177 research outputs found
<創刊特集>大学は地域の歴史文化にどうかかわるのか : 地域連携の成果と課題
<p>Relative changes in postprandial plasma/serum excursions of glucose, pancreatic and gut hormones on day 4 and 42 expressed as mean change in total area under curve (tAUC) with day 0 as reference (with 95% confidence intervals (CI) in brackets), e.g. tAUC<sub>PYY</sub> increased 40% from day 0 to day 4.</p><p><b>†</b> denotes p<0.05. CCK, cholecystokinin, GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1, PYY, peptide YY.</p><p>Effect of Antibiotics on Gut Microbiota, Gut Hormones and Glucose Metabolism - Table 2 </p
Five supporting tables. A table caption of each is given within the file. (XLSX 84 kb
Additional file 5: Table S2. of Dyslipidemia and reference values for fasting plasma lipid concentrations in Danish/North-European White children and adolescents
The 2.5th, 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th, 95th, and 97.5th percentiles for lipid concentrations in girls (N = 971) and boys (N = 668) with 10th ≤ BMI SDS ≤ 90th at ages 6–19 years. (XLSX 44 kb
The Reconstruction and Construction of a Technological Unit in an Open Pit Mine
Import 23/08/2017Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou provozní situace na povrchovém lomu a předkládá podrobně zpracovaný návrh technického řešení. Práce je především zaměřena na návrh rekonstrukce a výstavbu technologického celku na výkonnostní úrovni TC-1 a řeší technické úpravy jednotlivých strojů zařazených do tohoto celku. Součástí návrhu je podrobný výpočet parametrů pásových dopravníků a technické řešení výstavby obslužných a dopravních komunikací. Výsledným požadavkem je plnohodnotně navržený a provozně funkční technologický celek na výkonnostní úrovni TC – 1, který je určen pro těžbu skrývkových hmot na nové lokalitě.This Diploma Thesis deals with problems of operating situation on surface quarry and provides elaborated proposal for technical solution in details. The thesis is focused mainly on proposal for reconstruction and building of technological unit on efficiency level TC-1 and solves technical adjustments of individual machines included to this unit. Part of the proposal is also detailed calculation of belt transport´s parameters and technical solution of construction of service and traffic roads. As a result requirement is fully designed and operationally functional technological unit on performance level TC-1 which is determined for mining of overburden materials in new location.542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn
Additional file 1: of Multidisciplinary care of obese children and adolescents for one year reduces ectopic fat content in liver and skeletal muscle
STROBE statement for observational studies. (DOC 85 kb
Number and type of relationship between pairwise comparisons of individuals within each family (from a total of 324 non-diabetic individuals).
<p>Number and type of relationship between pairwise comparisons of individuals within each family (from a total of 324 non-diabetic individuals).</p
Associations of diabetes susceptibility variants with risk of incident CVD.
a<p>SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism</p>b<p>According to type 2 diabetes risk increasing allele in original reports</p>c<p>Model 1 adjusted for sex, age and cohort. HR is per risk increasing allele</p>d<p>Model 2 adjusted for sex, age, cohort and prevalent diabetes. HR is per risk increasing allele</p
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