4,279 research outputs found
Searches for Neutral Higgs Boson and Interpretations in the MSSM at LEP
This paper discusses recent publications of the LEP collaborations DELPHI, L3
and OPAL on searches for Higgs bosons motivated by MSSM scenarios as well as
their interpretation in the MSSM. With the final publication of the LEP
collaborations available or awaited, more and more interpretations in different
MSSM models, including both CP conserving and CP violating, become available.
Also specialized analyses close open areas in the parameter space. In the same
time, better theoretical calculations with an increased maximal mass of the
Higgs boson were presented. Both the new scenarios as well as the new
theoretical limit on has consequences for the limits from LEP.
The searches, the models in which they are interpreted and the implications of
the LEP results for future SUSY searches, especially on the limit,
are presented here.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the EPS HEP
Conference Aachen (2003), Version 2: added reference to section
SUSY Parameter Measurements with Fittino
This article presents the results of a realistic global fit of the Lagrangian
parameters of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with no assumptions on
the SUSY breaking mechanism using the fit program Fittino. The fit is performed
using the precision of future mass measurements of superpartners at the LHC and
mass and polarized topological cross-section measurements at the ILC. Higher
order radiative corrections are accounted for wherever possible to date.
Results are obtained for a modified SPS1a MSSM benchmark scenario (general MSSM
without assumptions on the breaking mechanism) and for a specific mSUGRA
scenario. Exploiting a simulated annealing algorithm, a stable result is
obtained without any {\it a priori} assumptions on the fit parameters. Most of
the Lagrangian parameters can be extracted at the percent level or better if
theoretical uncertainties are neglected. Neither LHC nor ILC measurements alone
will be sufficient to obtain a stable result.Comment: 3 pages, presented at the 2005 International Linear Collider Physics
And Detector Workshop, Snowmass, CO, 14.-27. August 200
Radiative Penguins
This article gives an overview of the recent searches and measurements of
penguin transitions with the BaBar experiment. The branching fraction
of these decays in the Standard Model (SM) is expected to be a factor of 10 or
more lower than the corresponding penguin transitions, but a deviation
from the SM prediction would be an equally striking sign of new physics. The
exclusive decay is searched by BaBar with no excess over the
background found. The BaBar measurement of provides
the first evidence of , is in good agreement with the
previous Belle results and provides a measurement of
independent of the one from mixing. No deviation from the SM is found.Comment: Prepared for the Rencontres de Moriond EW 2007. 6 pages, 7 figures, 2
tables, replacement due to missing fonts in feynman diagram
Fittino, a program for determining MSSM parameters from collider observables using an iterative method
Provided that Supersymmetry (SUSY) is realized, the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) and the future International Linear Collider (ILC) may provide a wealth
of precise data from SUSY processes. An important task will be to extract the
Lagrangian parameters. On this basis the goal is to uncover the underlying
symmetry breaking mechanism from the measured observables. In order to
determine the SUSY parameters, the program Fittino has been developed. It uses
an iterative fitting technique and a Simulated Annealing algorithm to determine
the SUSY parameters directly from the observables without any a priori
knowledge of the parameters, using all available loop-corrections to masses and
couplings. Simulated Annealing is implemented as a stable and efficient method
for finding the optimal parameter values. The theoretical predictions can be
provided from any program with SUSY Les Houches Accord interface. As fit
result, a set of parameters including the full error matrix and two-dimensional
uncertainty contours are obtained. Pull distributions can automatically be
created and allow an independent cross-check of the fit results and possible
systematic shifts in the parameter determination. A determination of the
importance of the individual observables for the measurement of each parameter
can be performed after the fit. A flexible user interface is implemented,
allowing a wide range of different types of observables and a wide range of
parameters to be used.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Comp. Phys. Com
Light pseudoscalar eta and H->eta eta decay in the simplest little Higgs mode
The SU(3) simplest little Higgs model in its original framework without the
so-called mu term inevitably involves a massless pseudoscalar boson eta, which
is problematic for b-physics and cosmological axion limit. With the mu term
introduced by hand, the eta boson acquires mass m_eta ~ mu, which can be
lighter than half the Higgs boson mass in a large portion of the parameter
space. In addition, the introduced mu term generates sizable coupling of
H-eta-eta. The Higgs boson can dominantly decay into a pair of eta's especially
when mH below the WW threshold. Another new decay channel of H->Z+eta can be
dominant or compatible with H -> WW for mH above the Z+eta threshold. We show
that the LEP bound on the Higgs boson mass is loosened to some extent due to
this new H->eta eta decay channel as well as the reduced coupling of H-Z-Z. The
Higgs boson mass bound falls to about 110 GeV for f=3-4 TeV. Since the eta
boson decays mainly into a bb pair, H-> eta eta -> 4b and H-> Z eta -> Z bb
open up other interesting search channels in the pursuit of the Higgs boson in
the future experiments. We discuss on these issues.Comment: major modification considering the simplest little Higgs model with
the mu ter
New HiggsBounds from LEP and the Tevatron
