbourhood fear and mortality in the USA

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    Objectives Fear of crime is associated with adverse mental health outcomes and reduced social interaction independent of crime. Because mental health and social interactions are associated with poor physical health, fear of crime may also be associated with death. The main objective is to determine whether neighbourhood fear is associated with time to death. Setting and participants Data from the 1978–2008 General Social Survey were linked to mortality data using the National Death Index (GSS-NDI) (n=20 297). Methods GSS-NDI data were analysed to assess the relationship between fear of crime at baseline and time to death among adults after removing violent deaths. Fear was measured by asking respondents if they were afraid to walk alone at night within a mile of their home. Crude and adjusted HRs were calculated using survival analysis to calculate time to death. Analyses were stratified by sex. Results Among those who responded that they were fearful of walking in their neighbourhood at night, there was a 6% increased risk of death during follow-up in the adjusted model though this was not significant (HR=1.06, 95% CI 0.99 to 1.13). In the fully adjusted models examining risk of mortality stratified by sex, findings were significant among men but not women. Among men, in the adjusted model, there was an 8% increased risk of death during follow-up among those who experienced fear at baseline in comparison with those who did not experience fear (HR=1.08, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.14). Conclusions Research has recently begun examining fear as a public health issue. With an identified relationship with mortality among men, this is a potential public health problem that must be examined more fully

    Voter Suppression Undermines Public Health for All

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    In the US, policies have actively suppressed the voices of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) while amplifying their oppressors’ voices. In spite of multiple constitutional amendments to guarantee access to the right to vote for those who initially were deprived of this right, attacks on this civil liberty have persisted. While some states have expanded access to voting rights in the past year, many others have made voting more difficult and some states have had a mixed approach of making voting easier in some ways and harder in others. This continued interest in creating systems in which it is harder for people to vote has had indelible effects on population health and has widened health inequities. This essay explores the overlap in restricting access to voting and Medicaid expansion, decisions that disproportionately disadvantage BIPOC while also negatively affecting White residents by hindering expanded access to healthcare. This type of zero-sum decision making, as Heather McGhee articulates in her book, The Sum of Us, exacerbates poorer health outcomes, undermines public health, and widens health inequities

    Investigating active transportation to and from school : identification of predictors and health benefits

