374 research outputs found

    1st INCF Workshop on Genetic Animal Models for Brain Diseases

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    The INCF Secretariat organized a workshop to focus on the “role of neuroinformatics in the processes of building, evaluating, and using genetic animal models for brain diseases” in Stockholm, December 13–14, 2009. Eight scientists specialized in the fields of neuroinformatics, database, ontologies, and brain disease participated together with two representatives of the National Institutes of Health and the European Union, as well as three observers of the national INCF nodes of Norway, Poland, and the United Kingdom

    1st INCF Workshop on Genetic Animal Models for Brain Diseases

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    Localization of sequence variations in PGC-1α influence their modifying effect in Huntington disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Huntington disease (HD) is caused by a polyglutamine expansion of more than 35 units in the huntingtin protein. This expanded repeat length inversely correlates with the age-at-onset (AAO), however, additional genetic factors apart from the expanded CAG repeat size are thought to influence the course and the AAO in HD. Until now, among others, the gene encoding PCG-1α (<it>PPARGC1A</it>) was shown to modify the AAO in two independent, however small, populations. PGC-1α is involved in the induction of various mechanisms regulating mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative stress defence. Furthermore, several studies have linked impairment of its function and/or its expression to HD pathogenesis. As the identification of distinct modifiers in association studies is largely dependent on the size of the observed population, we investigated nine different single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in <it>PPARGC1A </it>in order to replicate the disease modifying effect in more than 800 European HD patients and to identify an association with AAO in HD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two SNPs, one in the promoter and one in the transcribed region of the gene, showed a significant effect on the AAO. While the minor allele of SNP rs7665116 (g.38570C), located in the transcribed gene region, was associated with a delay in disease onset, especially in HD patients with Italian ancestry, the minor allele of SNP rs2970870 (g.-1437C) in the promoter region leads to an earlier onset of HD in its homozygous state. Additionally, global testing of haplotype block 2, which covers the main part of the transcribed region of the gene, revealed an association between block 2 haplotypes and the disease onset.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Therefore, our results indicate opposing modifying influences of two SNPs within one gene on AAO and support the idea that PGC-1α dysfunction is involved in HD pathology.</p

    Dysregulation of coordinated neuronal firing patterns in striatum of freely behaving transgenic rats that model Huntington’s disease

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    Altered neuronal activity in the striatum appears to be a key component of Huntington’s disease (HD), a fatal, neurodegenerative condition. To assess this hypothesis in freely behaving transgenic rats that model HD (tgHDs), we used chronically implanted micro-wires to record the spontaneous activity of striatal neurons. We found that relative to wild-type controls, HD rats suffer from population-level deficits in striatal activity characterized by a loss of correlated firing and fewer episodes of coincident spike bursting between simultaneously recorded neuronal pairs. These results are in line with our previous report of marked alterations in the pattern of striatal firing in mouse models of HD that vary in background strain, genetic construct, and symptom severity. Thus, loss of coordinated spike activity in striatum appears to be a common feature of HD pathophysiology, regardless of HD model variability

    Motor Function and Dopamine Release Measurements in Transgenic Huntington’s Disease Model Rats

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, genetic, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by deficits in motor and cognitive function. Here, we have quantitatively characterized motor deficiencies and dopamine release dynamics in transgenic HD model rats. Behavioral analyses were conducted using a newly-developed force-sensing runway and a previously-developed force-plate actometer. Gait disturbances were readily observed in transgenic HD rats at 12 to 15 months of age. Additionally, dopamine system challenge by ip injection of amphetamine also revealed that these rats were resistant to the expression of focused stereotypy compared to wild-type controls. Moreover, dopamine release, evoked by the application of single and multiple electrical stimulus pulses applied at different frequencies, and measured using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at carbon-fiber microelectrodes, was diminished in transgenic HD rats compared to age-matched wild-type control rats. Collectively, these results underscore the potential contribution of dopamine release alterations to the expression of motor impairments in transgenic HD rats

    Distinct Stress Response and Altered Striatal Transcriptome in Alpha-Synuclein Overexpressing Mice

