161 research outputs found

    Integral formulas for wave functions of quantum many-body problems and representations of gl(n)

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    We derive explicit integral formulas for eigenfunctions of quantum integrals of the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser operator with trigonometric interaction potential. In particular, we derive explicit formulas for Jack's symmetric functions. To obtain such formulas, we use the representation of these eigenfunctions by means of traces of intertwining operators between certain modules over the Lie algebra gln\frak gl_n, and the realization of these modules on functions of many variables.Comment: 6 pages. One reference ([FF]) has been corrected. New references and an introduction have been adde

    On the spectrum of S=1/2 XXX Heisenberg chain with elliptic exchange

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    It is found that the Hamiltonian of S=1/2 isotropic Heisenberg chain with NN sites and elliptic non-nearest-neighbor exchange is diagonalized in each sector of the Hilbert space with magnetization N/2−MN/2-M, 1<M≤[N/2]1<M\leq[N/2], by means of double quasiperiodic meromorphic solutions to the MM-particle quantum Calogero-Moser problem on a line. The spectrum and highest-weight states are determined by the solutions of the systems of transcendental equations of the Bethe-ansatz type which arise as restrictions to particle pseudomomenta.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Noncommutative Toda Chains, Hankel Quasideterminants And Painlev'e II Equation

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    We construct solutions of an infinite Toda system and an analogue of the Painlev'e II equation over noncommutative differential division rings in terms of quasideterminants of Hankel matrices.Comment: 16 pp; final revised version, will appear in J.Phys. A, minor changes (typos corrected following the Referee's List, aknowledgements and a new reference added

    Elliptic quantum groups and Ruijsenaars models

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    We construct symmetric and exterior powers of the vector representation of the elliptic quantum groups Eτ,η(glN)E_{\tau,\eta}(gl_N). The corresponding transfer matrices give rise to various integrable difference equations which could be solved in principle by the nested Bethe ansatz method. In special cases we recover the Ruijsenaars systems of commuting difference operators.Comment: 15 pages, late

    Logarithmic corrections to finite size spectrum of SU(N) symmetric quantum chains

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    We consider SU(N) symmetric one dimensional quantum chains at finite temperature. For such systems the correlation lengths, ground state energy, and excited state energies are investigated in the framework of conformal field theory. The possibility of different types of excited states are discussed. Logarithmic corrections to the ground state energy and different types of excited states in the presence of a marginal opeartor, are calculated. Known results for SU(2) and SU(4) symmetric systems follow from our general formula.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; Typos corrected and minor changes made for clarit

    Parametrization of semi-dynamical quantum reflection algebra

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    We construct sets of structure matrices for the semi-dynamical reflection algebra, solving the Yang-Baxter type consistency equations extended by the action of an automorphism of the auxiliary space. These solutions are parametrized by dynamical conjugation matrices, Drinfel'd twist representations and quantum non-dynamical RR-matrices. They yield factorized forms for the monodromy matrices.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages. Misprints corrected, comments added in Conclusion on construction of Hamiltonian

    Baker-Akhiezer functions and generalised Macdonald-Mehta integrals

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    For the rational Baker-Akhiezer functions associated with special arrangements of hyperplanes with multiplicities we establish an integral identity, which may be viewed as a generalisation of the self-duality property of the usual Gaussian function with respect to the Fourier transformation. We show that the value of properly normalised Baker-Akhiezer function at the origin can be given by an integral of Macdonald-Mehta type and explicitly compute these integrals for all known Baker-Akhiezer arrangements. We use the Dotsenko-Fateev integrals to extend this calculation to all deformed root systems, related to the non-exceptional basic classical Lie superalgebras.Comment: 26 pages; slightly revised version with minor correction

    On the trace of the antipode and higher indicators

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    We introduce two kinds of gauge invariants for any finite-dimensional Hopf algebra H. When H is semisimple over C, these invariants are respectively, the trace of the map induced by the antipode on the endomorphism ring of a self-dual simple module, and the higher Frobenius-Schur indicators of the regular representation. We further study the values of these higher indicators in the context of complex semisimple quasi-Hopf algebras H. We prove that these indicators are non-negative provided the module category over H is modular, and that for a prime p, the p-th indicator is equal to 1 if, and only if, p is a factor of dim H. As an application, we show the existence of a non-trivial self-dual simple H-module with bounded dimension which is determined by the value of the second indicator.Comment: additional references, fixed some typos, minor additions including a questions and some remark
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