116 research outputs found
An evaluation of the Goddard Space Flight Center Library
The character and degree of coincidence between the current and future missions, programs, and projects of the Goddard Space Flight Center and the current and future collection, services, and facilities of its library were determined from structured interviews and discussions with various classes of facility personnel. In addition to the tabulation and interpretation of the data from the structured interview survey, five types of statistical analyses were performed to corroborate (or contradict) the survey results and to produce useful information not readily attainable through survey material. Conclusions reached regarding compatability between needs and holdings, services and buildings, library hours of operation, methods of early detection and anticipation of changing holdings requirements, and the impact of near future programs are presented along with a list of statistics needing collection, organization, and interpretation on a continuing or longitudinal basis
Animal By-Product Processing
Preface. -- Chapter 1. Introduction to animal by-product processing.-- Chapter 2. Edible meat by-products. -- Chapter 3. Rendering. -- Chapter 4. Hide and skin by-products. -- Chapter 5. Glue and gelatine. -- Chapter 6. Edible tissue from bone. -- Chapter 7. Medicinal and pharmaceutical uses of by-products. -- Chapter 8. Sausage containers. -- Chapter 9. Blood utilization. -- Chapter 10. Pet or exotic animal food. -- Chapter 11. Sea food by-products. -- Chapter 12. Poultry by-products. -- Chapter 13. Animal processing waste disposal, reduction and utilization. -- Index
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of oligomannosidic n glycans in alpha-mannosidosis: a method of monitoring treatment
In Alpha-mannosidosis (MIM 248500) the patients accumulate mainly unbranched oligosaccharide chains in the lysosomes in all body tissues, including the brain. With ensuing therapeutic modalities in man (BMT and ERT) non-invasive methods of monitoring the effect of treatment are needed. Paramount is the possible effect of the treatment on the brain, since this organ is regarded as difficult to reach because of the blood-brain barrier. We therefore performed proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the brain in two untreated patients, and a 16-year-old patient treated with BMT at the age of 10 to assess whether this non-invasive method could be applied in the monitoring of the accumulation of abnormal chemicals in the brain of patients. We found an abnormal peak that was not present in the treated patient. A similar pattern was also found in MRS of urine from patients, reflecting the concentration of oligosaccharides in serum and tissues. We therefore conclude that MRS can be a useful method to monitor the effect of treatment for Alpha-Mannosidosis
Analysis of urinary oligosaccharides in lysosomal storage disorders by capillary high-performance anion-exchange chromatography–mass spectrometry
Many lysosomal storage diseases are characterized by an increased urinary excretion of glycoconjugates and oligosaccharides that are characteristic for the underlying enzymatic defect. Here, we have used capillary high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) hyphenated to mass spectrometry to analyze free oligosaccharides from urine samples of patients suffering from the lysosomal storage disorders fucosidosis, α-mannosidosis, GM1-gangliosidosis, GM2-gangliosidosis, and sialidosis. Glycan fingerprints were registered, and the patterns of accumulated oligosaccharides were found to reflect the specific blockages of the catabolic pathway. Our analytical approach allowed structural analysis of the excreted oligosaccharides and revealed several previously unpublished oligosaccharides. In conclusion, using online coupling of HPAEC with mass spectrometric detection, our study provides characteristic urinary oligosaccharide fingerprints with diagnostic potential for lysosomal storage disorders
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