13 research outputs found
Karakterisasi Air Hasil Filtrasi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Sederhana Berdasarkan Variasi Waktu Filtrasi dan Ketebalan Media Arang Ampas Teh
The increase in population and the development of the industrial sector have resulted in water pollution and a decrease in the quality of clean water. Water treatment with filtration method is an effort to reduce the concentration of pollutants in water using adsorbents. This study aims to test the quality of water filtration results using a simple water treatment plant with tea grounds as the adsorbent. The media used in the simple water treatment plant are coconut fiber, zeolite sand, silica sand, tea grounds, gravel, and sponge. The water quality parameters tested were TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) analysis, pH analysis, organoleptic analysis, total hardness analysis, fixed hardness, temporary hardness and COD analysis. The independent variables in this study were the thickness of tea pulp media (0 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, and 7 cm) and filtration time (20 minutes, 40 minutes, and 60 minutes). The results showed that the combination of tea pulp media height and process time had no significant effect on TDS, pH, hardness, COD, and organoleptic values. The optimum condition of tea pulp media height and process time with filtration-adsorption process for pH characteristics is in the treatment of 0 cm charcoal height, on the characteristics of total hardness and fixed hardness is in the treatment of 0 cm charcoal height and 20 minutes process time, while the optimum condition of temporary hardness is in the treatment of 7 cm charcoal height and 20 minutes process time
Simulation of Dispersion Potential and Fatality Percentage of SO2 and CO2 Flue Gas from Combustion of Coal in West Lombok Power Plant using Gaussian Model
Combustion of coal in coal-fired power plants produces air pollution such as SO2, NOx, CO2, and Particulates. The Jeranjang power plant in West Lombok Regency uses 300,000 tons/year of coal to generate 75 MW of electricity. It can be a large potential for environmental pollution. This research aims to simulate the potential of SO2 and CO2 exhaust gas dispersion to the environment and the fatality percentage caused by burning the Jeranjang coal power plant using the Gauss Model. The research was conducted by a literature study and direct observation of PLTU Jeranjang. After that, in this research, the SO2 and CO2 concentration were calculated. At the end of the study, estimating the potential dispersion and fatality percentage by SO2 and CO2 gas was also calculated around the Jeranjang power plant. The results are SO2 dispersion with a dispersion mass of 0.145 kg/sec from a distance of 2,000 to 46,000 m increased from 1x10-45 to 1.9x10-5 ppm and decreased to 0 ppm. The fatality percentage generated is 0%. The CO2 dispersion potential into the environment without a mass of 12.378 kg/sec increases at a distance of 2,000 to 58,000 m, from a concentration of 2.7x10-65 to 0.00184 ppm. The CO2 concentration decreases to 0 ppm. The fatality percentage generated is 0%. The calculation of settlement dispersion around the PLTU Jeranjang can be safe from SO2 and CO2 dispersion, and the fatality percentage generated is 0%
Uji Karakteristik Briket Berbahan Baku Bonggol Jagung Berdasarkan Variasi Jumlah Perekat
Charcoal briquettes are the newest form of energy from biomass, which is an alternative fuel to replace oil and gas, both in industrial and household activities. This study aims to analyze the effect of variations in the amount of adhesive on the water destruction index, ash content and calorific value of corn cob briquettes. the use of tapioca flour concentration of 0%, 3%, 5%, and 7%, this study used one factor RAL with ANOVA analysis to determine the effect of the use of various adhesives on corn cob briquettes. This research produces briquettes that have met SNI standards, 0% adhesive concentration produces a moisture content of 0.19%, an ash content of 0.14%, an index of destruction of 0.19% and a calorific value of 5,655 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 3% with a water content value of 0.21%, an ash content of 0.33%, a destruction index of 0.28% and a calorific value of 5.398 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 5% with a moisture content value of 0.22%, an ash content of 0.35%, a destruction index of 0.34% and a calorific value of 4.431 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 7% with a water content value of 0.31%, an ash content of 0.89%, a destruction index of 0.38% and a calorific value of 3.382 Cal/gr
Simulation of Dispersion Potential and Fatality Percentage of O2 and CO2 Flue Gas from Combustion of Coal in West Lombok Power Plant using Gaussian Model
