666 research outputs found

    Defect-Suppressed Atomic Crystals in an Optical Lattice

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    We present a coherent filtering scheme which dramatically reduces the site occupation number defects for atoms in an optical lattice, by transferring a chosen number of atoms to a different internal state via adiabatic passage. With the addition of superlattices it is possible to engineer states with a specific number of atoms per site (atomic crystals), which are required for quantum computation and the realisation of models from condensed matter physics, including doping and spatial patterns. The same techniques can be used to measure two-body spatial correlation functions. We illustrate these ideas with a scheme to study the creation of a BCS state with a chosen filling factor from a degenerate Fermi gas in an optical lattice.Comment: 4 Pages, 5 Figures, REVTex

    Opto-mechanical transducers for long-distance quantum communication

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    We describe a new scheme to interconvert stationary and photonic qubits which is based on indirect qubit-light interactions mediated by a mechanical resonator. This approach does not rely on the specific optical response of the qubit and thereby enables optical quantum interfaces for a wide range of solid state spin and charge based systems. We discuss the implementation of quantum state transfer protocols between distant nodes of a large scale network and evaluate the effect of the main noise sources on the resulting state transfer fidelities. For the specific examples of electronic spin qubits and superconducting charge qubits we show that high fidelity quantum communication protocols can be implemented under realistic experimental conditions.Comment: Version as accepted by PR

    The photon blockade effect in optomechanical systems

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    We analyze the photon statistics of a weakly driven optomechanical system and discuss the effect of photon blockade under single photon strong coupling conditions. We present an intuitive interpretation of this effect in terms of displaced oscillator states and derive analytic expressions for the cavity excitation spectrum and the two photon correlation function g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0). Our results predict the appearance of non-classical photon correlations in the combined strong coupling and sideband resolved regime, and provide a first detailed understanding of photon-photon interactions in strong coupling optomechanics

    Influence of monolayer contamination on electric-field-noise heating in ion traps

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    Electric field noise is a hinderance to the assembly of large scale quantum computers based on entangled trapped ions. Apart from ubiquitous technical noise sources, experimental studies of trapped ion heating have revealed additional limiting contributions to this noise, originating from atomic processes on the electrode surfaces. In a recent work [A. Safavi-Naini et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 023412 (2011)] we described a microscopic model for this excess electric field noise, which points a way towards a more systematic understanding of surface adsorbates as progenitors of electric field jitter noise. Here, we address the impact of surface monolayer contamination on adsorbate induced noise processes. By using exact numerical calculations for H and N atomic monolayers on an Au(111) surface representing opposite extremes of physisorption and chemisorption, we show that an additional monolayer can significantly affect the noise power spectrum and either enhance or suppress the resulting heating rates.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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