26 research outputs found
Pupil Alignment Considerations for Large, Deployable Space Telescopes
For many optical systems the properties and alignment of the internal apertures and pupils are not critical or controlled with high precision during optical system design, fabrication or assembly. In wide angle imaging systems, for instance, the entrance pupil position and orientation is typically unconstrained and varies over the system s field of view in order to optimize image quality. Aperture tolerances usually do not receive the same amount of scrutiny as optical surface aberrations or throughput characteristics because performance degradation is typically graceful with misalignment, generally only causing a slight reduction in system sensitivity due to vignetting. But for a large deployable space-based observatory like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we have found that pupil alignment is a key parameter. For in addition to vignetting, JWST pupil errors cause uncertainty in the wavefront sensing process that is used to construct the observatory on-orbit. Furthermore they also open stray light paths that degrade the science return from some of the telescope s instrument channels. In response to these consequences, we have developed several pupil measurement techniques for the cryogenic vacuum test where JWST science instrument pupil alignment is verified. These approaches use pupil alignment references within the JWST science instruments; pupil imaging lenses in three science instrument channels; and unique pupil characterization features in the optical test equipment. This will allow us to verify and crosscheck the lateral pupil alignment of the JWST science instruments to approximately 1-2% of their pupil diameters
Diamond Machining of an Off-Axis Biconic Aspherical Mirror
Two diamond-machining methods have been developed as part of an effort to design and fabricate an off-axis, biconic ellipsoidal, concave aluminum mirror for an infrared spectrometer at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. Beyond this initial application, the methods can be expected to enable satisfaction of requirements for future instrument mirrors having increasingly complex (including asymmetrical), precise shapes that, heretofore, could not readily be fabricated by diamond machining or, in some cases, could not be fabricated at all. In the initial application, the mirror is prescribed, in terms of Cartesian coordinates x and y, by aperture dimensions of 94 by 76 mm, placements of -2 mm off axis in x and 227 mm off axis in y, an x radius of curvature of 377 mm, a y radius of curvature of 407 mm, an x conic constant of 0.078, and a y conic constant of 0.127. The aspect ratio of the mirror blank is about 6. One common, "diamond machining" process uses single-point diamond turning (SPDT). However, it is impossible to generate the required off-axis, biconic ellipsoidal shape by conventional SPDT because (1) rotational symmetry is an essential element of conventional SPDT and (2) the present off-axis biconic mirror shape lacks rotational symmetry. Following conventional practice, it would be necessary to make this mirror from a glass blank by computer-controlled polishing, which costs more than diamond machining and yields a mirror that is more difficult to mount to a metal bench. One of the two present diamond machining methods involves the use of an SPDT machine equipped with a fast tool servo (FTS). The SPDT machine is programmed to follow the rotationally symmetric asphere that best fits the desired off-axis, biconic ellipsoidal surface. The FTS is actuated in synchronism with the rotation of the SPDT machine to generate the difference between the desired surface and the best-fit rotationally symmetric asphere. In order to minimize the required stroke of the FTS, the blanks were positioned at a large off-axis distance and angle, and the axis of the FTS was not parallel to the axis of the spindle of the SPDT machine. The spindle was rotated at a speed of 120 rpm, and the maximum FTS speed was 8.2 mm/s
CGH Figure Testing of Aspherical Mirrors in Cold Vacuums
An established method of room-temperature interferometric null testing of mirrors having simple shapes (e.g., flat, spherical, or spheroidal) has been augmented to enable measurement of errors in the surface figures of off-axis, non-axisymmetric, aspherical mirrors when the mirrors are located inside cryogenic vacuum chambers. The established method involves the use of a computer-generated hologram (CGH), functionally equivalent to a traditional null lens, to modify the laser beam of an imaging interferometer to obtain a reference wavefront that matches the ideal surface figure of a mirror under test. The CGH is inserted at the appropriate position and orientation in the optical path of the imaging interferometer, which, in turn, is appropriately positioned and oriented with respect to the mirror under test. Deviations of the surface figure of the mirror from the ideal surface figure manifest themselves as interference fringes. Interferograms are recorded and analyzed to deduce figure errors
Large Stroke, Picometer Resolution Hexapod for Dynamic Mirror Positioning
Viewgraph presentation reviews the Fast Picometer Mirror mounting (FPMM) for the Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph (TPF-C). Included in the presentation are slides with an overviews of the TPF-C, the requirements of the FPMM, the selection of the materials using the ACE system, and the architecture of the FPMM
Cryogenic Pupil Alignment Test Architecture for Aberrated Pupil Images
A document describes cryogenic test architecture for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) integrated science instrument module (ISIM). The ISIM element primarily consists of a mechanical metering structure, three science instruments, and a fine guidance sensor. One of the critical optomechanical alignments is the co-registration of the optical telescope element (OTE) exit pupil with the entrance pupils of the ISIM instruments. The test architecture has been developed to verify that the ISIM element will be properly aligned with the nominal OTE exit pupil when the two elements come together. The architecture measures three of the most critical pupil degrees-of-freedom during optical testing of the ISIM element. The pupil measurement scheme makes use of specularly reflective pupil alignment references located inside the JWST instruments, ground support equipment that contains a pupil imaging module, an OTE simulator, and pupil viewing channels in two of the JWST flight instruments. Pupil alignment references (PARs) are introduced into the instrument, and their reflections are checked using the instrument's mirrors. After the pupil imaging module (PIM) captures a reflected PAR image, the image will be analyzed to determine the relative alignment offset. The instrument pupil alignment preferences are specularly reflective mirrors with non-reflective fiducials, which makes the test architecture feasible. The instrument channels have fairly large fields of view, allowing PAR tip/tilt tolerances on the order of 0.5deg
