4 research outputs found
Principales causas de anemia en el embarazo y enfoque diagnóstico en preeclampsia
Anemia during pregnancy has a worldwide prevalence of up to 42% and contributes to 23% of the indirect causes of maternal death in developing countries. This pathology is defined as a hemoglobin concentration <11 g/dL or hematocrit <33%, which compromises the transport of oxygen to the tissues, causing fetal alterations such as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), miscarriage, among others. Therefore, it is essential to prevent them, diagnose them early and treat them adequately. Among the most common anemias in pregnant women are nutritional anemias and dilutional anemia. Deficiency anemias are prevalent in developing countries and anemia can occur due to losses, mainly secondary to postpartum hemorrhage and preeclampsia.La anemia durante el embarazo se presenta con una prevalencia mundial de hasta el 42% y contribuye al 23% de las causas indirectas de muerte materna en los países en desarrollo. Esta patología está definida como una concentración de hemoglobina <11 g/dL o hematocrito <33%, lo cual compromete el transporte de oxígeno a los tejidos, causando alteraciones fetales como restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU), aborto, entre otras. Por lo cual es fundamental prevenirlas, diagnosticarlas tempranamente y tratarlas de forma adecuada. Entre las anemias más comunes en gestantes están las anemias nutricionales y la anemia dilucional. Las anemias carenciales son prevalentes en países en vía de desarrollo y puede presentarse anemia por pérdidas, principalmente secundaria a hemorragia posparto y a preeclampsia
Colombian consortium for the study of Lewy body dementia COL-DLB
Q3Q2Carta al editor1-3As the population ages, the incidence of chronic diseases such as
dementia increases. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is one of the
most common dementias after Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and it is
characterized clinically by a tetrad consisting of visual hallucinations,
spontaneous parkinsonism, REM sleep behavior disorders and dementia
[1]. The diagnosis of DLB is challenging. Despite the validated diagnostic criteria, only one in three cases is correctly identified