3 research outputs found
Investigation of Feasible Pavement Design Alternatives for WisDOT
The current pavement design and selection process of WisDOT for all new pavements or reconstructions of existing pavement structures provides for the design of one asphaltic concrete (AC) and one portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement alternative. Life-cycle costs analyses are then used to determine the preferred alternative for construction. Previous restrictions in the WisDOT pavement selection process have essentially excluded the construction of thick AC (AC thickness \u3e 150 mm) and thin PCC (PCC thickness \u3c 225 mm) pavements and thus the validity of current life-cycle cost inputs for these pavement types is under question.
This report presents a performance analysis of existing thick AC and thin PCC pavements constructed in and around Wisconsin. The performance trends developed indicate current design assumptions utilized by WisDOT, related to the expected service life to first rehabilitation of AC and PCC pavements, may also be used for thick AC and thin PCC pavements