71 research outputs found

    Convergence of Monte Carlo Simulations to Equilibrium

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    We give two direct, elementary proofs that a Monte Carlo simulation converges to equilibrium provided that appropriate conditions are satisfied. The first proof requires detailed balance while the second is quite general.Comment: 4 pages. v2: published versio

    Linear response formula for open systems

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    An exact expression for the finite frequency response of open classical systems coupled to reservoirs is obtained. The result is valid for any conserved current. No assumption is made about the reservoirs apart from thermodynamic equilibrium. At non-zero frequencies, the expression involves correlation functions of boundary currents and cannot be put in the standard Green-Kubo form involving currents inside the system

    Lack of Hyperbolicity in Asymptotic Erd\"os--Renyi Sparse Random Graphs

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    In this work we prove that the giant component of the Erd\"os--Renyi random graph G(n,c/n)G(n,c/n) for c a constant greater than 1 (sparse regime), is not Gromov δ\delta-hyperbolic for any positive δ\delta with probability tending to one as nn\to\infty. As a corollary we provide an alternative proof that the giant component of G(n,c/n)G(n,c/n) when c>1 has zero spectral gap almost surely as nn\to\infty.Comment: Updated version with improved results and narrativ

    Exact density matrix of the Gutzwiller wave function: II. Minority spin component

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    The density matrix, i.e. the Fourier transform of the momentum distribution, is obtained analytically for all magnetization of the Gutzwiller wave function in one dimension with exclusion of double occupancy per site. The present result complements the previous analytic derivation of the density matrix for the majority spin. The derivation makes use of a determinantal form of the squared wave function, and multiple integrals over particle coordinates are performed with the help of a diagrammatic representation. In the thermodynamic limit, the density matrix at distance x is completely characterized by quantities v_c x and v_s x, where v_s and v_c are spin and charge velocities in the supersymmetric t-J model for which the Gutzwiller wave function gives the exact ground state. The present result then gives the exact density matrix of the t-J model for all densities and all magnetization at zero temperature. Discontinuity, slope, and curvature singularities in the momentum distribution are identified. The momentum distribution obtained by numerical Fourier transform is in excellent agreement with existing result.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Heat conduction in the \alpha-\beta -Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain

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    Recent simulation results on heat conduction in a one-dimensional chain with an asymmetric inter-particle interaction potential and no onsite potential found non-anomalous heat transport in accordance to Fourier's law. This is a surprising result since it was long believed that heat conduction in one-dimensional systems is in general anomalous in the sense that the thermal conductivity diverges as the system size goes to infinity. In this paper we report on detailed numerical simulations of this problem to investigate the possibility of a finite temperature phase transition in this system. Our results indicate that the unexpected results for asymmetric potentials is a result of insufficient chain length, and does not represent the asymptotic behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure