21 research outputs found
3D-XY critical fluctuations of the thermal expansivity in detwinned YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals near optimal doping
The strong coupling of superconductivity to the orthorhombic distortion in
YBa2Cu3O7-d makes possible an analysis of the superconducting fluctuations
without the necessity of subtracting any background. The present
high-resolution capacitance dilatometry data unambiguously demonstrate the
existence of critical, instead of Gaussian, fluctuations over a wide
temperature region (+/- 10 K) around Tc. The values of the amplitude ratio
A+/A-=0.9-1.1 and the leading scaling exponent |alpha|<0.018, determined via a
least-squares fit of the data, are consistent with the 3D-XY universality
class. Small deviations from pure 3D-XY behavior are discussed.Comment: 11 pages including three figure
The Effect of Chemical Doping and Hydrostatic Pressure on Tc of Y1-yCayBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystals
We performed susceptibility measurements on Y1-yCayBa2Cu3Ox single crystals
under high He pressure. For each Ca content various samples with different
oxygen contents have been prepared to probe the influence of Ca on Tc(x),
dTc/dp(x) and Tc,max. Starting from the parabolic Tc(nh) behavior we calculated
nh values from Tc and Tc,max for each sample. It is shown that in the overdoped
region dTc/dp can be described by a pressure induced charge transfer with
dnh/dp = 3.7E-3 [1/GPa] and a dTc,max/dp value of 0.8 K/GPa, irrespective of
the Ca content. In the underdoped region additional pressure effects lead to a
peak in dTc/dp at approximately 0.11 holes/CuO2 plane. However, with increasing
Ca content this peak is strongly depressed. This is explained in terms of an
increasing disorder in the CuO chain system due to doping. Deviations in dTc/dp
at very low nh values can be assigned to the ortho II ordering in the CuO chain
system.Comment: 13 pages with 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physica
DIFFERENT user reaction and efficient DIFFERENTiation of charges and tolls - Summary and conclusions Deliverable D11.1
DIFFERENT user reaction and efficient DIFFERENTiation of charges and tolls - Summary and conclusions Deliverable D11.1
DIFFERENT user reaction and efficient DIFFERENTiation of charges and tolls - psychological constraints of user reactions towards Differentiated charging; evaluation and recommendations Deliverable D4.2
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010: Tagungsband â 13. und 14. MĂ€rz 2010
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage fanden am 13. und 14. MĂ€rz 2010 auf dem
Campus der Technischen UniversitÀt Chemnitz statt. Neben den PrÀsentationen
im Foyer zogen vor allem die VortrĂ€ge ĂŒber 2500 Besucher zur 12. Auflage
der Veranstaltung.
Der Band vereint den Inhalt von 15 HauptvortrÀgen und die Abstrakts von
76 weiteren BeitrĂ€gen und stellt damit einen Ăberblick ĂŒber das weit
gefÀcherte Programm der Veranstaltung dar.The Chemnitz Linux Days took place at the campus of the Chemnitz University
of Technology. Besides the presentations at the foyer the lectures were
first of all attractive for more than 2.500 visitors.
This volume contains the content of 15 main lectures and abstracts of 76
further talks and hence gives a survey of the broadly based program
of this event
Bulletin der Deutschen Slavistik 14.2008
Bulletin des Deutschen Slavistenverbandes 14, 200