552 research outputs found

    A cinemateca brasileira e as políticas públicas para a preservação de acervos audiovisuais no Brasil

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    Considerando o cenário plural de instituições que tratam da política do audiovisual brasileira, as quais deveriam cuidar da preservação dessa documentação, e as condições frágeis de conservação e de acesso público dos acervos audiovisuais, o trabalho procura responder em que medida a dispersão de atribuições e responsabilidades entre essas entidades que se ocupam do audiovisual no Brasil implica as formulações, articulações e implementações de políticas coordenadas de preservação de acervos audiovisuais. A pesquisa analisou as políticas públicas para preservação do audiovisual a partir das ações de agências e agentes e discutiu as políticas de preservação/informação/audiovisual em um cenário formado por essas entidades. Além disso, apresentamos um diagnóstico da participação do Governo Federal, do setor de preservação audiovisual e da sociedade civil nas discussões sobre preservação audiovisual, com a trajetória das ações, agentes e agências participantes desses processos, utilizando documentação, normativas e revisão bibliográfica, para concluir que o campo da memória e do patrimônio audiovisual não possui uma política pública instituída e implementada.Considering the plural scenario of institutions dealing with Brazilian audiovisual policies, which should take care of the preservation of this documents, and the fragile conditions of conservation and public access to audiovisual collections, the work seeks to respond to what extent the dispersion of attributions and responsibilities among these entities that deal with audiovisual in Brazil affect the formulation, articulation and implementation of coordinated policies of preservation of audiovisual collections. The research analyzed public policies for audiovisual preservation from the actions of agencies and agents and discussed policies of preservation/information/audiovisual in a scenario formed by these entities. In addition, we present a diagnosis of the Federal Government participation, the audiovisual preservation sector as well as civil society in discussions on audiovisual preservation, with the trajectory of the actions, agents and agencies participating in these processes, through the analysis of documentation, regulations and bibliographic review, to conclude that the field of memory and audiovisual heritage doesn’t have a public policy instituted and implemented

    Roll waves study on Acquabona watershed: an application of mathematical modelling

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    International audienceThe study of muddy fluids in natural slopes has great importance to natural disasters assessment. Free surface flows of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids represent events such as mudflows, mud floods, floods and dam breaks which can cause great damage to nearby civil structures. More specifically, concerning mud floods and mudflows, a specific type of instability may appear on the free surface, depending on the channel steepness and fluid rheology: roll waves. These instabilities could be interpreted as an additional risk for safety structures as they lead to a non-constant flow level and fast-moving wave fronts. In order to correct predict the evolution of such kind of phenomena, mechanic and hydraulic conservations laws should be carefully employed. Flow and fluid features must also be properly gathered in order to reduce uncertainties of modeling results. As an attempt to develop risk assessment engineering tools, the work presented in this article is an application of the first-order model that represents roll waves in Herschel-Bulkley laminar fluid flows and describes their characteristics, such as profile and celerity (Maciel et al., 2013). The event from August 17th, 1998, at Acquabona watershed was chosen as the case study in order to analyze the validity of the model. During that event, many surges were detected during almost one hour rain. The surges presented long period and fast propagation velocity and seemed constitute a wave train at some point. In order to investigate whether those wave trains could have been roll waves, the work here present data exploration based on in situ measurements recorded during that mass movement event (Berti et al., 2000). Rheological properties of possible fluid matrix and dynamical characteristics of flow are estimated. Mathematical model is then used to predict waves/surges properties (amplitude, wavelength, period and celerity). The influence of rheological properties on those properties is also studied. Although many assumptions had to be made to explore the available data, results presented point out that roll waves instabilities could have occurred during that event. Since the event was triggered by an unknown disturbance source, it’s difficult to predict each wave separately. When averaging all surges, results given by the mathematical model could have predicted satisfactorily some of those waves’ properties, namely their velocity and amplitude

    Usage of the milk whey originated from Serro cheese to manufacture Dulce de Leche: economic viability

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    The State of Minas Gerais is known for being the most traditional cheese producer in Brazil and part of those products are artisanal. About 90% of the milk used to produce cheese results in whey. Whey processing is of great importance due to its nutritional quality, volume and pollutant capacity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the economic viability of dulce de leche production with the addition of whey  from Serro cheese production. Formulations of dulce de leche were elaborated added with whey concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The total investment for the production of the dulce de leche was R359,26(US359,26 (US110.72). The fixed cost was R18,00(US18,00 (US5.55). The variable costs stayed between R81,07(US81,07 (US24.98) and R96,91(US96,91 (US29.87). The sales price varied between R5,36(US5,36 (US1.65) and R5,47(US5,47 (US1.69). The performance indicators showed that the formulation with the highest percentage of whey added was more profitable. The profitability was approximately 27% for the formulation with the lowest percentage of whey added. The return time for the investment was 4 months for all the formulations. The equilibrium point for dulce de leche production is at the sales of 8 units. It can be concluded that it is economically viable to utilize whey for the production of the dulce de leche

    Influence of anatomical barriers on maxillary incisor root resorption after orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions

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    INTRODUCTION: Apical root resorption is a frequent and occasionally critical problem in orthodontic patients undergoing induced tooth movement. One of the factors that might influence prognosis, especially in maxillary incisors, which most frequently present resorptions, are the so-called the anatomical barriers; that is, proximity of the buccal and palatal cortical bones to the maxillary incisor roots. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to investigate whether patients with excessive vertical growth really present a small distance between the alveolar cortical bones and the maxillary incisor roots, and whether there is a correlation between this distance and the root resorption index in comparison with patients presenting horizontal growth. METHODS: The sample comprised orthodontic records of 18 patients with extraction planning of first maxillary premolars and treatment by the standard and/or preadjusted edgewise brackets. Their initial and final periapical radiographs were evaluated to determine the amount of root resorption that occurred. RESULTS: On the palatal side, patients with excessive vertical growth (Group 2 - SN-GoGn &gt; 43º) showed a narrower alveolar bone than the horizontal growth patients (Group 1 - SN-GoGn < 29º). However, the distance between the buccal cortical bone and the central incisor root apex showed no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2; CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that there are no correlations between the proximity of buccal cortical bone, maxillary incisor roots and the root resorption index

    Impact of a chromosome X STR Decaplex in deficiency paternity cases

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    Deficiency paternity cases, characterized by the absence of the alleged father, are a challenge for forensic genetics. Here we present four cases with a female child and a deceased alleged father in which the analysis of a set of 21 or 22 autosomal STRs (AS STRs) produced results within a range of doubt when genotyping relatives of the alleged father. Aiming to increase the Paternity Index (PI) and obtain more reliable results, a set of 10 X-linked STR markers, developed by the Spanish and Portuguese Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), was then added. Statistical analysis substantially shifted the results towards the alleged fatherhood in all four cases, with more dramatic changes when the supposed half-sister and respective mother were the relatives tested

    Eficacia de las consultas realizadas por enfermeros en pacientes con artritis reumatoide : revisión sistemática

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    Enquadramento: Tradicionalmente, as pessoas com artrite reumatóide são monitorizadas apenas em consultas médicas. No entanto, vários estudos sugerem que este seguimento pode ser realizado também por enfermeiros, de forma protocolada. Objetivos: Determinar a eficácia das consultas de enfermagem no controlo da atividade da doença e de outros outcomes reportados em comparação com as consultas realizadas apenas por reumatologistas, em pessoas com artrite reumatóide. Método de Revisão: Seguiu-se a metodologia da Cochrane. Incluíram-se estudos em adultos com artrite reumatoide. Dois revisores independentes realizaram a avaliação crítica, extração e síntese dos dados. Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados: Os 7 estu- dos incluídos reportaram melhores resultados das consultas de enfermagem em termos de dor, capacidade funcional, qualidade de vida, autoeficácia, ou satisfação global. Destes estudos, 4 integraram a meta-análise que revelou não existir diferença estatisticamente significativa no controlo da atividade da doença entre enfermeiros e reumatologistas. Conclusão: As consultas de enfermagem são eficazes no controlo da atividade de doença, na redução do impacto sentido e na satisfação em pessoas com artrite reumatóide.Abstract Background: Traditionally, patients with rheumatoid arthritis are only monitored in medical consultations. However, several studies suggest that, with protocols, this follow-up can also be performed by nurses. Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of nursing consultations in controlling disease activity and other patient-reported outcomes compared to rheumatology consultations only, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Review Method: The Cochranemethodology was followed. Studies that had been conducted with adults with rheumatoid arthritis were included. Critical appraisal, data extraction, and data synthesis were performed by 2 independent reviewers. Presentation and interpretation of results: The 7 studies included reported better outcomes of nursing consultations in terms of pain, physical function, quality of life, self-efficacy, or overall satisfaction. Of these, 4 studies were included in the meta-analysis, which revealed no statistically significant differences in the control of disease activity between nursing and rheumatology consultations. Conclusion: Nursing consultations are effective in controlling disease activity, reducing disease impact, and improving satisfaction in people with rheumatoid arthritis.Resumen Marco contextual: Normalmente a las personas con artritis reumatoide solo se las monitoriza en consultas médicas. Sin embargo, varios estudios sugieren que este seguimiento lo pueden realizar también los enfermeros, de forma protocolaria. Objetivos: Determinar la eficacia de las consultas de enfermería para controlar la actividad de la enfermedad y de otros resultados en comparación con las consultas realizadas solo por reumatólogos en pacientes con artritis reumatoide. Método de revisión: Se siguió la metodología de Cochrane. Se incluyeron estudios en adultos con artritis reumatoide. Dos revisores independientes realizaron una evaluación crítica, extracción y síntesis de los datos. Presentación e interpretación de los resultados: Los 7estudios incluidos registraron mejores resultados de las consultas de enfermería en relación al dolor, la capacidad funcional, la calidad de vida, la autoeficacia o la satisfacción global. De estos estudios, 4 formaron parte del metanálisis en el que se observó que no existía diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el control de la actividad de la enfermedad entre enfermeros y reumatólogos. Conclusión: Las consultas de enfermería son eficaces en el control de la actividad de la enfermedad, en la reducción del impacto sentido y en la satisfacción de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribution of glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 null phenotypes in Brazilian Amerindians

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    The distribution of glutathione S-transferase (GST) GSTM1 and GSTT1 null phenotype frequencies in two Brazilian Amerindian tribes, the Munduruku tribe from Missão Cururu village (79 individuals) and the Kayabi tribe (41 individuals), was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The GST null phenotype frequencies for the Munduruku sample were 0% for GSTM1 and 27% for GSTT1 while for the Kayabi sample the null phenotype frequencies were 27% for GSTM1 and 29% for GSTT1. This is the first report of the absence of the GSTM1 null phenotype in any ethnic group