Alignment Cube with One Diffractive Face
An enhanced alignment cube has been invented for use in a confined setting (e.g., a cryogenic chamber) in which optical access may be limited to a single line of sight. Whereas traditional alignment-cube practice entails the use of two theodolites aimed along two lines of sight, the enhanced alignment cube yields complete alignment information through use of a single theodolite aimed along a single line of sight. Typically, an alignment cube is placed in contact with a datum surface or other reference feature on a scientific instrument during assembly or testing of the instrument. The alignment cube is then used in measuring a small angular deviation of the feature from a precise required orientation. Commonly, the deviation is expressed in terms of rotations (Rx,Ry,Rz) of the cube about the corresponding Cartesian axes (x,y,z). In traditional practice, in order to measure all three rotations, it is necessary to use two theodolites aimed at two orthogonal faces of the alignment cube, as shown in the upper part of the figure. To be able to perform such a measurement, one needs optical access to these two faces. In the case of an alignment cube inside a cryogenic chamber or other enclosed space, the optical-access requirement translates to a requirement for two windows located along the corresponding two orthogonal lines of sight into the chamber. In a typical application, it is difficult or impossible to provide two windows. The present enhanced version of the alignment cube makes it possible to measure all three rotations by use of a single line of sight, thereby obviating a second window
Integral Flexure Mounts for Metal Mirrors for Cryogenic Use
Semi-kinematic, six-degree-of-freedom flexure mounts have been incorporated as integral parts of metal mirrors designed to be used under cryogenic conditions as parts of an astronomical instrument. The design of the mirrors and their integral flexure mounts can also be adapted to other instruments and other operating temperatures. In comparison with prior kinematic cryogenic mirror mounts, the present mounts are more compact and can be fabricated easily using Ram-EDM (electrical discharge machining) proces
Optical Testing of Retroreflectors for Cryogenic Applications
A laser tracker (LT) is an important coordinate metrology tool that uses laser interferometry to determine precise distances to objects, points, or surfaces defined by an optical reference, such as a retroreflector. A retroreflector is a precision optic consisting of three orthogonal faces that returns an incident laser beam nearly exactly parallel to the incident beam. Commercial retroreflectors are designed for operation at room temperature and are specified by the divergence, or beam deviation, of the returning laser beam, usually a few arcseconds or less. When a retroreflector goes to extreme cold (.35 K), however, it could be anticipated that the precision alignment between the three faces and the surface figure of each face would be compromised, resulting in wavefront errors and beam divergence, degrading the accuracy of the LT position determination. Controlled tests must be done beforehand to determine survivability and these LT coordinate errors. Since conventional interferometer systems and laser trackers do not operate in vacuum or at cold temperatures, measurements must be done through a vacuum window, and care must be taken to ensure window-induced errors are negligible, or can be subtracted out. Retroreflector holders must be carefully designed to minimize thermally induced stresses. Changes in the path length and refractive index of the retroreflector have to be considered. Cryogenic vacuum testing was done on commercial solid glass retroreflectors for use on cryogenic metrology tasks. The capabilities to measure wavefront errors, measure beam deviations, and acquire laser tracker coordinate data were demonstrated. Measurable but relatively small increases in beam deviation were shown, and further tests are planned to make an accurate determination of coordinate errors
Optical Alignment of the JWST ISIM to the OTE Simulator (OSIM): Current Concept and Design Studies
The James Webb Space Telescope's (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) contains the observatory's four science instruments and their support subsystems. During alignment and test of the integrated ISIM at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the Optical'telescope element SIMulator (OSIM) will be used to optically stimulate the science instruments to verify their operation and performance. In this paper we present the design of two cryogenic alignment fixtures that will be used to determine and verify the proper alignment of OSIM to ISIM during testing at GSFC. These fixtures, the Master Alignment Target Fixture (MAW) and the ISIM Alignment Target Fixture (IATF), will provide continuous, six degree of freedom feedback to OSIM during initial ambient alignment as well as during cryogenic vacuum testing. These fixtures will allow us to position the OSIM and maintain OSIM-ISIM alignment to better than 10 microns in translation and 250 micro-radians in rotation. We will provide a brief overview of the OSIM system and calibration and we will also discuss the relevance of these fixtures in the context of the overall ISIM alignment and verification plan
Photospheric Abundances of the Hot Stars in NGC1399 and Limits on the Fornax Cluster Cooling Flow
We present far-UV spectroscopy of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1399,
obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. Of all quiescent
ellipticals, NGC 1399 has the strongest known ``UV upturn'' -- a sharp spectral
rise shortward of 2500 A. It is now well-established that this emission comes
from hot horizontal branch (HB) stars and their progeny; however, the chemical
composition of these stars has been the subject of a long-standing debate. For
the first time in observations of any elliptical galaxy, our spectra clearly
show photospheric metallic absorption lines within the UV upturn. The abundance
of N is at 45% solar, Si is at 13% solar, and C is at 2% solar. Such abundance
anomalies are a natural consequence of gravitational diffusion. These
photospheric abundances fall in the range observed for subdwarf B stars of the
Galactic field.
Although NGC1399 is at the center of the Fornax cluster, we find no evidence
for O VI cooling flow emission. The upper limit to 1032,1038 emission is
3.9E-15 erg/s/cm2, equivalent to 0.14 M_sun/yr, and less than that predicted by
simple cooling flow models of the NGC 1399 X-ray luminosity.Comment: 4 pages, Latex. 2 figures. Uses corrected version of emulateapj.sty
and apjfonts.sty (included). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Revised
figure placemen