56 research outputs found

    Analisis Persebaran Polutan Karbon Monoksida dan Partikulat dari Kebakaran Hutan di Sumatera Selatan

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    Kebakaran hutan merupakan masalah serius yang dihadapi pada permasalahan pencemaran udara masa kini karena berperan sebagai sumber terbesar emisi CO. Wujud polutan dari kebakaran hutan pada umumnya dalam bentuk asap yang mengandung banyak partikulat. Sumatera Selatan memiliki kawasan hutan sebesar 4.222.484,9 ha. Besarnya luasan kawasan hutan di Sumatera Selatan berbanding lurus dengan besarnya potensi kebakaran hutan yang dapat terjadi. Jumlah titik api di Sumatera Selatan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 12% pada periode 2014-2015. Intesitas kebakaran hutan di Sumatera Selatan yang cukup tinggi memberikan perkiraan bahwa banyak dampak besar yang akan ditimbulkan. Gangguan kesetimbangan ekosistem, permasalahan kesehatan, sampai lumpuhnya aktivitas masyarakat adalah dampak yang diperkirakan akan timbul akibat kebakaran hutan. Selain itu, kebakaran hutan dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap wilayah lain yang jauh jaraknya dari area terbakar. Besarnya wilayah dan waktu jangkauan dampak dari kebakaran hutan sering tidak dapat diperkirakan karena terbatasnya informasi prediksi persebaran polutan dari kebakaran hutan. Suatu analisis persebaran polutan sangat diperlukan sebagai penyedia informasi prediksi dari besaran dampak yang ditimbulkan dari suatu area kebakaran hutan. Model persebaran ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan peringatan dini bagi daerah sekitar yang akan terkena dampak kebakaran hutan. Digunakan 2 jenis variabel penelitian yakni kecepatan angin dan jenis hutan. Data kecepatan angin yang digunakan adalah nilai rata-rata, maksimum, minimum dan modus dari data kecepatan angin periode 21 juli 2015 – 12 november 2015. Periode ini adalah periode penurunan kualitas udara kota Palembang akibat peristiwa kebakaran hutan sampai memasuki musim hujan. Jenis hutan yang dipakai sebagai variasi skenario, yaitu hutan alam primer dataran tinggi, hutan alam sekunder dataran rendah, hutan rakyat bambang lanang, hutan alam gambut sekunder. Pembagian jenis hutan ini berdasarkan data biomassa yang telah dihimpun sebelumnya pada tahun 2014. Jumlah total skenario yang disusun sebanyak 40 skenario sesuai variabel yang ditentukan. Analisis persebaran dan nilai konsentrasi dari polutan CO dan partikulat berdasarkan skenario yang disusun dengan menggunakan persamaan gauss plume. Validasi data menunjukkan bahwa hasil pemodelan dengan skenario kecepatan angin rata-rata yang paling mendekati nilai ISPU. Konsentrasi polutan yang sampai ke kota palembang dari sejumlah titik api kebakaran hutan adalah 2322,21 μg/m3 CO dan 245,62 μg/m3 PM10. Konsentrasi polutan yang sampai ke kota Palembang dari kebakaran hutan seluas 1 ha pada setiap titik api adalah 8,54 μg/m3 CO dan 0,9 μg/m3 PM10. Jarak terjaruh persebaran emisi CO dan PM10 sampai nilai ambang batas (10000 dan 150 ) telah terlewati adalah 120 km untuk emisi CO dan 200 km untuk emisi PM10


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    Bali Strait was one of the highest density areas for small pelagic fish in Indonesian Fisheries Management Area (FMA)-573 with goldstripe sardinella (Sardinella gibbosa) as was one of the abundant species in the catch. The aims of this study were to reveal the morphoregression characteristics and the first size of maturity for Sardinella gibbosa in Bali Strait waters. A total of 1.282 goldstripe sardinella were measured in total length (TL), fork length (FL), and standard length (SL)) and weighed during the study. All of the length measurement methods were highly related to the weight, which were W = 4 x 10-6 TL3,1686 (R² = 0,9817); W = 4 x 10-6 FL3,2334 (R² = 0,9732); and W = 1 x 10-5 SL3,0239 (R² = 0,9656), respectively. Among all the measurement methods, total length estimated the weight more accurately than the others. The growth pattern of goldstripe sardinella in this study were various based on the measurement method, sex, and the maturity level of the fish. A total of 800 individuals were dissected and their gonads examined. The sex was identified by visual characteristics. The size at 50% maturity for goldstripe sardinella in Bali Strait was 148 mm TL for male and 155 mm TL for female. Most of the caught fish were under the size at 50% maturity


