2,367 research outputs found

    Bistability in sine-Gordon: the ideal switch

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    The sine-Gordon equation, used as the representative nonlinear wave equation, presents a bistable behavior resulting from nonlinearity and generating hysteresis properties. We show that the process can be understood in a comprehensive analytical formulation and that it is a generic property of nonlinear systems possessing a natural band gap. The approach allows to discover that sine-Gordon can work as an it ideal switch by reaching a transmissive regime with vanishing driving amplitude.Comment: Phys. Rev. E, (to be published, May 2005

    Exact thermodynamics of a planar array of Ginzburg-Landau chains with nn and nnn interactions

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    The exact expression of the free energy of a planar array of a Ginzburg-Landau chains with nn and nnn interaction is obtained. The critical behaviour of the specific heat is not qualitatively modified by taking into account the nnn interaction

    Quantum Phase Transition in Finite-Size Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model

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    Lipkin model of arbitrary particle-number N is studied in terms of exact differential-operator representation of spin-operators from which we obtain the low-lying energy spectrum with the instanton method of quantum tunneling. Our new observation is that the well known quantum phase transition can also occur in the finite-N model only if N is an odd-number. We furthermore demonstrate a new type of quantum phase transition characterized by level-crossing which is induced by the geometric phase interference and is marvelously periodic with respect to the coupling parameter. Finally the conventional quantum phase transition is understood intuitively from the tunneling formulation in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 figure

    Characterizing Planetary Orbits and the Trajectories of Light

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    Exact analytic expressions for planetary orbits and light trajectories in the Schwarzschild geometry are presented. A new parameter space is used to characterize all possible planetary orbits. Different regions in this parameter space can be associated with different characteristics of the orbits. The boundaries for these regions are clearly defined. Observational data can be directly associated with points in the regions. A possible extension of these considerations with an additional parameter for the case of Kerr geometry is briefly discussed.Comment: 49 pages total with 11 tables and 10 figure

    Bistable light detectors with nonlinear waveguide arrays

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    Bistability induced by nonlinear Kerr effect in arrays of coupled waveguides is studied and shown to be a means to conceive light detectors that switch under excitation by a weak signal. The detector is obtained by coupling two single 1D waveguide to an array of coupled waveguides with adjusted indices and coupling. The process is understood by analytical description in the conservative and continuous case and illustrated by numerical simulations of the model with attenuation.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., v.94, (2005, to be published

    Implications of Qudit Superselection rules for the Theory of Decoherence-free Subsystems

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    The use of d-state systems, or qudits, in quantum information processing is discussed. Three-state and higher dimensional quantum systems are known to have very different properties from two-state systems, i.e., qubits. In particular there exist qudit states which are not equivalent under local unitary transformations unless a selection rule is violated. This observation is shown to be an important factor in the theory of decoherence-free, or noiseless, subsystems. Experimentally observable consequences and methods for distinguishing these states are also provided, including the explicit construction of new decoherence-free or noiseless subsystems from qutrits. Implications for simulating quantum systems with quantum systems are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figures, Version 2: Typos corrected, references fixed and new ones added, also includes referees suggested changes and a new exampl

    Can we distinguish between black holes and wormholes by their Einstein-ring systems?

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    For the last decade, the gravitational lensing in the strong gravitational field has been studied eagerly. It is well known that, for the lensing by a black hole, infinite number of Einstein rings are formed by the light rays which wind around the black hole nearly on the photon sphere, which are called relativistic Einstein rings. This is also the case for the lensing by a wormhole. In this paper, we study the Einstein ring and relativistic Einstein rings for the Schwarzschild black hole and the Ellis wormhole, the latter of which is an example of traversable wormholes of the Morris-Thorne class. Given the configuration of the gravitational lensing and the radii of the Einstein ring and relativistic Einstein rings, we can distinguish between a black hole and a wormhole in principle. We conclude that we can detect the relativistic Einstein rings by wormholes which have the radii of the throat a0.5a\simeq 0.5pc at a galactic center with the distance 10Mpc and which have a10a\simeq 10AU in our galaxy using by the most powerful modern instruments which have the resolution of 10210^{-2}arcsecond such as a 10-meter optical-infrared telescope. The black holes which make the Einstein rings of the same size as the ones by the wormholes are galactic supermassive black holes and the relativistic Einstein rings by the black holes are too small to measure at this moment. We may test some hypotheses of astrophysical wormholes by using the Einstein ring and relativistic Einstein rings in the future.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor changes from v

    Exact Solutions of a (2+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a class of particular solutions of a C(2,1) conformally invariant nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation by symmetry reduction. Using the subgroups of similitude group reduced ordinary differential equations of second order and their solutions by a singularity analysis are classified. In particular, it has been shown that whenever they have the Painlev\'e property, they can be transformed to standard forms by Moebius transformations of dependent variable and arbitrary smooth transformations of independent variable whose solutions, depending on the values of parameters, are expressible in terms of either elementary functions or Jacobi elliptic functions.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, revised versio

    Local Identities Involving Jacobi Elliptic Functions

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    We derive a number of local identities of arbitrary rank involving Jacobi elliptic functions and use them to obtain several new results. First, we present an alternative, simpler derivation of the cyclic identities discovered by us recently, along with an extension to several new cyclic identities of arbitrary rank. Second, we obtain a generalization to cyclic identities in which successive terms have a multiplicative phase factor exp(2i\pi/s), where s is any integer. Third, we systematize the local identities by deriving four local ``master identities'' analogous to the master identities for the cyclic sums discussed by us previously. Fourth, we point out that many of the local identities can be thought of as exact discretizations of standard nonlinear differential equations satisfied by the Jacobian elliptic functions. Finally, we obtain explicit answers for a number of definite integrals and simpler forms for several indefinite integrals involving Jacobi elliptic functions.Comment: 47 page

    Conductivity of interacting massless Dirac particles in graphene: Collisionless regime

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    We provide detailed calculation of the a.c. conductivity in the case of 1/r-Coulomb interacting massless Dirac particles in graphene in the collisionless limit when \omega >> T. The analysis of the electron self-energy, current vertex function and polarization function, which enter into the calculation of physical quantities including the a.c. conductivity, is carried out by checking the Ward-Takahashi identities associated with the electrical charge conservation and making sure that they are satisfied at each step. We adopt a variant of the dimensional regularization of Veltman and t'Hooft by taking the spatial dimension D=2-\epsilon, for \epsilon > 0. The procedure adopted here yields a result for the conductivity correction which, while explicitly preserving charge conservation laws, is nevertheless different from the results reported previously in literature.Comment: 32 pages, no figures, published versio