Combustion of coal in coal-fired power plants produces air pollution such as SO2, NOx, CO2, and Particulates. The Jeranjang power plant in West Lombok Regency uses 300,000 tons/year of coal to generate 75 MW of electricity. It can be a large potential for environmental pollution. This research aims to simulate the potential of SO2 and CO2 exhaust gas dispersion to the environment and the fatality percentage caused by burning the Jeranjang coal power plant using the Gauss Model. The research was conducted by a literature study and direct observation of PLTU Jeranjang. After that, in this research, the SO2 and CO2 concentration were calculated. At the end of the study, estimating the potential dispersion and fatality percentage by SO2 and CO2 gas was also calculated around the Jeranjang power plant. The results are SO2 dispersion with a dispersion mass of 0.145 kg/sec from a distance of 2,000 to 46,000 m increased from 1x10-45 to 1.9x10-5 ppm and decreased to 0 ppm. The fatality percentage generated is 0%. The CO2 dispersion potential into the environment without a mass of 12.378 kg/sec increases at a distance of 2,000 to 58,000 m, from a concentration of 2.7x10-65 to 0.00184 ppm. The CO2 concentration decreases to 0 ppm. The fatality percentage generated is 0%. The calculation of settlement dispersion around the PLTU Jeranjang can be safe from SO2 and CO2 dispersion, and the fatality percentage generated is 0%
Karakterisasi Proses Gasifikasi Menjadi Listrik Berbahan Baku Sampah Padat Perkotaan Menggunakan Reaktor Tipe Downdraft Di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
Indonesia is currently experiencing the problem of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), energy and environmental crisis. Gasification by electric generator is the solution. This study about the design and characterization of the gasification reactor with MSW feed. This research was conducted by examining the effect of gasification temperature (550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850oC) and Air Fuel Ratio variations (0,5; 0,51; 0,53; 0,54; and 0,55). The variabel tes of temperature variations is syngas, FC, CGE,CCE, and scf. The AFR evaluated syngas and SCF. The result showed an increase the syngas levels with the increasing the gasification temperature, except CO2. The FC value increased(71% to 74%) and The CGE increases (77 to 97%). The CCE increases from 69% to 78% (550-650oC) and decreases again to 66% (850oC), and Scf decreased (4.5-0.5 kg/kWh). In the AFR variation, syngas levels increase with increasing AFR, but scf decreased (5.3 to 2)
Potensi Penerapan Konsep Ekologi Industri Untuk Mengatasi Limbah Peternakan Dan Pertanian Kelompok Tani
The agriculture and livestock sector is the biggest contributor to environmental damage. Where from the total national sources of greenhouse gases, the agricultural sector accounted for 13.6%. From this data, there needs to be an appropriate design to deal with this problem. One way is to apply the concept of industrial ecology as the best solution to deal with this problem. So that in this study quantitative calculations were carried out to determine the potential application of the concept of industrial ecology in the agriculture and animal husbandry sector in the Tojang Maju 3 Farmer Group located in Masbagik District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The study was conducted with a quantitative calculation of waste generated by the livestock sector as well as farmer group questions, which then carried out the design process of the industrial ecological model. The results obtained the use of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) in the agricultural sector as much as 280.5 for rice, 37.4 for chilli farming, and 37.4 liters for cabbage farming and the rest as sources of economics. Whereas straw produced by rice farming (57,000 kg) is used as silage in the livestock sector with a demand of 4,957.2 kg. Rice straw is also used in the chilli agriculture sector as mulch with a requirement of 1,140 kg and the rest (50,903 kg) is used as raw material for the production of synthetic gas for energy sources of farmer groups. While the rest of the chilli and cabbage agricultural products are used as raw material for biogas with a mass of around 70,300 kg which is directly utilized by the groups. For cow as much as 5,355 kg is fed to the biogas digester as biogas for the consumption of farmer groups, with a gas potential of 535.5 m3
Pembuatan Kertas Seni Dari Kombinasi Limbah Serbuk Kayu Sengon Dan Ampas Tebu Dengan Sizing Agent Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) Menggunakan Metode Soda Pulping
Penelitian pembuatan kertas seni dari limbah serbuk kayu sengon dan ampas tebu ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio serbuk kayu sengon dengan ampas tebu (100%:0%; 75%;25%; 50%;50%; 25%:75%; 0%:100%) terhadap karakteristik kertas seni yang dihasilkan. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen menggunakan RAL faktorial dan 3 kali ulangan serta analisis secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan basis bahan baku 25g dengan tahapan proses: 1) Size reduction dan screening serbuk kayu sengon dan ampas tebu menjadi ukuran 80 mesh, analisis kadar air dan kadar serat, serta membuat larutan NaOH 6%; 2) Pulping dengan larutan NaOH 6% sebanyak 1 : 20 (v/b), dalam autoclave pada suhu 120oC selama 1 jam; 3) Refinning dan pengeringan pulp; 4) Bleaching pulp dengan H2O2 sebanyak 5% pada suhu 60oC selama 1 jam; 5) Refinning (pencucian) pulp; 6) Blending pulp dengan air (1 : 8), sizing agent CMC (40%), dan plasticizer gliserol (40%) pada suhu 60 – 70oC selama 30 menit; 7) Mencetak kertas; 8) Pengeringan kertas. Kertas dianalisis gramatur, ketebalan kertas, kekuatan tarik, morfologi, dan warna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi ampas tebu terhadap serbuk kayu sengon dapat menurunkan gramatur 18,72% - 49,05%, ketebalan kertas 2,64% - 9,62%, tetapi menaikkan ketahanan tarik 66,78% - 70,44%, dan warna kertas lebih cerah