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    Ikan tembang (Sardinella gibbosa Bleeker, 1849) adalah salah satu jenis ikan pelagis kecil, bernilai ekonomis penting serta banyak tertangkap di perairan Prigi dan sekitarnya. Informasi terkait ikan ini masih sangat terbatas di perairan Prigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap beberapa aspek biologi ikan tembang hasil tangkapan pukat cincin di perairan Prigi dan sekitarnya. Penelitian berlangsung selama lima bulan, dari Mei hingga September 2019. Ikan tembang yang dijadikan contoh merupakan hasil tangkapan pukat cincin yang didaratkan di PPN Prigi. Contoh ikan yang diukur panjang dan ditimbang bobotnya berjumlah 705 ekor. Tiga ratus diantaranya kemudian dibedah untuk diamati jenis kelamin dan tingkat kematangan gonadnya secara visual. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan regresi power yang diuji menggunakan uji-t untuk hubungan panjang bobot, uji khi kuadrat untuk menentukan keseimbangan nisbah kelamin, dan fungsi logistik untuk menentukan ukuran pertama kali ikan matang gonad. Panjang cagak ikan yang dianalisis berkisar antara 91-183 mm dengan ikan terbanyak pada selang kelas 110-119 mm. Pola pertumbuhan ikan tembang adalah allometrik negatif dengan nisbah kelamin yang seimbang. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad ikan tembang di perairan Prigi dan sekitarnya adalah 128 mm. Sebagian besar ikan tembang yang tertangkap pada alat tangkap pukat cincin adalah ikan tembang yang masih belum dewasa.Goldstripe sardinella (Sardinella gibbosaBleeker, 1849) is a kind of small pelagic fish, economically important and caught a lot in Prigi and adjacent waters. The information regarding this fish was still very limited in Prigi waters. This study aimed to reveal several aspects of the biology of goldstripe sardinella caught by purse seine in Prigi and adjacent waters. The research was held for five months, from May to September 2019. Fish samples were from purse seiners that landed the caught at PPN Prigi. There were 705 fish measured and weighed. Three hundred of them were dissected to be observed the sex and gonadal maturity visually. Data analysis was performed using power regression which was tested using t-test for the relationship of weight length, chi-square test to determine the balance of sex ratio, and logistic function to determine the first length of maturity. The length of the fish was ranged from 91-183 mmFL and mostly was at 110-119 mmFL length class. The growth pattern of the goldstripe sardinella was allometric negative with a balanced sex ratio. The first length of maturity for goldstripe sardinella in Prigi and adjacent waters was 128 mm. Most of the fish which were caught by purse seine were still immature

    Allostatic load and risk of hearing impairment

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    Background: Prevention of hearing loss via addressing potentially modifiable risk factors may offer means of reducing the global burden of hearing loss. Prior studies reported associations between individual markers of inflammation and risk of hearing impairment. Allostatic load is an index of cumulative physiological stressors, including inflammation, to multiple biological systems. Our aims were to investigate associations between allostatic load and both audiometric and self-reported hearing impairment and examine whether associations are stronger over time due to prolonged high allostatic load. Methods: Data were taken from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), a nationally representative study of people aged 50+ living in England over 3 time points between 2008 and 2014. Allostatic load score was comprised of thirteen different measures available at baseline and 4 years post-baseline (high-density lipoprotein/total cholesterol, triglyceride, fibrinogen, haemoglobin A1c, C-reactive protein, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, resting pulse rate, peak expiratory flow, BMI and waist circumference), measured using clinical cut-off points for normal biomarker parameters. Hearing acuity was measured with a simple handheld tone-producing device at follow-up 7 years post-baseline, while self-reported hearing impairment was measured at time point. Results: We included samples of 4373 and 4430 for the cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis, respectively. In the cross-sectional model high allostatic load was associated both self-reported (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.0,1.1; p < 0.01) and objective hearing loss (OR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.1,1.2; p < 0.001) adjusting for age and sex. Cross-sectional associations between allostatic load and hearing were not significant after further adjustment for covariates (qualification, physical activity and smoking). In longitudinal modelling, high allostatic load was associated with both audiometric (Z score OR = 1.11, 95% CI 1.1,1.2; p < 0.001) and self-reported hearing impairment (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.0,1.1; p < 0.001) adjusting for age and sex. Allostatic load was no longer associated with self-reported hearing loss but the association with audiometric hearing impairment (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.03,1.13; p < 0.001) remained following additional adjustment for baseline self-reported hearing, education, physical activity, and smoking. Conclusions: Prolonged high allostatic load was associated with risk of hearing impairment. Reducing allostatic load via healthy lifestyle changes including non-smoking, healthy diet and exercise may offer an opportunity to reduce the risk of hearing impairment in later life

