68 research outputs found
United States electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) test-bed project : system requirements specification
In 1989 the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted a provisional performance Standard for ECDIS (MSC/Circ. 515). This standard defines an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) that is the legal equivalent of a paper chart, and that fulfills the requirement imposed on all vessels (reg. V /20 of SOLAS
1974) to carry up-to-date nautical charts covering intended voyages.
The U.S. Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) Test-Bed Project responds to the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) call to member states to evaluate its Provisional Performance Standards for ECDIS. The central objective of
the ECDIS Test-Bed Project is to assemble an experimental ECDIS unit that meets or exceeds the IMO standard, for evaluation on
ships at sea. The first part of the project focussed on translating the IMO Provisional Performance Standard into an ECDIS system
requirement specification, describing in an engineering context what an ECDIS must do to meet the standard. This task began with
a document written by Mr. Mortimer Rogoff, of Digital Directions Co., and was carried to full detail and documentation by Ms.
Carolyn K. Ocel and Mr. David J. Scott, of Intergraph Corporation. Their work was reviewed by members of the Consultative
Group, the advisory body to our Project. The result of this process is contained in this report.
Details of this ECDIS System Requirement Specification (SRS) will no doubt be disputed as ambiguities, inherent contradictions, and the different priorities of various interested parties become manifest. This is an expected part of the standard setting process and we welcome itFunding was provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, the American Petroleum Institute, American
Telephone and Telegraph, Exxon Shipping Company, and the Marine Spill Response
Corporation. In-kind contributions are coming from the National Ocean Service (NOAA),
Raytheon Marine Company, RACAL Marine Electronics, Ltd., COMSAT Maritime Servces,
and American President Lines
First metatarsophalangeal hemiarthroplasty for hallux rigidus
There is a paucity of objective information in the literature about first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) hemiarthroplasty. The authors postulate that it is a reasonable treatment option for severe hallux rigidus in selected patients. Twenty-two elective first MTP hemiarthroplasties were performed on 20 patients that met the inclusion criteria. Pre- and postoperative evaluations were done using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) forefoot score, visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score, range of motion (ROM) measurements, and radiographs. Average ROM and dorsiflexion improved by 15° and 8°, respectively. VAS pain scores improved from 5 to 2.5 after six weeks. Painless ambulation occurred after six weeks, with maximum improvement by six months. After 24 months, two patients had pain at the surgical site interfering with function, leading to an unsatisfactory result that required conversion to arthrodesis. First MTP hemiarthroplasty for severe hallux rigidus can be considered an alternative to fusion in properly selected patients who wish to maintain a functional range of motion
Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Link Slab Design Example
693JJ319D000055/ 693JJ320F000186This report explains the fundamental concepts behind and provides the design calculations for an ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) link slab. In this design example, an existing four-span, steel simple-span composite bridge containing traditional expansion joints is used as the base structure. The example steps through the process of designing link slabs that will replace the three interior expansion joints on the bridge. Construction details for the existing structure and link slab design are provided. Calculations are provided to determine the longitudinal horizontal loads for the structure to evaluate the effect of the link slabs on the existing substructure and foundation elements. The redesign of the bearings is also included
The Tale of a Rube Goldberg
Due to Covid-19 plans were changed quite quickly and unexpectedly. The resulting Rube Goldberg machine is something I am proud of. It lasted around 13 seconds and traveled a fair distance. The completion of the Rube Goldberg resulted in the pouring of a nice bowl of pretzels which i would say is a win for everyone! Overall, this was a great experience and I learned a lot about the Engineering process of learning from failures to find greater success! Aim high and think creatively!
Cyclic behavior of steel beam-column connections with shape memory alloy connecting elements
M.S.Roberto T. Leo
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Volatile Organic Compound Production in Synechococcus WH8102
High-resolution mass spectrometry was used to measure a range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in real time as they were produced by the ubiquitous marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 during a 24-hour light/dark cycle. Ethenone, acetaldehyde, ethanol, isoprene, acetic acid, dimethyl sulfide (DMS), acetone, phenol, and several as-yet unidentified compounds were measured in higher concentration in live cultures than in azide-killed cultures or sterile artificial seawater. Several compounds were found in higher concentration in the daylight part of the diel cycle than in the night, suggesting VOCs are produced during active photosynthesis
Визначення взаємозв'язку між способом життя споживачів та їх імпульсивними покупками
Основна мета цього дослідження полягає у дослідженні характуру зв’язку між стилем життя споживачів
та їх імпульсивною купівельною поведінкою. Враховуючи жорстку конкуренцію між підприємствами,
низка маркетингових стратегій зосереджена на культивації імпульсивних рішень при купівлі товарів.
Об'єктом дослідження є споживачі міста Дюздже (Туреччина), яке має розвинену промисловість.
