1,105 research outputs found
CP Violation in Heavy Neutrino Mediated
We consider the reaction mediated by possible
heavy neutrino exchange at future LINAC energies of . This
reaction is sensitive to CP phases of the neutrino mixing matrices, even at the
level of Born amplitudes. Certain integrated cross-sections are shown to have
the power to resolve the CP phases when the experimental configurations are
varied. Asymmetries sensitive to CP violation (involving initial QED phases)
for and reactions are constructed and their consequences
considered.Comment: 9 pages plain Latex and 4 figures available separately as uuencoded
On the Spontaneous Identity of Chiral and Super Symmetry Breaking in Pure Super Yang Mills Theories
We show that in supersymmetric pure Yang Mills theories with arbitrary simple
gauge group, the spontaneous breaking of chiral fermionic and bosonic charge by
the associated gaugino and gauge boson condensates implies the spontaneous
breaking of supersymmetry by the condensate of the underlying Lagrangian
density. The explicit breaking of the restricted fermionic charge through the
chiral anomaly is deferred to a secondary stage in the elimination of infrared
singularities or long range forces.Comment: 14 pages, uses amsmath, amssymb, shorter version, references added,
eq. (44) correcte
Absorption of solar radiation by solar neutrinos
We calculate the absorption probability of photons radiated from the surface
of the Sun by a left-handed neutrino with definite mass and a typical momentum
for which we choose |p_1|=0.2 MeV, producing a heavier right-handed
antineutrino. Considering two transitions the \nu_1 -> \nu_2 and \nu_2 -> \nu_3
we obtain two oscillation lengths L_{12}=4960.8 m, L_{23}=198.4 m, two
absorption probabilities P_{12}^{abs.}=2.5 10^{-67}, P_{23}^{abs.}=1.2 10^{-58}
and the two absorption ranges R_{12}^{abs.}=4.47 10^4 R_{\odot}=208.0 au,
R_{23}^{abs.}=0.89 10^4 R_{\odot}=41.4 au, using a neutrino mass differences of
\sqrt{|\Delta m^2_{12}|}=10 meV, \sqrt{|\Delta m^2_{23}|}=50 meV and associated
transition dipole moments. We collect all necessary theoretical ingredients,
i.e. neutrino mass and mixing scheme, induced electromagnetic transition dipole
moments, quadratic charged lepton mass asymmetries and their interdependence.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected and reference added, version to
appear in Eur. Phys. J.
Note on the Mass Square of the Eta' Meson
We propose to use as a mathematical tool to study the mass square of the
etaprime meson an infinitely heavy supplementary quark flavor Q. This is
understood in the framework of QCD with one light quark flavor (or n_fl light
flavors) and the gauge group SU3 colour (or SUN colour). The full system thus
consists of n_fl + 1 flavors, including the infinitely heavy one. The purpose
of this note is to show how the heavy flavor can be made to represent the
anomalies of the subtheory describing the remnant physical degrees of freedom.
In the large N_c limit the mass square of etaprime tends to a finite limit. The
essential deviations from (semi) perturbative derivations are related to simple
properties of the 'heavy' flavor.Comment: 8 page
B decays into light scalar particles and glueball
The recent observations of f_0(980) in charmless B-decays motivate further
studies of scalar particle and glueball production in these processes.
Amplitudes for charmless 2-body B decays involving the members of the scalar
nonet are presented based on the symmetries of the dominant penguin
contribution. Different scenarios for the lightest scalar nonet are
investigated in view of the presently available data. We describe the evidence
from B-decays for f_0(1500) with a flavour octet like mixing and the hints
towards the members of the q qbar nonet of lowest mass. There is further
support for the hypothesis of a broad 0^{++} glueball acting as coherent
background especially in B -> K Kbar K. The estimated B decay rates into
gluonic mesons represent a sizable fraction of the theoretically derived decay
rate for b -> sg.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, 8 tables, version to appear in Eur.Phys.J.C.,
with some clarifications in the text, additional refs. and several overall
signs in Tab.2,3 adde
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