134,012 research outputs found
Purging of untrustworthy recommendations from a grid
In grid computing, trust has massive significance. There is lot of research
to propose various models in providing trusted resource sharing mechanisms. The
trust is a belief or perception that various researchers have tried to
correlate with some computational model. Trust on any entity can be direct or
indirect. Direct trust is the impact of either first impression over the entity
or acquired during some direct interaction. Indirect trust is the trust may be
due to either reputation gained or recommendations received from various
recommenders of a particular domain in a grid or any other domain outside that
grid or outside that grid itself. Unfortunately, malicious indirect trust leads
to the misuse of valuable resources of the grid. This paper proposes the
mechanism of identifying and purging the untrustworthy recommendations in the
grid environment. Through the obtained results, we show the way of purging of
untrustworthy entities.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table published by IJNGN journal; International
Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN) Vol.3, No.4, December 201
Alias-free, real coefficient m-band QMF banks for arbitrary m
Based on a generalized framework for alias free QMF banks, a theory is developed for the design of uniform QMF banks with real-coefficient analysis filters, such that aliasing can be completely canceled by appropriate choice of real-coefficient synthesis filters. These results are then applied for the derivation of closed-form expressions for the synthesis filters (both FIR and IIR), that ensure cancelation of aliasing for a given set of analysis filters. The results do not involve the inversion of the alias-component (AC) matrix
Theory and design of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter banks
In this paper, the theory of uniform DFT, parallel, quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks is developed. The QMF equations, i.e., equations that need to be satisfied for exact reconstruction of the input signal, are derived. The concept of decimated filters is introduced, and structures for both analysis and synthesis banks are derived using this concept. The QMF equations, as well as closed-form expressions for the synthesis filters needed for exact reconstruction of the input signalx(n), are also derived using this concept. In general, the reconstructed. signalhat{x}(n)suffers from three errors: aliasing, amplitude distortion, and phase distortion. Conditions for exact reconstruction (i.e., all three distortions are zero, andhat{x}(n)is equal to a delayed version ofx(n))of the input signal are derived in terms of the decimated filters. Aliasing distortion can always be completely canceled. Once aliasing is canceled, it is possible to completely eliminate amplitude distortion (if suitable IIR filters are employed) and completely eliminate phase distortion (if suitable FIR filters are employed). However, complete elimination of all three errors is possible only with some simple, pathalogical stable filter transfer functions. In general, once aliasing is canceled, the other distortions can be minimized rather than completely eliminated. Algorithms for this are presented. The properties of FIR filter banks are then investigated. Several aspects of IIR filter banks are also studied using the same framework
Codes With Hierarchical Locality
In this paper, we study the notion of {\em codes with hierarchical locality}
that is identified as another approach to local recovery from multiple
erasures. The well-known class of {\em codes with locality} is said to possess
hierarchical locality with a single level. In a {\em code with two-level
hierarchical locality}, every symbol is protected by an inner-most local code,
and another middle-level code of larger dimension containing the local code. We
first consider codes with two levels of hierarchical locality, derive an upper
bound on the minimum distance, and provide optimal code constructions of low
field-size under certain parameter sets. Subsequently, we generalize both the
bound and the constructions to hierarchical locality of arbitrary levels.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to ISIT 201
An Alternate Construction of an Access-Optimal Regenerating Code with Optimal Sub-Packetization Level
Given the scale of today's distributed storage systems, the failure of an
individual node is a common phenomenon. Various metrics have been proposed to
measure the efficacy of the repair of a failed node, such as the amount of data
download needed to repair (also known as the repair bandwidth), the amount of
data accessed at the helper nodes, and the number of helper nodes contacted.
Clearly, the amount of data accessed can never be smaller than the repair
bandwidth. In the case of a help-by-transfer code, the amount of data accessed
is equal to the repair bandwidth. It follows that a help-by-transfer code
possessing optimal repair bandwidth is access optimal. The focus of the present
paper is on help-by-transfer codes that employ minimum possible bandwidth to
repair the systematic nodes and are thus access optimal for the repair of a
systematic node.
The zigzag construction by Tamo et al. in which both systematic and parity
nodes are repaired is access optimal. But the sub-packetization level required
is where is the number of parities and is the number of
systematic nodes. To date, the best known achievable sub-packetization level
for access-optimal codes is in a MISER-code-based construction by
Cadambe et al. in which only the systematic nodes are repaired and where the
location of symbols transmitted by a helper node depends only on the failed
node and is the same for all helper nodes. Under this set-up, it turns out that
this sub-packetization level cannot be improved upon. In the present paper, we
present an alternate construction under the same setup, of an access-optimal
code repairing systematic nodes, that is inspired by the zigzag code
construction and that also achieves a sub-packetization level of .Comment: To appear in National Conference on Communications 201
Analytic Light-Curves of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows: Homogeneous versus Wind External Media
Assuming an adiabatic evolution of a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) remnant
interacting with an external medium, we calculate the injection, cooling, and
absorption break frequencies, and the afterglow flux for plausible orderings of
the break and observing frequencies. The analytical calculations are restricted
to a relativistic remnant and, in the case of collimated ejecta, to the phase
where there is an insignificant lateral expansion. Results are given for both a
homogeneous external medium and for a wind ejected by the GRB progenitor.
We compare the afterglow emission at different observing frequencies, for
each type of external medium. It is found that observations at sub-millimeter
frequencies during the first day provide the best way of discriminating between
the two models. By taking into account the effect of inverse Compton
scatterings on the electron cooling, a new possible time-dependence of the
cooling break is identified. The signature of the up-scattering losses could be
seen in the optical synchrotron emission from a GRB remnant interacting with a
pre-ejected wind, as a temporary mild flattening of the afterglow decay. The
up-scattered radiation itself should be detected in the soft X-ray emission
from GRB remnants running into denser external media, starting few hours after
the main event.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in the ApJ, vol 54
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