We review the program HiggsBounds that tests theoretical predictions of
models with arbitrary Higgs sectors against the exclusion bounds obtained from
the Higgs searches at LEP and the Tevatron. We explicitly list the bounds that
have been added after the first release of HiggsBounds.Comment: 4 pages, talk given at SUSY09, Boston, June 200
Determination of MSSM Parameters from LHC and ILC Observables in a Global Fit
We present the results of a realistic global fit of the Lagrangian parameters
of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model assuming universality for the
first and second generation and real parameters. No assumptions on the SUSY
breaking mechanism are made. The fit is performed using the precision of future
mass measurements of superpartners at the LHC and mass and polarized
topological cross-section measurements at the ILC. Higher order radiative
corrections are accounted for whereever possible to date. Results are obtained
for a modified SPS1a MSSM benchmark scenario but they were checked not to
depend critically on this assumption. Exploiting a simulated annealing
algorithm, a stable result is obtained without any a priori assumptions on the
values of the fit parameters. Most of the Lagrangian parameters can be
extracted at the percent level or better if theoretical uncertainties are
neglected. Neither LHC nor ILC measurements alone will be sufficient to obtain
a stable result. The effects of theoretical uncertainties arising from unknown
higher-order corrections and parametric uncertainties are examined
qualitatively. They appear to be relevant and the result motivates further
precision calculations. The obtained parameters at the electroweak scale are
used for a fit of the parameters at high energy scales within the bottom-up
approach. In this way regularities at these scales are explored and the
underlying model can be determined with hardly any theoretical bias. Fits of
high-scale parameters to combined LHC+ILC measurements within the mSUGRA
framework reveal that even tiny distortions in the low-energy mass spectrum
already lead to inacceptable chi^2 values. This does not hold for ``LHC only''
inputs.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure
Collider Bounds on Lee-Wick Higgs Bosons
We study the constraints on the Lee-Wick Higgs sector arising from direct
collider searches. We work in an effective-field theory framework, where all of
the Lee-Wick partners are integrated out, with the sole exception of the
Lee-Wick Higgs bosons. The resulting theory is a two-Higgs doublet model where
the second doublet has wrong-sign kinetic and mass terms. We include the bounds
coming from direct Higgs searches at both LEP and Tevatron using the code
HiggsBounds, and show the currently excluded parameter space. We also analyze
the prospects of LHC Run-I, finding that with a total integrated luminosity of
5 fb and a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, most of the parameter space
for the SM-like CP-even Higgs will be probed.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, matches version published by PR
Relic density of neutralino dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation
We calculate the relic density of dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation.
We analyse various scenarios of neutralino annihilation: the cases of a bino,
bino-wino and bino-Higgsino LSP, annihilation through Higgs, as well as
sfermion coannihilation scenarios. Large phase effects are found, on the one
hand due to shifts in the masses, on the other hand due to modifications of the
couplings. Taking special care to disentangle the effects in masses and
couplings, we demonstrate that the presence of CP phases can have a significant
influence on the neutralino relic abundance. Typical variations in \Omega h^2
solely from modifications in the couplings are O(10%-100%), but can reach an
order of magnitude in some cases.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures (low resolution). A version with high-resolution
figures can be downloaded from http://cern.ch/kraml/papers/omc
Signals of CP Violation Beyond the MSSM in Higgs and Flavor Physics
We study an extension of the Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric
Standard Model (MSSM), considering the effects of new degrees of freedom at the
TeV scale, and allowing for sources of CP violation beyond the MSSM (BMSSM). We
analyze the impact of the BMSSM sources of CP violation on the Higgs collider
phenomenology and on low energy flavor and CP violating observables. We
identify distinct Higgs collider signatures that cannot be realized, either in
the case without CP violating phases or in the CP violating MSSM, and
investigate the prospects to probe them at the Tevatron and the LHC. The most
striking benchmark scenario has three neutral Higgs bosons that all decay
dominantly into W boson pairs and that are well within the reach of the 7 TeV
LHC run. On the other hand, we also present scenarios with three Higgs bosons
that have masses M_Hi > 150 GeV and decay dominantly into b bbar. Such
scenarios are much more challenging to probe and can even lie completely
outside the reach of the 7 TeV LHC run. We explore complementary scenarios with
standard MSSM Higgs signals that allow to accommodate a sizable B_s mixing
phase as indicated by D0, as well as the excess in B_s --> mu+ mu- candidates
recently reported by CDF. We find that, in contrast to the MSSM, a minimal
flavor violating soft sector is sufficient to generate significant corrections
to CP violating observables in meson mixing, compatible with EDM constraints.
In particular, a sizable B_s mixing phase, S_psiphi < 0.4, can be achieved for
specific regions of parameter space. Such a large B_s mixing phase would
unambiguously imply a sizable suppression of S_psiKs with respect to the SM
prediction and a BR(B_s --> mu+ mu-) close to the 95% C.L. upper bound reported
by CDF.Comment: 58 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, v2 matches published versio
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