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with motor symptoms and a plethora of non-motor and neuropsychiatric features that accompany the disease from prodromal to advanced stages. While several genetic defects have been identified in familial forms of PD, the predominance of cases are sporadic and result from a complex interplay of genetic and non-genetic factors. Clinical evidence, moreover, indicates a role of environmental stress in PD, supported by analogies between stress-induced pathological consequences and neuronal deterioration observed in PD. From this perspective, we set out to investigate the effects of chronic stress exposure in the context of PD by using a genetic mouse model that overexpresses human wildtype SNCA. Mimicking chronic stress was achieved by adapting a chronic unpredictable mild stress protocol (CUMS) comprising eight different stressors that were applied randomly over a period of eight weeks starting at an age of four months. A distinctive stress response with an impact on anxiety-related behavior was observed upon SNCA overexpression and CUMS exposure. SNCA-overexpressing mice showed prolonged elevation of cortisol metabolites during CUMS exposure, altered anxiety-related traits, and declined motor skills surfacing with advanced age. To relate our phenotypic observations to molecular events, we profiled the striatal and hippocampal transcriptome and used a 2 × 2 factorial design opposing genotype and environment to determine differentially expressed genes. Disturbed striatal gene expression and minor hippocampal gene expression changes were observed in SNCA-overexpressing mice at six months of age. Irrespective of the CUMS-exposure, genes attributed to the terms neuroinflammation, Parkinson’s signaling, and plasticity of synapses were altered in the striatum of SNCA-overexpressing mice

    Ультрадисперсные порошки на основе железа как катализаторы синтеза жидких углеводородов из СО и Н[2]

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    International audienceTo date, uniparental disomy (UPD) with phenotypic relevance is described for different chromosomes and it is likely that additional as yet unidentified UPD phenotypes exist. Due to technical difficulties and limitations of time and resources, molecular analyses for UPD using microsatellite markers are only performed in cases with specific phenotypic features. In this study, we carried out a whole genome UPD screening based on a microarray genotyping technique. Six patients with the diagnosis of both complete or segmental UPD including Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS; matUPD15), Angelman syndrome (AS; patUPD15), Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS; matUPD7), Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS; patUPD11p), pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP; patUPD20q) and a rare chromosomal rearrangement (patUPD2p, matUPD2q), were genotyped using the GeneChip Human Mapping 10K Array. Our results demonstrate the presence of UPD in the patients with high efficiency and reveal clues about the mechanisms of UPD formation. We thus conclude that array based SNP genotyping is a fast, cost-effective, and reliable approach for whole genome UPD screening

    Capturing schizophrenia-like prodromal symptoms in a spinocerebellar ataxia-17 transgenic rat

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    Rationale: The polyglutamine disease spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 (SCA17) is a neurodegenerative disease leading to severe neurological symptoms during development. Additionally, patients affected by SCA17 display psychosis earlier than their motor disorders. Objective: Here the putative psychotic phenotype and endophenotype of transgenic SCA17 rats was examined. Methods: The expression of schizophrenia-like symptoms was evaluated over a longitudinal period before and after the onset of neurological symptoms in SCA17. To this end, transgenic SCA17 rats’ monoamine neurotransmission was investigated along with their locomotion at baseline and in response to amphetamine using in-vivo microdialysis in free moving conditions, their sensorimotor gating using pre-pulse inhibition of startle reaction, and their object memory using the novel object recognition test as an index of cognitive impairments. Results: Presymptomatic SCA17 rats displayed dysregulated monoamine levels at baseline and in response to amphetamine compared with control wild-type (wt) rats. At that stage, neither amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion nor sensorimotor gating differed from that in wt rats. Symptomatic SCA17 rats developed sensorimotor gating deficits and also showed an impaired object memory, while their monoaminergic responses remained supersensitive to amphetamine. Conclusions: The data of the present study demonstrate a neurochemical endophenotype in SCA17 rats resembling that of prodromal schizophrenia. These findings suggest that a sensitization of the monoamine systems arises early in adulthood in SCA17 rats and may predispose them to express schizophrenia-like symptoms later in life

    Reduced Basal Autophagy and Impaired Mitochondrial Dynamics Due to Loss of Parkinson's Disease-Associated Protein DJ-1

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial dysfunction and degradation takes a central role in current paradigms of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease (PD). Loss of DJ-1 function is a rare cause of familial PD. Although a critical role of DJ-1 in oxidative stress response and mitochondrial function has been recognized, the effects on mitochondrial dynamics and downstream consequences remain to be determined. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using DJ-1 loss of function cellular models from knockout (KO) mice and human carriers of the E64D mutation in the DJ-1 gene we define a novel role of DJ-1 in the integrity of both cellular organelles, mitochondria and lysosomes. We show that loss of DJ-1 caused impaired mitochondrial respiration, increased intramitochondrial reactive oxygen species, reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and characteristic alterations of mitochondrial shape as shown by quantitative morphology. Importantly, ultrastructural imaging and subsequent detailed lysosomal activity analyses revealed reduced basal autophagic degradation and the accumulation of defective mitochondria in DJ-1 KO cells, that was linked with decreased levels of phospho-activated ERK2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We show that loss of DJ-1 leads to impaired autophagy and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria that under physiological conditions would be compensated via lysosomal clearance. Our study provides evidence for a critical role of DJ-1 in mitochondrial homeostasis by connecting basal autophagy and mitochondrial integrity in Parkinson's disease