Використовуючи метод цілеспрямованої вибірки, було охоплено понад 500 респондентів, яким було надано
коротку інформацію про дослідження, і врешті 394 було відібрано для дослідження. Для перевірки
висунутих гіпотез дослідження авторами використано аналіз частотного розподілу, факторний та
кореляційно-регресійний аналіз, а також t-тест та ANOVA-моделювання. За результатами частотного
розподілу зроблено висновок, що 63% респондентів заздалегідь підготували перелік потреб перед походом
за покупками, 80% – придбали непотрібні продукти і визначили свій стиль життя переважно як
організатори та інноватори. За результатами факторного аналізу виділено сім факторів, пов'язаних зі
стилем життя: досвідчений, прагне до нового, творець, віруючий, успішний, повстанці і борець. Відповідно
до результатів кореляційного аналізу виявлено значущі та позитивні зв’язки між усіма під вимірами стилю
життя споживачів та їх імпульсивною купівельною поведінкою. Найвищу кореляцію виявлено між борцями
та повстанцями та їх імпульсивною купівельною поведінкою. Згідно з результатами регресійного аналізу
виявлено, що для досвідчених, борців та повстанців параметри, що описують стиль життя мали значний
позитивний вплив на імпульсивну купівельну поведінку споживачів. Відповідно до результатів виявлено,
що жінки більше приділяють уваги стилю життя ніж чоловіки. Крім того, встановлено статистично значущу
різницю у сприйнятті стилю життя між одруженими та неодруженими чоловіками. Обґрунтовано, що
випускники середньої школи більш позитивно сприймають імпульсивну купівельну поведінку ніж інші, і
ті, хто складає списки потреб.The main purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a relationship between impulse
purchasing behaviour and lifestyle. It is necessary to understand the lifestyle types of consumers, who are
heavily influenced by the sales and communication activities implemented by businesses and are inclined to
engage in impulse purchasing behaviour. Impulse purchasing is encouraged in consideration of the tough
competition between businesses. The population of the research is Duzce, which is one of the provinces that
best represents Turkey due to its cosmopolitan structure and developed industry. More than 500 individuals
were reached by employing the purposeful sampling method, and brief information about the research was
given to them. Finally, 394 of them who had full knowledge of the subject were selected for the study.
Frequency distribution, factor, correlation, regression, t test and ANOVA tests were applied to the obtained
data. According to the frequency distribution results, the participants generally had prepared a list of needs
(63%), purchased products that were not needed (80%), and defined themselves mostly as organizers, citizens
and innovators. Based on the results of factor analysis, seven factors related to lifestyle emerged. These are
the experiencers, strives, makers, believers, innovators, achievers, and survivors. A single factor has emerged
in the impulse purchasing behaviour. According to the results of the correlation analysis, significant and
positive relationships emerged between all subdimensions of lifestyle and impulse purchasing behaviour. The
highest correlation was found between survivors and insurgent to impulse purchasing behaviour. Regarding
the results of the regression analysis, it was concluded that the survivors, experiencers, and insurgent
individuals under the lifestyle subdimensions had a significant and positive effect on impulse purchasing
behaviour. According to the difference analysis, it has been revealed that lifestyle-oriented females have a
more positive perception than males, singles than married, those who prepare a list of needs than those who
do not, those with high incomes than those with low incomes, and middle-age groups than other groups. It
has also been revealed that private sector employees had a more positive perception than those who were
self-employed, unemployed, students and other professional groups. In the dimension of impulse purchasing
behaviour, it was concluded that secondary school graduates had a more positive perception than the others
and those who prepare need lists compared to those who do not prepare need lists. When the results are
evaluated, it can be concluded that the lifestyle types that have the most impact on impulse purchasing
behaviour are those who are strives, survivors, and experiencers
The Effect of Health News Perception on the Image of Healthcare Professionals
The primary aim of this study is to examine the effect of health news perception on the image of health workers. To achieve this objective, 400 people from the population of Sakarya province were surveyed using a questionnaire. Frequency, factor and regression analyzes were applied to the obtained data. After conducting frequency analysis, it was determined that the internet, physician, TV and social media were the primary sources of health information available. According to the results of the factor analysis, the prominent issues regarding the perception of health news are health news perception dimensions, orientation to consumption, commercial concern and advertisement, abuse of health behavior, belief in health news, and behavior change. According to the factor analysis of health workers' image, the identified dimensions are the positive perception of health worker conduct, the negative perception of health worker conduct, the health worker's communication with the patient, the health worker's thought of financial gain, and the health worker's perceived status. Through the regression analysis, it was concluded that the dimensions of health news perception had an effect on the image of health workers
Adaptation of the Slow Component of VO 2 Following 6 wk of High or Low Intensity Exercise Training By Jeffrey Vincent Ocel
Eighteen untrained males [age: 23 + 0.6 yr. (SEM)] were randomized into high intensity (HIT: above lactate threshold, LT), moderate intensity (LIT: below the LT) or no training (NT) groups
Sleep and Physical Performance: A Case Study of Collegiate Women’s Division 1 Basketball Players
In this work, we present a case study to evaluate the connections between sleep, training load, and the perceptions of physical/emotional state of a collegiate, division 1 Women’s basketball team. The study took place during the off- (3 weeks) and pre-season (6 weeks) while sleep was tracked using WHOOP wearable straps. Training load was recorded by the strength coach and athletes. Short Recovery and Short Stress (SRSS) questionnaire was used to evaluate the perceptions of athletes on their own emotional and physical states. Our results showed that heart rate measurements are associated with stress levels and recovery perception. We also discovered that the training load was not linked to the sleep variables without the considerations of athletic performance. However, training load may alter perceived stress and recovery which requires further exploration
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