2,385 research outputs found
Full counting statistics of incoherent Andreev transport
We study the full counting statistics of heterostructures consisting of
normal metal parts connected to a superconducting terminal. Assuming that
coherent superconducting correlations are suppressed in the normal metals we
show, using Keldysh-Nambu Green's functions, that the system can be mapped onto
a purely normal system with twice the number of elements. For a superconducting
beam splitter with several normal terminals we obtain general results for the
counting statistics.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Europhys. Let
Proposal for non-local electron-hole turnstile in the Quantum Hall regime
We present a theory for a mesoscopic turnstile that produces spatially
separated streams of electrons and holes along edge states in the quantum Hall
regime. For a broad range of frequencies in the non-adiabatic regime the
turnstile operation is found to be ideal, producing one electron and one hole
per cycle. The accuracy of the turnstile operation is characterized by the
fluctuations of the transferred charge per cycle. The fluctuations are found to
be negligibly small in the ideal regime.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figure
Semiclassical theory of current correlations in chaotic dot-superconductor systems
We present a semiclassical theory of current correlations in multiterminal
chaotic dot-superconductor junctions, valid in the absence of the proximity
effect in the dot. For a dominating coupling of the dot to the normal terminals
and a nonperfect dot-superconductor interface, positive cross correlations are
found between currents in the normal terminals. This demonstrates that positive
cross correlations can be described within a semiclassical approach. We show
that the semiclassical approach is equivalent to a quantum mechanical Green's
function approach with suppressed proximity effect in the dot.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Multiple Andreev reflections in hybrid multiterminal junctions
We investigate theoretically charge transport in hybrid multiterminal
junctions with superconducting leads kept at different voltages. It is found
that multiple Andreev reflections involving several superconducting leads give
rise to rich subharmonic gap structures in the current-voltage characteristics.
The structures are evidenced numerically in junctions in the incoherent regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Chaotic dot-superconductor analog of the Hanbury Brown Twiss effect
As an electrical analog of the optical Hanbury Brown Twiss effect, we study
current cross-correlations in a chaotic quantum dot-superconductor junction.
One superconducting and two normal reservoirs are connected via point contacts
to a chaotic quantum dot. For a wide range of contact widths and
transparencies, we find large positive current correlations. The positive
correlations are generally enhanced by normal backscattering in the contacts.
Moreover, for normal backscattering in the contacts, the positive correlations
survive when suppressing the proximity effect in the dot with a weak magnetic
field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Sub Decoherence Time Generation and Detection of Orbital Entanglement
Recent experiments have demonstrated sub decoherence time control of
individual single-electron orbital qubits. Here we propose a quantum dot based
scheme for generation and detection of pairs of orbitally entangled electrons
on a timescale much shorter than the decoherence time. The electrons are
entangled, via two-particle interference, and transferred to the detectors
during a single cotunneling event, making the scheme insensitive to charge
noise. For sufficiently long detector dot lifetimes, cross-correlation
detection of the dot charges can be performed with real-time counting
techniques, opening up for an unambiguous short-time Bell inequality test of
orbital entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 pages supplemental materia
Quantized dynamics of a coherent capacitor
A quantum coherent capacitor subject to large amplitude pulse cycles can be
made to emit or reabsorb an electron in each half cycle. Quantized currents
with pulse cycles in the GHz range have been demonstrated experimentally. We
develop a non-linear dynamical scattering theory for arbitrary pulses to
describe the properties of this very fast single electron source. Using our
theory we analyze the accuracy of the current quantization and investigate the
noise of such a source. Our results are important for future scientific and
possible metrological applications of this source.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Orbital entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities in the presence of dephasing
We discuss orbital entanglement in mesoscopic conductors, focusing on the
effect of dephasing. The entanglement is detected via violation of a Bell
Inequality formulated in terms of zero-frequency current correlations.
Following closely the recent work by Samuelsson, Sukhorukov and Buttiker, we
investigate how the dephasing affects the possibility to violate the Bell
Inequality and how system parameters can be adjusted for optimal violation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. To appear in a special issue on "Quantum
Computation at the Atomic Scale" in Turkish Journal of Physic
Nanoscale Quantum Calorimetry with Electronic Temperature Fluctuations
Motivated by the recent development of fast and ultra-sensitive thermometry
in nanoscale systems, we investigate quantum calorimetric detection of
individual heat pulses in the sub-meV energy range. We propose a hybrid
superconducting injector-calorimeter set-up, with the energy of injected pulses
carried by tunneling electrons. Treating all heat transfer events
microscopically, we analyse the statistics of the calorimeter temperature
fluctuations and derive conditions for an accurate measurement of the heat
pulse energies. Our results pave the way for novel, fundamental quantum
thermodynamics experiments, including calorimetric detection of single
microwave photons.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures plus supplemental material, 8 pages, 1 figur
Quantum heat fluctuations of single particle sources
Optimal single electron sources emit regular streams of particles, displaying
no low frequency charge current noise. Due to the wavepacket nature of the
emitted particles, the energy is however fluctuating, giving rise to heat
current noise. We investigate theoretically this quantum source of heat noise
for an emitter coupled to an electronic probe in the hot-electron regime. The
distribution of temperature and potential fluctuations induced in the probe is
shown to provide direct information on the single particle wavefunction
properties and display strong non-classical features.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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