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    Funding support for this doctoral thesis has been provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Public Health Agency of Canada, QICSS matching grant, and la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales-Université de Montréal.Contexte : Les données probantes rapportées au cours des 20 dernières années indiquent un déclin important de la pratique d’activités physiques. Les chercheurs considèrent que la diminution de l’activité physique est un facteur clé de l’augmentation du surpoids et de l’obésité chez les enfants. Les transport actifs (TA), à savoir les modes de transport non motorisés tels la marche ou le vélo pour aller à l’école ou en revenir, pourraient constituer une opportunité de pratique d’activité physique. Objective : Cette thèse vise à identifier les déterminants individuels et écologiques du TA et d’en évaluer les retombées de santé possibles. Quatre études visant les objectifs suivants ont été réalisés: (1) Parmi un échantillon d’enfants et d’adolescents québécois, décrire la proportion d’enfants qui utilisent la marche, le transport en commun, le véhicule familial, l’autobus scolaire ou une combinaison de modes de déplacement pour se déplacer vers l’école. (2) Identifier les facteurs associés au TA pour se déplacer vers l’école parmi un échantillon d’enfants et d’adolescents québécois. (3) Parmi des échantillons de jeunes québécois et canadiens, identifier les déterminants individuels et écologiques du TA pour se déplacer vers l’école. (4) Examiner l’association entre le TA pour se déplacer vers l’école et les changements d’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) entre la maternelle et la 2e année du primaire. Méthodologie : Trois bases de données avec échantillonnage de type populationnel ont été utilisées pour répondre à ces objectifs de recherche, soit l’Enquête Sociale et de Santé auprès des Enfants et Adolescents québécois (ESSEA), l’Étude Longitudinale Nationale des Enfants et des Jeunes du Canada (ELNEJ) l’Étude Longitudinale sur le Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ). Des analyses statistiques pour données longitudinales ont été appliquées. Résultats : Les analyses ont mis en lumière quatre résultats importants. 1) Les données de l’ESSEA indiquent que les enfants de 9 ans vivant en milieu urbain et provenant de familles ayant de faibles revenus avaient une probabilité significativement plus élevée d’utiliser le TA pour se déplacer vers l’école. 2) Les données de l’ELNEJ indiquent que certains facteurs sociodémographiques qui changent à travers le temps sont associés à une probabilité plus élevée d’utiliser le TA pour se déplacer vers l’école dont : le fait de vivre dans un ménage ayant un revenu insuffisant, de vivre dans un ménage avec un seul parent, d’avoir un frère ou une sœur plus âgé/e dans le ménage et de vivre dans un milieu urbain. 3) L’exploitation des données de l’ELDEQ démontre que certaines variables associées à l’utilisation de TA pour se déplacer vers l’école sont le fait d’être un enfant provenant d’un ménage aux revenus insuffisants, de résider dans des quartiers pauvres et de vivre dans des quartiers perçus comme étant moyens, mauvais ou très mauvais pour élever des enfants. Ces résultats suggèrent que les enfants qui sont les moins favorisés sont les plus exposés à des environnements défavorables au TA et donc sont exposés à une forme d’injustice environnementale. 4) Enfin, l’IMC des enfants qui adoptent systématiquement la pratique du TA pour se déplacer vers l’école entre la maternelle à la 2e année du primaire suit une trajectoire plus saine que celle des enfants qui n’ont pas maintenu ce mode de TA. Conclusion: Bien que l’utilisation du TA pour se déplacer vers l'école puisse s'avérer favorable à la santé des enfants et des jeunes tel que démontré par l’évolution favorable de l’IMC des enfants adoptant cette pratique à plus long terme, la sécurité des routes menant vers l’école doit être améliorée pour permettre aux enfants de bénéficier de retombées positives de cette habitude de vie. Afin d’approfondir les connaissances dans ce domaine, il serait opportun de reproduire ces résultats avec des données issues de mesures de la dangerosité du quartier obtenues par des moyens autres que les questionnaires auto-rapportés de même que des données provenant d’études avec des devis quasi-expérimentaux ou expérimentaux qui ont recours à de grands échantillons représentatifs dans les zones urbaines où le TA pour se rendre et revenir de l’école est le plus probable.Rationale: Evidence from the past 20 years points to important secular declines in physical activity. Researchers point to this decline as a factor in the increase in overweight and obesity among children. Active transportation (AT), defined as non-motorized modes of transportation such as walking or cycling to/from school, is one potential opportunity for physical activity. Previous studies have conceptual and methodological shortcomings thus limiting our understanding of the phenomenon. Objective: The overarching goals of the thesis are to identify individual and ecologic determinants of AT and to evaluate the possible health benefits of AT. Four investigations address the following specific objectives: (1) To describe the proportion of children who walked, used public transit, were driven to school in a school bus or vehicle, or used multiple transportation modes to and from school in a population-based sample of children and adolescents living in Quebec, Canada. (2) To identify correlates of AT to and from school among children and youth in a population-based sample of children and adolescents living in Quebec, Canada. (3) To identify time-varying and time-invariant individual and ecologic determinants of AT to/from school across the school years in population-based samples of Quebec and Canadian children. (4) To examine the relationship between AT to and from school with change in body mass index (BMI) from kindergarten to grade 2 in a population-based sample of Quebec children. Methods: Three population-based samples of youth were used to address these objectives, including the 1999 Quebec Child and Adolescent Health and Social Survey (QCAHS), the Canadian National Longitudinal Study of Children and Youth (NLSCY), and the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD). Longitudinal analyses techniques were applied. Results: Analyses show four sets of findings. 1) According to the QCAHS, children who were 9 years old, living in urban areas, and were from low household income families were significantly more likely to use AT to/from school. 2) Findings from the NLSCY study indicated that the time-varying predictors: living in a household with insufficient income, living in a household with only one parent, having an older sibling in the household, and living in an urban setting were associated with greater likelihood of using AT to/from school. 3) With the use of QLSCD, patterns of AT to/from school across time, were identified including children who were from insufficient income households, and residing in economically deprived neighbourhoods. These results indicate that children who are the most underprivileged and exposed to environments not conducive for AT are those most likely to use AT to/from school suggesting the presence of environmental injustice. 4) Finally, the BMI of children who use AT to/from school consistently from Kindergarten to Grade 2 espoused a more healthy trajectory in comparison to that of children who did not use sustained AT to/from school. Conclusion: Although AT to/from school may prove to be favourable to the health of children, as manifested through healthful changes in BMI across time, routes to school need to be safe in order for all children to benefit from this behaviour. Replication studies that use measures of neighbourhood dangerosity that go beyond self-report, natural experiments, and inclusion of large representative samples from urban areas are needed