    Pemberian Motivasi Cinta Lingkungan Kepada Siswasiswi SMA

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    Kerusakan kualitas lingkungan disebabkan juga oleh sistem pendidikan yang tidak memperhatikanpendidikan lingkungan terhadap anak didik sejak dini. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalahmemberikan motivasi kepada siswa-siswa SMA dalam memelihara lingkungan sejak dini. Metodologi penulisanlaporan ini adalah dengan metode deskriptif. Metode pelaksanaan diawali dengan rapat perencanaan, persiapanbahan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan siswa-siswi SMA dariPerguruan Advent Bogor dalam suatu kelas, lalu diberikan paparan mengapa mereka perlu mencintailingkungan demi generasi mereka sendiri. Perhatian utama yang menjadi acuan adalah lingkungan sungai,karena semua sampah pada akhirnya akan hanyut ke aliran sungai menuju laut. Pemaparan juga mengenaiSungai Citarum yang menjadi perhatian dunia karena sangat kotor dan sampai saat ini belum dapat dibersihkansecara baik. Para peserta, siswa-siswi dan guru-guru, memperhatikan dengan seksama dan banyak bertanyamengenai siapa yang bertanggung jawab mengenai kelestarian lingkungan apakah pemesrintah atau pihaklainnya. Pihak yang terutama menjaga lingkungan adalah diri sendiri agar lingkungan yang bersih dapatdinikmati secara baik sampai dengan generasi yang akan datang


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    Ikan ekor pedang bukan merupakan ikan asli Indonesia. Ikan ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dan dilaporkan menyebabkan kerugian di beberapa perairan yang dihuninya. Ikan ekor pedang merupakan ikan kedua yang paling banyak tertangkap di Danau Buyan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap karakter morfometrik dan meristik, hubungan panjang bobot dan hubungan panjang total-panjang baku pada dua varian ikan ekor pedang di Danau Buyan yang memiliki warna tubuh yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai April 2018. Ikan yang diamati berjumlah 160 ekor. Pengamatan meliputi pengukuran 12 karakter morfometrik tradisional, 14 karakter truss morphometric, penghitungan empat karakter meristik, dan penimbangan bobot. Panjang total ikan ekor pedang jantan dan betina pada varian I adalah 43,94 - 79,47 mm dan 43,81 - 115,80 mm dengan nilai b= 2,90 dan b= 2,98. Kemudian, panjang total ikan ekor pedang pada varian II adalah 45,76 - 83,91 mm untuk ikan jantan dan 41,43 - 88,49 mm untuk ikan betina dengan nilai b= 2,80 dan b= 3,07. Karakter meristik pada kedua varian ikan ekor pedang baik jantan dan betina adalah D. 12-13 ; A. 8 - 9. Hubungan panjang bobot ikan ekor pedang pada kedua varian menunjukan pertumbuhan isometrik. Berdasarkan pengamatan dalam penelitian ini, diketahui tidak terdapat perbedaan pada dua varian ikan ekor pedang di Danau Buyan.Green swordtail is not originally from Indonesia, but from Central America. This fish was reported harmful in some freshwater ecosystem. Green swordtail was the second most caught fish in Buyan Lake. The aims of this research were to reveal morphometric and meristic characters, length-weight relationship and total length-standard length relationship on two variants of green swordtail with the different color in Buyan Lake. This research was conducted from January to April 2018 in Buyan Lake. The number of measured and weighed fish were 160 individuals. There were 12 traditional morphometric characters, 14 truss morphometric characters, and four meristic characters observed. Respectively, the total length for green swordtail variant I male and female were 43.94 - 79.47 mm and 43.81 - 115.80 mm. The b value for both of the variant I were 2.90 and 2.98. For the variant II, the total length was 45.76 - 83.91 mm for male fish and 41.43 - 88.49 for female. The b value for variant II were 2.80 and 3.07 for male and female respectively. Meristic characters for all variant and sex was D 12 - 13; A 8 - 9. The growth pattern was isometric. There is no difference in the body shape between the variant of green swordtail fish