Ekstraksi Galaktomanan dari Kolang-Kaling
Kolang kaling atau (Arenga Pinnata Merr) diperoleh dari tanaman aren. Kandungan galaktomanan pada kolang kaling sebesar 4,58 %. Sedangkan komponen yang terdapat pada hasil ekstraksi kolang kaling diantaranya protein, galaktomanan, serat kasar dan lemak . Galaktomanan adalah heteropolisakarida yang terdiri dari rantai manosa dan galaktosa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kondisi optimum rasio jumlah bahan pengendap (350ml, 300ml, 250ml, 200ml) dan waktu ekstraksi (2 jam dan 3 jam) terhadap yield galaktomanan. Percobaan ini dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan dua kali ulangan. Variabel tetap yang digunakan adalah jenis bahan pengendap (metanol), konsentrasi pengendap (96%), rasio pelarut dengan jumlah serbuk kolang-kaling, dan suhu ekstraksi (50 oC). Anilisis galaktomanan hasil ekstraksi menunjukkan positif adanya galaktomanan, kadar serat kasar optimal yaitu 8,05%, interperasi spektrum infra merah menunjukan adanya serapan vibrasi –OH, -CH, -CH alifatik dan –C-O pada panjang gelombang yang sesuai. Berdasarkan analisis galaktomanan dengan uji Luff Schroll dan uji FTIR dapat disimpulkan bahwa senyawa hasil esktraksi galaktomanan yaitu merupakan senyawa galaktomanan, dan ekstraksi galaktomanan mampu membentuk film
Keberlanjutan bisnis suatu perusahaan merupakan salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian baik pengusaha maupun tenaga kerja. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan ini salah satu aspek yang perlu menjadi perhatian manajemen perusahaan adalah kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Metode Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) merupakan salah satu tools yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis risiko kecelakaan kerja. PT. ASA sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kulit yang memiliki lebih dari 200 tenaga kerja wajib menerapkan prinsip-prinsip kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Untuk mewujudkan perusahaan dengan zero accident, analisis risiko kecelakaan kerja adalah kegiatan yang harus dilakukan. Analisis risiko kecelakaan kerja dilakukan terhadap bidang kesehatan kerja, kelembagaan dan keahlian, K3 kebakaran, lingkungan kerja, dan K3 bahan kimia berbahaya. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan metode HAZOP didapatkan hasil bahwa bidang lingkungn kerja serta kelembagaan dan keahlian memiliki level risiko tinggi. Rekomendasi yang diberikan untuk meminimalkan risiko ini adalah dengan menyelenggarakan pelatihan penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) secara konsisten kepada tenaga kerja. Untuk bidang kelembagaan dan keahlian direkomendasikan untuk mengikutsertakan operator forklift dalam pelatihan agar memiliki Surat Izin Operasi (SIO) yang diakui.The business continuity of a company is one of the things that is of concern to both employers and workers. To realize this goal, one aspect that needs to be considered by the company's management is occupational health and safety. The Hazard and Operability study method is one of the tools that can be used to analyze the risk of work accidents. PT. ASA as a company engaged in leather processing which has more than 200 workers is required to apply the principles of occupational health and safety. To realize a company with zero accidents, work accident risk analysis is an activity that must be carried out. Work accident risk analysis is carried out in the fields of occupational health, institutions and expertise, K3 fire, work environment, and K3 hazardous chemicals. The results of the research based on the HAZOP method showed that the field of work environment as well as institutions and expertise had a high level of risk. The recommendation given to minimize this risk is to conduct training on the use of Personal Protective Equipment consistently for workers. In terms of institutional and expertise, it is recommended to include forklift operators in training in order to have a recognized Operating License
Energy needs in Indonesia always increase along with population growth and industrial growth. On the other hand, the abundant availability of biomass waste, especially teak sawdust and corn cobs, encouraged researchers to find the right technique for converting biomass waste to make the waste an alternative energy source. Hydrothermal Treatment is one of the techniques for thermal biomass conversion that can convert biomass into coal-like material called hydrochar. The biomass waste is in a heterogeneous or mixed state.The purpose of this study is to obtain the optimum composition of the biomass mixture to make solid fuels using the hydrothermal treatment method and to do a regression analysis to estimate heating value based on proximate analysis. The biomass waste used in this study was teak sawdust and corn cobs powder. The results from this study are the highest yield of hydrochar in the hydrothermal treatment process of teak sawdust which is equal to 68.1% and the highest calor value in the hydrothermal treatment of biomass with the same composition which is equal to 5402 cal / gram. An equation to predict the value calor hydrochar is HHV = 0.837 (% AC) +0.152 (% VM) +0.389 (% FC) -0.022 (% WC) with an absolute error of 4.11% and a relative error of 0.28