    The role of depression and social support in non-fatal drug overdose among a cohort of injection drug users in a Canadian setting

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    Objectives Non-fatal overdose remains a significant source of morbidity among people who inject drugs (IDU). Although depression and social support are important in shaping the health of IDU, little is known about the relationship between these factors and overdose. Therefore, we sought to determine whether depressive symptoms and social support predicted non-fatal overdose among IDU in a Canadian setting. Methods Data were derived from three prospective cohorts of people who use drugs: the Vancouver Injection Drug Users Study (VIDUS), the ACCESS Cohort, and the At-Risk Youth Study (ARYS). Multilevel modeling was used to determine if depression and social support were significant predictors of non-fatal overdose across time. Analyses were stratified by sex. Results There were 1931 participants included in this analysis, including 653 (33.8%) females and 69 (3.6%) youth 20 years old or younger. Depressed men (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.53, 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1.25, 1.87) and women (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.23, 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1.65, 3.00) were more likely to experience a non-fatal overdose. Further, among women, those who reported having 3 or more persons they could rely upon for social support were less likely to experience a non-fatal overdose (AOR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.31, 0.93). Conclusion Although depression was a significant predictor of non-fatal drug overdose, social support was a significant predictor among women only. Possible strategies to prevent non-fatal overdose may include identifying IDU experiencing severe depressive symptoms and providing targeted mental health treatments and mobilizing interpersonal social support among IDU, especially among women

    State-level income inequality and the odds for meeting fruit and vegetable recommendations among US adults

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    Background Previous research indicates that income inequality is associated with risk for mortality, self-rated health status, chronic conditions, and health behavior, such as physical activity. However, little is known about the relationship between income inequality and dietary intake, which is a major risk factor for common chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. The objective of this study is to determine the association between US state income inequality and fruit and vegetable consumption among adults. Methods Cross-sectional data on 270,612 U.S. adults from the U.S. 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System was used. Fruit and vegetable consumption was assessed from the six-item fruit and vegetable frequency questionnaire, which is part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Multilevel modeling was used to determine whether US state-level income inequality (measured by the z-transformation of the Gini coefficient) was associated with fruit and vegetable consumption adjusting for individual-level and state-level covariates. Results In comparison to men, women were more likely to consume fruits and vegetables ≥5 times daily, fruits ≥2 times daily, vegetables ≥3 times daily, and less likely to consume fruit juice daily. Among both men and women, a standard deviation increase in the Gini coefficient was associated with an increase in consuming fruit juice daily (OR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.03, 1.11). However, among women, a standard deviation increase in the Gini coefficient was associated with a decreased likelihood of meeting daily recommended levels of both fruits and vegetables (OR = 0.93; 0.87–0.99), fruits only (OR = 0.95; 95% CI, 0.92–0.99) and vegetables only (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.89–0.96). Conclusions This study is one of the first to show the relationship between income inequality and fruit and vegetable consumption among U.S. adults empirically. Women’s health is more likely to be detrimentally affected when living in a state with higher income inequality

    State-level income inequality and the odds for meeting fruit and vegetable recommendations among US adults

