507 research outputs found
Spin on the lattice
I review the current status of hadronic structure computations on the
lattice. I describe the basic lattice techniques and difficulties and present
some of the latest lattice results; in particular recent results of the RBC
group using domain wall fermions are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, plenary talk given at SPIN2002, BNL, updated
references, corrected typo
Finite volume renormalization scheme for fermionic operators
We propose a new finite volume renormalization scheme. Our scheme is based on
the Gradient Flow applied to both fermion and gauge fields and, much like the
Schr\"odinger functional method, allows for a nonperturbative determination of
the scale dependence of operators using a step-scaling approach. We give some
preliminary results for the pseudo-scalar density in the quenched
approximation.Comment: Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field
Theory, July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, Germany; LaTeX source, 7 pages, 5
A new approach for Delta form factors
We discuss a new approach to reducing excited state contributions from two-
and three-point correlation functions in lattice simulations. For the purposes
of this talk, we focus on the Delta(1232) resonance and discuss how this new
method reduces excited state contamination from two-point functions and mention
how this will be applied to three-point functions to extract hadronic form
factors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, talk given at MENU 2010, Williambsurg, V
Light hadron properties with improved staggered quarks
Preliminary results from simulations with 2+1 dynamical quark flavors at a
lattice spacing of 0.09 fm are combined with earlier results at a=0.13 fm. We
examine the approach to the continuum limit and investigate the dependence of
the pseudoscalar masses and decay constants as the sea and valence quark masses
are separately varied.Comment: Lattice2002(spectrum
Finite continuum quasi distributions from lattice QCD
We present a new approach to extracting continuum quasi distributions from
lattice QCD. Quasi distributions are defined by matrix elements of a
Wilson-line operator extended in a spatial direction, evaluated between nucleon
states at finite momentum. We propose smearing this extended operator with the
gradient flow to render the corresponding matrix elements finite in the
continuum limit. This procedure provides a nonperturbative method to remove the
power-divergence associated with the Wilson line and the resulting matrix
elements can be directly matched to light-front distributions via perturbation
theory.Comment: Eight pages, two figures. Proceedings of the 35th International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theor
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