27,226 research outputs found
Novel non-local behaviour of quasi-3D Wide Quantum Wells
We investigate the high magnetic field regime of wide quantum wells (WQW) for
the case of a many valley host semiconductor. The complete system is described
within a modified Landauer-Buettiker formalism and we demonstrate that a
parallel contribution of two electron systems in different valleys of the band
structure can lead to an edge channel related non-local behaviour even in the
3D-regime. From the obtained general result we derive also a simplified model
which applies for the case of much different dissipation. It represents the
most dissipative system by an Ohmic resistor network and the less dissipative
system by an EC-system.Comment: postscript file including 3 figs, 4 page
Anomalous magnetotransport in wide quantum wells
We present magneto transport experiments of quasi 3D PbTe wide quantum wells.
A plateau-like structure in the Hall resistance is observed, which corresponds
to the Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in the same manner as known from the
quantum Hall effect. The onsets of plateaux in Rxy do not correspond to 2D
filling factors but coincide with the occupation of 3D (bulk-) Landau levels.
At the same time a non-local signal is observed which corresponds to the
structure in Rxx and Rxy and fulfils exactly the Onsager-Casimir relation
(Rij,kl(B) = Rkl,ij(-B)). We explain the behaviour in terms of edge channel
transport which is controlled by a permanent backscattering across a system of
"percolative EC - loops" in the bulk region. Long range potential fluctuations
with an amplitude of the order of the subband splitting are explained to play
an essential role in this electron system.Comment: postscript file including 3 figs, 5 page
Magnetotransport in wide parabolic PbTe quantum wells
The 3D- and 2D- behaviour of wide parabolic PbTe single quantum wells, which
consist of PbTe p-n-p-structures, are studied theoretically and experimentally.
A simple model combines the 2D- subband levels and the 3D-Landau levels in
order to calculate the density of states in a magnetic field perpendicular to
the 2D plane. It is shown that at a channel width of about 300nm on can expect
to observe 3D- and 2D-behaviour at the same time. Magnetotransport experiments
in selectively contacted Hall bar samples are performed at temperatures down to
T = 50 mK and at magnetic fields up to B = 17 T.Comment: postscript file including 2 figs, 4 pages, Paper presented at
EP2DS-XI, Nottingham 199
Conductance Fluctuations in PbTe Wide Parabolic Quantum Wells
We report on conductance fluctuations which are observed in local and
non-local magnetotransport experiments. Although the Hall bar samples are of
macroscopic size, the amplitude of the fluctuations from the local measurements
is close to e^2/h. It is shown that the fluctuations have to be attributed to
edge channel effects.Comment: postscript file including 3 figs, 3 pages, Paper presented at 3rd
Int. Symposium on "New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures" in Maui, Hawaii
Semileptonic B / Bs decays at Belle
The Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric energy e+e- collider recorded
large data sets of both, B and Bs decays. Semileptonic decays B(s) -> X l nu (l
= electron or muon) constitute approximately one fifth of the total decay width
of B(s) mesons and play an important role in the determination of the CKM
matrix elements V_ub and V_cb. Recent results from Belle are presented,
including the study of B- -> Ds(*) K l nu, the first measurements of
semi-inclusive modes B -> D(*) X l nu and the measurement of the inclusive
branching fraction Bf(Bs -> X l nu).Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 36th International Conference on High Energy
Physics. 4-11 July 2012. Melbourne, Australi
The kinetic energy for the static SU(2) Polyakov line
At very high temperatures Yang--Mills theories can be described through
perturbation theory. At the tree level the time components of the gluon fields
decouple and yield a dimensionally reduced theory. The expectation value of the
Polyakov loop then assumes values of the Z(N) center group. At intermediate
temperatures, however, this is not true anymore. The time dependence shows up
in loops. In a recent work we integrated out fast varying quantum fluctuations
around background A_i and static A_4 fields. We assumed that these fields are
slowly varying but that the amplitude of A_4 is arbitrary. As a result we
obtained the kinetic energy terms for the Polyakov loop both for the electric
and the magnetic sector of SU(2).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings for Cracow School of Theoretical
Physics, Zakopane, May 30 - June 08, 200
Haar system as Schauder basis in Besov spaces: The limiting cases for 0 < p <= 1
We show that the d-dimensional Haar system H^d on the unit cube I^d is a
Schauder basis in the classical Besov space B_{p,q,1}^s(I^d), 0<p<1, defined by
first order differences in the limiting case s=d(1/p-1), if and only if 0<q\le
p. For d=1 and p<q, this settles the only open case in our 1979 paper [4],
where the Schauder basis property of H in B_{p,q,1}^s(I) for 0<p<1 was left
undecided. We also consider the Schauder basis property of H^d for the standard
Besov spaces B_{p,q}^s(I^d) defined by Fourier-analytic methods in the limiting
cases s=d(1/p-1) and s=1, complementing results by Triebel [7].Comment: 27 page
Estimates for generalized sparse grid hierarchical basis preconditioners
We reconsider some estimates the paper "M. Griebel, P. Oswald, On additive
Schwarz preconditioners for sparse grid discretizations. Numer. Math. 66
(1994), 449-463" concerning the hierarchical basis preconditioner for sparse
grid discretizations. The improvement is in three directions: We consider
arbitrary space dimensions d>1, give bounds for generalized sparse grid spaces
with arbitrary monotone index set, and show that the bounds are sharp up to
constants depending only on d, at least for a subclass of generalized sparse
grid spaces containing full grid, standard sparse grid spaces, and energy-norm
optimized sparse grid spaces.Comment: 15 page
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