    Frailty among older adults and its distribution in England

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    Background: Information on the spatial distribution of the frail population is crucial to inform service planning in health and social care. Objectives: To estimate small-area frailty prevalence among older adults using survey data. To assess whether prevalence differs between urban, rural, coastal and inland areas of England. Design: Using data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), ordinal logistic regression was used to predict the probability of frailty, according to age, sex and area deprivation. Probabilities were applied to demographic and economic information in 2020 population projections to estimate the district-level prevalence of frailty. Results: The prevalence of frailty in adults aged 50+ (2020) in England was estimated to be 8.1 [95% CI 7.3–8.8]%. We found substantial geographic variation, with the prevalence of frailty varying by a factor of 4.0 [3.5–4.4] between the most and least frail areas. A higher prevalence of frailty was found for urban than rural areas, and coastal than inland areas. There are widespread geographic inequalities in healthy ageing in England, with older people in urban and coastal areas disproportionately frail relative to those in rural and inland areas. Conclusions: Interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in healthy ageing should be targeted at urban and coastal areas, where the greatest benefit may be achieved

    Has decentralisation affected child immunisation status in Indonesia?

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    Background: The past two decades have seen many countries, including a number in Southeast Asia, decentralising their health system with the expectation that this reform will improve their citizens’ health. However, the consequences of this reform remain largely unknown. Objective: This study analyses the effects of fiscal decentralisation on child immunisation status in Indonesia. Design: We used multilevel logistic regression analysis to estimate these effects, and multilevel multiple imputation to manage missing data. The 2011 publication of Indonesia's national socio-economic survey (Susenas) is the source of household data, while the Podes village census survey from the same year provides village-level data. We supplement these with local government fiscal data from the Ministry of Finance. Results: The findings show that decentralising the fiscal allocation of responsibilities to local governments has a lack of association with child immunisation status and the results are robust. The results also suggest that increasing the number of village health centres (posyandu) per 1,000 population improves probability of children to receive full immunisation significantly, while increasing that of hospitals and health centres (puskesmas) has no significant effect. Conclusion: These findings suggest that merely decentralising the health system does not guarantee improvement in a country's immunisation coverage. Any successful decentralisation demands good capacity and capability of local governments

    Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services

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    Non-native tree (NNT) species have been transported worldwide to create or enhance services that are fundamental for human well-being, such as timber provision, erosion control or ornamental value; yet NNTs can also produce undesired effects, such as fire proneness or pollen allergenicity. Despite the variety of effects that NNTs have on multiple ecosystem services, a global quantitative assessment of their costs and benefits is still lacking. Such information is critical for decision-making, management and sustainable exploitation of NNTs. We present here a global assessment of NNT effects on the three main categories of ecosystem services, including regulating (RES), provisioning (PES) and cultural services (CES), and on an ecosystem disservice (EDS), i.e. pollen allergenicity. By searching the scientific literature, country forestry reports, and social media, we compiled a global data set of 1683 case studies from over 125 NNT species, covering 44 countries, all continents but Antarctica, and seven biomes. Using differentmeta-analysis techniques, we found that, while NNTs increase most RES (e.g. climate regulation, soil erosion control, fertility and formation), they decrease PES (e.g. NNTs contribute less than native trees to global timber provision). Also, they have different effects on CES (e.g. increase aesthetic values but decrease scientific interest), and no effect on the EDS considered. NNT effects on each ecosystem (dis)service showed a strong context dependency, varying across NNT types, biomes and socio-economic conditions. For instance, some RES are increased more by NNTs able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, and when the ecosystem is located in low-latitude biomes; some CES are increased more by NNTs in less-wealthy countries or in countries with higher gross domestic products. The effects of NNTs on several ecosystem (dis)services exhibited some synergies (e.g. among soil fertility, soil formation and climate regulation or between aesthetic values and pollen allergenicity), but also trade-offs (e.g. between fire regulation and soil erosion control). Our analyses provide a quantitative understanding of the complex synergies, trade-offs and context dependencies involved for the effects of NNTs that is essential for attaining a sustained provision of ecosystem servicesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio