37,474 research outputs found
Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics with Minimal Length Uncertainty
We study non-Hermitian quantum mechanics in the presence of a minimal length.
In particular we obtain exact solutions of a non-Hermitian displaced harmonic
oscillator and the Swanson model with minimal length uncertainty. The spectrum
in both the cases are found to be real. It is also shown that the models are
pseudo-Hermitian and the metric operator is found explicitly in both the
An Effective Cutoff for the Isolalated Lepton Background from Bottom Decay --
There is a strong correlation between the and isolation of the lepton
coming from decay. Consequently the isolated lepton background from
decay goes down rapidly with increasing lepton ; and there is a
cutoff beyond which it effectively vanishes. For the isolation cut of GeV, appropriate for LHC, the lepton cutoff is 80 GeV. This can be
exploited to effectively eliminate the background from the like sign
dilepton channel apropriate for Majorana particle searches, as well as the
unlike sign dilepton and the single lepton channels appropriate for the top
quark search. We illustrate this with a detailed analysis of the background
in these channels along with the signals at LHC energy using both parton level
MC and ISAJET programs.Comment: TIFR/TH/93-23 (LATEX, 20 pages, 7 figures available on request
Nucleophilicity/Electrophilicity Excess in Analyzing Molecular Electronics
Intramolecular electron transfer capability of all metal aromatic and
anti-aromatic aluminum cluster compounds is studied in terms of density
functional theory based global and local reactivity descriptors. This study
will provide important inputs towards the fabrication of the material required
for molecular electronics.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 13 table
Transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow in ideal hydrodynamics and geometric scaling
In an ideal hydrodynamic model, with an equation of state where the
confinement-deconfinement transition is a cross-over at , we
have simulated =200 GeV Au+Au collisions. Simultaneous description of
the experimental charged particle's spectra and elliptic flow require
that in central (0-10%) Au+Au collisions, initial energy density scales with
the binary collision number density. In less central collisions, experimental
data demand scaling with the participant density. Simulation studies also
indicate that in central collisions viscous effects are minimal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures
Truncated Harmonic Osillator and Parasupersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
We discuss in detail the parasupersymmetric quantum mechanics of arbitrary
order where the parasupersymmetry is between the normal bosons and those
corresponding to the truncated harmonic oscillator. We show that even though
the parasusy algebra is different from that of the usual parasusy quantum
mechanics, still the consequences of the two are identical. We further show
that the parasupersymmetric quantum mechanics of arbitrary order p can also be
rewritten in terms of p supercharges (i.e. all of which obey ).
However, the Hamiltonian cannot be expressed in a simple form in terms of the p
supercharges except in a special case. A model of conformal parasupersymmetry
is also discussed and it is shown that in this case, the p supercharges, the p
conformal supercharges along with Hamiltonian H, conformal generator K and
dilatation generator D form a closed algebra.Comment: 9 page
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