214 research outputs found
Mass number scaling in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions from a hydrodynamical approach
We study the different nucleus-nucleus collisions, O+Au, S+S, S+Ag, S+Au and
Pb+Pb, at the CERN-SPS energy in a one-fluid hydrodynamical approach using a
parametrization based on baryon stopping in terms of the thickness of colliding
nuclei. Good agreement with measured particle spectra is achieved. We deduce
the mass number scaling behaviour of the initial energy density. We find that
the equilibration time is nearly independent of the size of the colliding
nuclei.Comment: 27 pages, figures included, submitted to European Physical Journa
From quark-gluon plasma to hadron spectra
Results on initial transverse energy production based on NLO perturbative QCD
calculation with final state saturation of produced minijets are used to fix
the initial energy density of produced matter. Assuming rapid thermalization,
this provides the initial conditions for a hydrodynamic description of the
expansion of final matter. Given a prescription of the the decoupling of
particles from the thermal system to free particles, final transverse spectra
of hadrons and integrated quantities like multiplicity and transverse energy
can be calculated in the central rapidity region. Results are reported and
compared with measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, espcrc1.sty style file. Talk at the
International Conference on STATISTICAL QCD, August 26-30,2001, Bielefeld,
Germany. Right panel of Fig. 7 replaced and two typos correcte
Hydrodynamics of nuclear collisions with initial conditions from perturbative QCD
We compute the longitudinal hydrodynamic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy ion
collisions at = 5500 GeV by using boost non-invariant initial
conditions following from perturbative QCD. The transfer of entropy and energy
from the central region to larger rapidities caused by boost non-invariance is
determined and the associated decrease in the lifetime of the system is
estimated.Comment: 12 pages, including 6 figure
Hydrodynamic simulation of elliptic flow
We use a hydrodynamic model to study the space-time evolution transverse to
the beam direction in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions with nonzero
impact parameters. We focus on the influence of early pressure on the
development of radial and elliptic flow. We show that at high energies elliptic
flow is generated only during the initial stages of the expansion while radial
flow continues to grow until freeze-out. Quantitative comparisons with SPS data
from semiperipheral Pb+Pb collisions suggest the applicability of
hydrodynamical concepts already 1 fm/c after impact.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, proceedings for Quark Matter 9
Effects of shadowing on Drell-Yan dilepton production in high energy nuclear collisions
We compute cross sections for the Drell-Yan process in nuclear collisions at
next-to-leading order (NLO) in \alpha_s. The effects of shadowing on the
normalization and on the mass and rapidity dependence of these cross sections
are presented. An estimate of higher order corrections is obtained from
next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of the rapidity-integrated
mass distribution. Variations in these predictions resulting from choices of
parton distribution sets are discussed. Numerical results for mass
distributions at NLO are presented for RHIC and LHC energies, using appropriate
rapidity intervals. The shadowing factors in the dilepton mass range 2 < M < 10
GeV are predicted to be substantial, typically 0.5 - 0.7 at LHC, 0.7 - 0.9 at
RHIC, and approximately independent of the choice of parton distribution sets
and the order of calculation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 eps figure
Photon HBT interferometry for non-central heavy-ion collisions
Currently, the only known way to obtain experimental information about the
space-time structure of a heavy-ion collision is through 2-particle momentum
correlations. Azimuthally sensitive HBT interferometry (Hanbury Brown-Twiss
intensity interferometry) can complement elliptic flow measurements by
constraining the spatial deformation of the source and its time evolution.
Performing these measurements on photons allows us to access the fireball
evolution at earlier times than with hadrons. Using ideal hydrodynamics to
model the space-time evolution of the collision fireball, we explore
theoretically various aspects of 2-photon intensity interferometry with
transverse momenta up to 2 GeV, in particular the azimuthal angle dependence of
the HBT radii in non-central collisions. We highlight the dual nature of
thermal photon emission, in both central and non-central collisions, resulting
from the superposition of QGP and hadron resonance gas photon production. This
signature is present in both the thermal photon source function and the HBT
radii extracted from Gaussian fits of the 2-photon correlation function.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure
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