1 research outputs found
Enhancing Surface Soil Moisture Estimation through Integration of Artificial Neural Networks Machine Learning and Fusion of Meteorological, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A Satellite Data
For many environmental and agricultural applications, an accurate estimation of surface soil moisture is essential. This study sought to determine whether combining Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-2A, and meteorological data with artificial neural networks (ANN) could improve soil moisture estimation in various land cover types. To train and evaluate the model’s performance, we used field data (provided by La Tuscia University) on the study area collected during time periods between October 2022, and December 2022. Surface soil moisture was measured at 29 locations. The performance of the model was trained, validated, and tested using input features in a 60:10:30 ratio, using the feed-forward ANN model. It was found that the ANN model exhibited high precision in predicting soil moisture. The model achieved a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.71 and correlation coefficient (R) of 0.84. Furthermore, the incorporation of Random Forest (RF) algorithms for soil moisture prediction resulted in an improved R2 of 0.89. The unique combination of active microwave, meteorological data and multispectral data provides an opportunity to exploit the complementary nature of the datasets. Through preprocessing, fusion, and ANN modeling, this research contributes to advancing soil moisture estimation techniques and providing valuable insights for water resource management and agricultural planning in the study area