3 research outputs found
Electric Interfacial Layer of Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals in Aqueous Electrolyte Solution: Predictions by the Molecular Theory of Solvation
The X-ray crystal structure-based
models of I<sub>α</sub> cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), both pristine
and containing surface
sulfate groups with negative charge 0–0.34 <i>e</i>/nm<sup>2</sup> produced by sulfuric acid hydrolysis of softwood
pulp, feature a highly polarized “crystal-like” charge
distribution. We perform sampling using molecular dynamics (MD) of
the structural relaxation of neutral pristine and negatively charged
sulfated CNC of various lengths in explicit water solvent and then
employ the statistical mechanical 3D-RISM-KH molecular theory of solvation
to evaluate the solvation structure and thermodynamics of the relaxed
CNC in ambient aqueous NaCl solution at a concentration of 0.0–0.25
mol/kg. The MD sampling induces a right-hand twist in CNC and rearranges
its initially ordered structure with a macrodipole of high-density
charges at the opposite faces into small local spots of alternating
charge at each face. This surface charge rearrangement observed for
both neutral and charged CNC significantly affects the distribution
of ions around CNC in aqueous electrolyte solution. The solvation
free energy (SFE) of charged sulfated CNC has a minimum at a particular
electrolyte concentration depending on the surface charge density,
whereas the SFE of neutral CNC increases linearly with NaCl concentration.
The SFE contribution from Na<sup>+</sup> counterions exhibits behavior
similar to the NaCl concentration dependence of the whole SFE. An
analysis of the 3D maps of Na<sup>+</sup> density distributions shows
that these model CNC particles exhibit the behavior of charged nanocolloids
in aqueous electrolyte solution: an increase in electrolyte concentration
shrinks the electric interfacial layer and weakens the effective repulsion
between charged CNC particles. The 3D-RISM-KH method readily treats
solvent and electrolyte of a given nature and concentration to predict
effective interactions between CNC particles in electrolyte solution.
We provide CNC structural models and a modeling procedure for studies
of effective interactions and the formation of ordered phases of CNC
suspensions in electrolyte solution
Adsorption of Indole on Kaolinite in Nonaqueous Media: Organoclay Preparation and Characterization, and 3D-RISM-KH Molecular Theory of Solvation Investigation
oil sand mining operations in the Athabasca basin are predominantly
aqueous-based. Extracts containing large amounts of fines lead to
the formation of stable organoclay suspensions in froths giving lower
yields and greater tailing wastes and making the development of more
efficient extraction methods desirable from both economical and environmental
perspectives. We examine an indole-kaolinite system as a model for
these oil fines and their resistance to washing in nonaqueous solvents.
The prepared organoclays show indole loading exclusively on the external
surface of the clay. Micron-scaled vermicular structures, similar
to natural kaolinite, are observed. Their formation is believed to
be driven by strong adsorbate–adsorbate interactions. Indole
is the primary adsorbate, as solvent adsorption is shown to be minimal
based on both experimental and computational results. Isotherms are
constructed and parameters calculated from linear regression analysis
fitted to the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller equation. Monolayer
quantities calculated match well to the theoretical amount calculated
from surface areas measurements. Washing the organoclays with both
toluene and isopropanol results in a 50% decrease of loaded organic
material, leaving a monolayer equivalent of organic matter. The statistical-mechanical
3D-RISM-KH molecular theory of solvation is employed to perform full
sampling of solvent orientations around a kaolinite platelet and gain
insights into the preferred orientation and adsorption thermodynamics
of indole on kaolinite in toluene and heptane solvents. In its preferred
orientation, indole is hydrogen-bonded to one or two O atoms at the
aluminum hydroxide surface of kaolinite. The calculated solvation
free energy and potential of mean force for adsorption of indole and
solvents on kaolinite in solution yield the increasing adsorption
strength order of heptane < toluene < indole on the aluminum
hydroxide surface. Multilayer adsorption profiles are predicted based
on the integrated three-dimensional distribution functions of indole,
toluene, and heptane
Molecule–Surface Recognition between Heterocyclic Aromatic Compounds and Kaolinite in Toluene Investigated by Molecular Theory of Solvation and Thermodynamic and Kinetic Experiments
Molecular recognition interactions
between kaolinite and a series of heterocyclic aromatic compounds
(HAC) representative of the N- and S-containing moieties in petroleum
asphaltene macromolecules are investigated using the three-dimensional
reference interaction site model with the Kovalenko–Hirata
closure approximation (3D-RISM-KH) theory of solvation and experimental
techniques in toluene solvent. The statistical-mechanical 3D-RISM-KH
molecular theory of solvation predicts the adsorption configuration
and thermodynamics from the 3D site density distribution functions
and total solvation free energy, respectively, for adsorption of HAC
and toluene on kaolinite. Spectrophotometric measurements show that,
among the HAC studied, only acridine and phenanthridine adsorb quantitatively
on kaolinite. For these pyridinic HAC, the adsorption results fitted
to the Langmuir isotherm in the monolayer domain suggest a uniform
monolayer of HAC molecules. The 3D-RISM-KH studies predict that the
aluminum hydroxide surface of kaolinite is preferred for HAC adsorption
due to strong hydrogen bonding with the pyridinic N atoms, while the
rest of the HAC adsorb weaker. Adsorption on the silicon oxide side
is weak and delocalized, as evident from the 3D solvation free energy
density. Toluene sites effectively compete with non-hydrogen bonding
HAC, such as fused thiophenes, for the kaolinite surface. The adsorption
enthalpy and phenanthridine-acridine loading ratio are calculated
and correlated with the experimentally determined Langmuir constant
and adsorption loading. This combined experimental and computational
modeling approach is aimed to provide insight into the specific interactions
among clays, bitumen, and solvents so as to help accelerate the development
of environmentally friendly and efficient desorption systems for nonaqueous
extraction of bitumen from Oil Sands, an important unconventional
petroleum reserve