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    Background Previous research indicates that income inequality is associated with risk for mortality, self-rated health status, chronic conditions, and health behavior, such as physical activity. However, little is known about the relationship between income inequality and dietary intake, which is a major risk factor for common chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancers. The objective of this study is to determine the association between US state income inequality and fruit and vegetable consumption among adults. Methods Cross-sectional data on 270,612 U.S. adults from the U.S. 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System was used. Fruit and vegetable consumption was assessed from the six-item fruit and vegetable frequency questionnaire, which is part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Multilevel modeling was used to determine whether US state-level income inequality (measured by the z-transformation of the Gini coefficient) was associated with fruit and vegetable consumption adjusting for individual-level and state-level covariates. Results In comparison to men, women were more likely to consume fruits and vegetables ≥5 times daily, fruits ≥2 times daily, vegetables ≥3 times of daily, and less likely to consume fruit juice daily. Among both men and women, a standard deviation increase in Gini coefficient was associated with an increase in consuming fruit juice daily (OR = 1.07, 95% CI = 1.03, 1.11). However, among women, a standard deviation increase in Gini coefficient was associated with a decreased likelihood in meeting daily recommended levels of both fruits and vegetables (OR = 0.93; 0.87–0.99), fruits only (OR = 0.95; 95% CI, 0.92–0.99) and vegetables only (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.89–0.96). Conclusions This study is one of the first to show the relationship between income inequality and fruit and vegetable consumption among U.S. adults empirically. Women’s health is more likely to be detrimentally affected when living in a state with higher income inequality

    Structural racism and odds for infant mortality among infants born in the United States 2010

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: While ecological studies indicate that high levels of structural racism within US states are associated with elevated infant mortality rates, studies using individual-level data are needed. To determine whether indicators of structural racism are associated with the individual odds for infant mortality among white and black infants in the US. METHODS: We used data on 2,163,096 white and 590,081 black infants from the 2010 US Cohort Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Files. Structural racism indicators were ratios of relative proportions of blacks to whites for these domains: electoral (registered to vote and voted; state legislature representation), employment (civilian labor force; employed; in management; with a bachelor\u27s degree), and justice system (sentenced to death; incarcerated). Multilevel logistic regression was used to determine whether structural racism indicators were risk factors of infant mortality. RESULTS: Compared to the lowest tertile ratio of relative proportions of blacks to whites with a bachelor\u27s degree or higher-indicative of low structural racism-black infants, but not whites, in states with moderate (OR = 1.12, 95% CI = 0.94, 1.32) and high tertiles (OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.03, 1.51) had higher odds of infant mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Educational and judicial indicators of structural racism were associated with infant mortality among blacks. Decreasing structural racism could prevent black infant deaths

    Laws Restricting Access to Abortion Services and Infant Mortality Risk in the United States

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    Objectives: Since the US Supreme Court′s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, states have enacted laws restricting access to abortion services. Previous studies suggest that restricting access to abortion is a risk factor for adverse maternal and infant health. The objective of this investigation is to study the relationship between the type and the number of state-level restrictive abortion laws and infant mortality risk. Methods: We used data on 11,972,629 infants and mothers from the US Cohort Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Files 2008–2010. State-level abortion laws included Medicaid funding restrictions, mandatory parental involvement, mandatory counseling, mandatory waiting period, and two-visit laws. Multilevel logistic regression was used to determine whether the type or number of state-level restrictive abortion laws during the year of birth were associated with odds of infant mortality. Results: Compared to infants living in states with no restrictive laws, infants living in states with one or two restrictive laws (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.99–1.18) and those living in states with 3 to 5 restrictive laws (AOR = 1.10; 95% CI = 1.01–1.20) were more likely to die. Separate analyses examining the relationship between parental involvement laws and infant mortality risk, stratified by maternal age, indicated that significant associations were observed among mothers aged ≤19 years (AOR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.00–1.19), and 20 to 25 years (AOR = 1.10, 95% CI = 1.03–1.17). No significant association was observed among infants born to older mothers. Conclusion: Restricting access to abortion services may increase the risk for infant mortality